today i actually woke up 6 am in the morning..
went to taylors besides wanna take transcript.. also to teman yin to sneak into the unisa orientation and lepak in subang.. hahah!! coz we are really bored and rotting like shit!!
and of course the MAIN PURPOSE IS TO meet up with mich ja ju kim suz and xinyi and the others lah!!!! about 1 month din see them d mah!
purposely don't want to tel them.. so that can tipu them mah!! hahaha!!!
besides... give a little surprise lor... =)
early on my way up to college, we nearly meet with an accident on federal highway.. actually not nearly BUT already..
in the car was me, sueanne, joe and eugene's driving..
actually was the 2nd time already because the 1st time was joe, he worst, he drift his car..
eugene was only driving 100km/j.. and dunno why suddenly the car 2nd in front jus stopped.. i mean is immediate brake.. very very luckily eugene drove carefully and was driving quite a distance from the car in front..
and very very luckily the car in front of us quickly drove to the side, if not seriouslly our car will jus crash and i dun think our car's enjin and front part is totally gone.. OMG!!
but luckily just a scratch only...
the loud brake sound and the smoke from our car's tyre really freak me out!!!
i tel u, if the car in front didn't "siam".. sure GG ah!! maybe now blogging in hospital.. *touchwood*
ok, "amazing"end of story...
breakfast mamak with the same usual ppl... roti telurrrrrrr!!!!
me, yin, fran, fiona, joe, eugene, hong, jason, sam, louis and his fren... kelvin cant join coz he woke up late *tsk* *tsk*
me and yin curi curi sneak into LT1.. hahahaha!!!!! easy job!!
sat wif frances they all on the 1st half...
sat wif my lovely frens of point 3 and the others on the 2nd half..
but i got to noe new frens.. so worth it lah!
melarikan diri after 2nd half... yes...
pool wif fiona in a.c
den wait for VIP for almost 2 frigging hour,
clothes is full of smell of the mixture of every stall in a.c.. it jus smell soooo good
after that the VIP arrive, not for 2 minute, jason called, and then say bye bye..
jesus christ!!! i m a totally PATHETIC!!!!
and one more thing, i walk UNDER THE RAIN to tbs, jus to take my transcript...
and then suddenly i saw a notice there saying that TODAY it is closed from 2pm!!!
wtFFFFFFFFF!!!! if i came just for the transcipt... i will!!! erghhhh!!!!!!!!
after, i did TALK on the car..
so, i said go movie, den reach jusco, sudden change of mind,
end up talking our secondary lives in nyonya colours...
with frances and jason.. until like 5..
den ciaozzzzzz...
my blog is full of WORDS!!! OMG!!
i m a frigging pathetic little gurl!!!!!!!! I M P A T H E T I C!!! total L O S E R!!!!!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
C h a p t e r 70
hey yoz people.. i just finish my supp stats paper a few hours ago..
yesterday night was like people like me would not want to end..
geez..i was awake until 4 a.m in the morning.. and i actually wake up 7 in the morning..
after the test... i was like really mourning... for my stats paper... oh god.. plzz.. let me pass my paper.. i cannot resist any more 'surprises' .. i will GG for sure...
after the test, went a.c yum cha in a.c with ron, fuu yi, joey and gurl, nick, sherryn and her friend.. and all of us jus ordered "shuit cha".. hahah!!! ice chinese tea!!!!
because all of us are damn broke coz all our allowance are being cut cut cut!!!!
haizzzz... life is so suck for us... bst worst still!!!
dun wanna talk bout it, i will just pray everyday to all kinds of god so that i can pass this pathetic paper..
suddenly we talk about TBF and TBS.. joey came up with a very stupid name...
erk!! damn zha dou!! den i jus add this two sentences 2gather into
"we are studying THE BEST SCHOOL and taking THE BEST FOUNDATION"
HAHAHA!!! i think we really should be proud to be a TAYLORIAN!! ok...hahahah!!!
was yum cha-ing half way then my aunt call saying that she need my car, omg!! and my sis called and say ask me go fetch my bro from skol!!!
y today????!!!
i was planning to makan with mich lee and melinda!!! omg!!! after that go watch movie!!!!
everything got to be canceled and went home at 12.05pm... in the early afternoon... goddd!!! this is the 1st time i came home from the subang this early!!! seriously the 1st time!!!
on my way back, then i received a call, my aunt saying that she needs the car at 4pm.. 4pm!!!!!!
coz she cancel her appointment d... !!!!!!!!!!
omg lah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then, my bro suddenly came back wif my another aunt saying that he can come back early today.... wtf!!!!!!!
means i am not borrowing my car to my aunt until 4pm!!
and i don't need to fetch my bro!!!
i'm trapped!! at home!!! oh lorddddddd!!!!!
now, i m all alone at home.. dunno wat to do... and i have ntg to do!!!!
and i'm blogging for no reason!! jus to waste time until i think of what to do!!!!
now i shuld be eating and watching movie, enjoying myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shit lah!!!!! like that also can ah!!!!
waloooo eh!!!!!!!
OK.. here is a pic where at 1st i was very confused what was that, and have no idea on what is that... after i actually found out... i was damn dumb!!!
and guess what
the "thing " that i thought was ME!!!!
yesterday night was like people like me would not want to end..
geez..i was awake until 4 a.m in the morning.. and i actually wake up 7 in the morning..
after the test... i was like really mourning... for my stats paper... oh god.. plzz.. let me pass my paper.. i cannot resist any more 'surprises' .. i will GG for sure...
after the test, went a.c yum cha in a.c with ron, fuu yi, joey and gurl, nick, sherryn and her friend.. and all of us jus ordered "shuit cha".. hahah!!! ice chinese tea!!!!
because all of us are damn broke coz all our allowance are being cut cut cut!!!!
haizzzz... life is so suck for us... bst worst still!!!
dun wanna talk bout it, i will just pray everyday to all kinds of god so that i can pass this pathetic paper..
suddenly we talk about TBF and TBS.. joey came up with a very stupid name...
TBS- The Best School
TBF- The Best Foundation
erk!! damn zha dou!! den i jus add this two sentences 2gather into
"we are studying THE BEST SCHOOL and taking THE BEST FOUNDATION"
HAHAHA!!! i think we really should be proud to be a TAYLORIAN!! ok...hahahah!!!
was yum cha-ing half way then my aunt call saying that she need my car, omg!! and my sis called and say ask me go fetch my bro from skol!!!
y today????!!!
i was planning to makan with mich lee and melinda!!! omg!!! after that go watch movie!!!!
everything got to be canceled and went home at 12.05pm... in the early afternoon... goddd!!! this is the 1st time i came home from the subang this early!!! seriously the 1st time!!!
on my way back, then i received a call, my aunt saying that she needs the car at 4pm.. 4pm!!!!!!
coz she cancel her appointment d... !!!!!!!!!!
omg lah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then, my bro suddenly came back wif my another aunt saying that he can come back early today.... wtf!!!!!!!
means i am not borrowing my car to my aunt until 4pm!!
and i don't need to fetch my bro!!!
i'm trapped!! at home!!! oh lorddddddd!!!!!
now, i m all alone at home.. dunno wat to do... and i have ntg to do!!!!
and i'm blogging for no reason!! jus to waste time until i think of what to do!!!!
now i shuld be eating and watching movie, enjoying myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shit lah!!!!! like that also can ah!!!!
waloooo eh!!!!!!!
OK.. here is a pic where at 1st i was very confused what was that, and have no idea on what is that... after i actually found out... i was damn dumb!!!
the "thing " that i thought was ME!!!!
it was taken in MY ROOM in MY BED!!!!
she put her blanket on my head.. and don't even realise.... geeeez!
o m g!! joanne took this pic when i was very sound asleeeeeeeeeeep!!!!!
ergh!! she woke up 1st... coz i darn tired.. sleeping like a pig!!!! coz we went velvet... came back at 4 in the morning... i also did not thought that she would wake up earlier than me...
i feel damn stupid when only i seriously look at the pic..
hahahahah!!! funny... stupid... and i'm *speechless*
she put her blanket on my head.. and don't even realise.... geeeez!
o m g!! joanne took this pic when i was very sound asleeeeeeeeeeep!!!!!
ergh!! she woke up 1st... coz i darn tired.. sleeping like a pig!!!! coz we went velvet... came back at 4 in the morning... i also did not thought that she would wake up earlier than me...
i feel damn stupid when only i seriously look at the pic..
hahahahah!!! funny... stupid... and i'm *speechless*
Sunday, February 24, 2008
C h a p t e r 69
stress+ worry + sad +depress +confused +emo +bored +furious +lonely +pissed +tired +sick
= mental abuse + hysterical
hmm.. people plz wish me luck for my stats paper tomorrow...
hmm.. people plz pray for me that i can pass this stats paper...
today, when u watch a tv programme, "a date with lu yu" and they actually visited and interviewed LYDIA SUM.. and i actually grieved for her lost.. because she said a lot of things from the depth of her heart, i saw her really slim down due to her battle against cancer..
there is 2 sentence she said
her sentence is really touching and sad because now she had already went back to the hands of god.. ya,i mean.. it is very true that we actually grow up watching her shows and movies.. the best of every part is that her laughter is very 'her'
its her own style.. no one can laugh as loud and as contagious as her..
its quite saddening and quite sudden for her to pass away and i really pity her daughter coz now she is alone in this world.. as what her mum had said before that..
she had not some spend much time with her daughter and she loved her daughter very much..
she also told that the max number of times she call her daughter in Canada was 11 times a day!!! hahaha!!! that is too much!!
her optimistic view on eveything was fantastic, although she was sick but the interview was great.. i mean interesting, as in you would want to know more about her and want to know more, she has also said a lot of meaningful words and sentences that.. it is very very true... *sobs*
plus, she also said
but really can see that she really loved her daughter and i think every Chinese people will grieve for her departure.. coz she is always the "happy fruit" in every one's heart.... her death is a really great lost to the entertainment industry and the Chinese people..
= mental abuse + hysterical
hmm.. people plz wish me luck for my stats paper tomorrow...
hmm.. people plz pray for me that i can pass this stats paper...
today, when u watch a tv programme, "a date with lu yu" and they actually visited and interviewed LYDIA SUM.. and i actually grieved for her lost.. because she said a lot of things from the depth of her heart, i saw her really slim down due to her battle against cancer..
there is 2 sentence she said
"i will fight the sickness till the end, what i can do now is take care of my own body, and i just have to leave everything to the doctors because i can now only relay on them"
"i will make sure i survive and will fight till the end because i want to see my daughter published her 1st album, i want to watch my daughter get married... i want to see it on my own and i want to be there for her"
her sentence is really touching and sad because now she had already went back to the hands of god.. ya,i mean.. it is very true that we actually grow up watching her shows and movies.. the best of every part is that her laughter is very 'her'
its her own style.. no one can laugh as loud and as contagious as her..
its quite saddening and quite sudden for her to pass away and i really pity her daughter coz now she is alone in this world.. as what her mum had said before that..
she had not some spend much time with her daughter and she loved her daughter very much..
she also told that the max number of times she call her daughter in Canada was 11 times a day!!! hahaha!!! that is too much!!
her optimistic view on eveything was fantastic, although she was sick but the interview was great.. i mean interesting, as in you would want to know more about her and want to know more, she has also said a lot of meaningful words and sentences that.. it is very very true... *sobs*
plus, she also said
"i am fat, i have no prefect bodyline, i am not as pretty as the others but i will not feel ashamed of it because every person is beautiful in its own unique way, no matter u are fat or slim, u are beatiful"
but really can see that she really loved her daughter and i think every Chinese people will grieve for her departure.. coz she is always the "happy fruit" in every one's heart.... her death is a really great lost to the entertainment industry and the Chinese people..
Friday, February 22, 2008
C h a p t e r 68
well, today i suppose to meet ms. jaya.. but apparently i woke up quite late...
so naik subang to meet xin yi and suzanne they all...
had lunch with them and suzanne's dad in uncle seng.. hahaha!!! thnx for the lunch uncle!!! heheheh!!!!
later we went starBUCKS to BUCK up my studies on stats... haiz.. like biasa la.. no mood.. but stilll got do a bit lo..
den chit chat for a while... got ajak mic.. but she very busy... so nvrmind la... *peace*
later went old town makan a bit.. den balik!!!
at 7o clock, went to 'that' college to listen to the talk on ECU.. well probably what the ppl dere talks about what is already been written on the brochure.. quite bored..
and so patheticly only about 10 person attend... yiks!!
ok.. got sumthing at least coz answer some question and got a lucky draw, and i tel u wat i got..
i got and HELP T-SHIRT!!!! wtf!!!!! erk!!!! and pencil and pens and blah blah blah...
1 word.. lousy.. real lousy gifts...
today i feel down in front of foh foh.. and there's a big group of ppl..
freaking malu!!! ergh!!
YES to uce or NO to uce...
very fan ah!!
so naik subang to meet xin yi and suzanne they all...
had lunch with them and suzanne's dad in uncle seng.. hahaha!!! thnx for the lunch uncle!!! heheheh!!!!
later we went starBUCKS to BUCK up my studies on stats... haiz.. like biasa la.. no mood.. but stilll got do a bit lo..
den chit chat for a while... got ajak mic.. but she very busy... so nvrmind la... *peace*
later went old town makan a bit.. den balik!!!
at 7o clock, went to 'that' college to listen to the talk on ECU.. well probably what the ppl dere talks about what is already been written on the brochure.. quite bored..
and so patheticly only about 10 person attend... yiks!!
ok.. got sumthing at least coz answer some question and got a lucky draw, and i tel u wat i got..
i got and HELP T-SHIRT!!!! wtf!!!!! erk!!!! and pencil and pens and blah blah blah...
1 word.. lousy.. real lousy gifts...
today i feel down in front of foh foh.. and there's a big group of ppl..
freaking malu!!! ergh!!
YES to uce or NO to uce...
very fan ah!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
C h a p t e r 67
after much discussion.. finally made up "half" of my mind.. coz i still have doubt on it..
whether to go into Help.. going into Edith Cowan University which is located in Perth, Western Australia..
i think most of the people might not know this uni.. and the ranking of this uni is not as "high" as unisa..
the good thing of going into HICT is that besides saving tons of money, and this time they offered a Help Trust Saving Fund.. that is i can go into any uni offered in that college itself for only rm33,000, and this 33k is for 3 years of my degree.. its normal fee is like 57k or more jus a few k difference from unisa..
-and coming back to my own 'territory'..
-will be seeing my very old frens...
-meeting.. also my old frens.. but seriously different 'channels' *sigh*
-my hse to that coll is like from pangsapuri to main campus.. maybe jus further a bit
-the area of that coll is like only 1 pathetic 1 floor!! but the compound is much bigger that adp..
-lots of parking
-no one to pull ur car away
-rm1 for whole day parking or u even don't need to pay... and its under shade..
-u only need rm5 to have a satisfying meal
-its 'my' area... i'm the boss!!!! haha.. joking...
-same old ppl and same old enviroment...
-don't really know the quality of the lecturers..
i really wanted to stay back and go into unisa.. of course the main thing is i can be with my friends again and.. it offer internship for the last few sem.. and of course.. subang is the centre point of everywhere... u noe wat i mean... of course.. unisa and uce.. of course unisa ranking is higher.. of course.. when that is the place u started.. that will be ur main choice of u staying back..
here got everything.. except foosball.. and i dun really play anyway..
i really doubt that i will be happy here in ECU, duno why...
maybe bcoz... "my place" is not here... *sigh*
gotta start studying my stats, 2morow and friday going to tcher's consultation hour..
langsung tiada mood nak start... but i dun wan gg leh...
will push myself...
hmm... nowadays i've been addicted to AMERICAM IDOL!!! AND AMERICA'S GOT TALENT!!
i tel u... nowdays i really have insomia.. and the coughing jus make me have sleepless night!!
omg!!! but the worst is.. i've been onlining like an owl who don't sleep at nite..
my mom everyday complain and nag like shit!
and my mum had to ask my sis to take the modem away!!!!
fuck fuck fuck!!!
hate this hse more than anywhere else!
whether to go into Help.. going into Edith Cowan University which is located in Perth, Western Australia..
i think most of the people might not know this uni.. and the ranking of this uni is not as "high" as unisa..
the good thing of going into HICT is that besides saving tons of money, and this time they offered a Help Trust Saving Fund.. that is i can go into any uni offered in that college itself for only rm33,000, and this 33k is for 3 years of my degree.. its normal fee is like 57k or more jus a few k difference from unisa..
-and coming back to my own 'territory'..
-will be seeing my very old frens...
-meeting.. also my old frens.. but seriously different 'channels' *sigh*
-my hse to that coll is like from pangsapuri to main campus.. maybe jus further a bit
-the area of that coll is like only 1 pathetic 1 floor!! but the compound is much bigger that adp..
-lots of parking
-no one to pull ur car away
-rm1 for whole day parking or u even don't need to pay... and its under shade..
-u only need rm5 to have a satisfying meal
-its 'my' area... i'm the boss!!!! haha.. joking...
-same old ppl and same old enviroment...
-don't really know the quality of the lecturers..
i really wanted to stay back and go into unisa.. of course the main thing is i can be with my friends again and.. it offer internship for the last few sem.. and of course.. subang is the centre point of everywhere... u noe wat i mean... of course.. unisa and uce.. of course unisa ranking is higher.. of course.. when that is the place u started.. that will be ur main choice of u staying back..
here got everything.. except foosball.. and i dun really play anyway..
i really doubt that i will be happy here in ECU, duno why...
maybe bcoz... "my place" is not here... *sigh*
gotta start studying my stats, 2morow and friday going to tcher's consultation hour..
langsung tiada mood nak start... but i dun wan gg leh...
will push myself...
hmm... nowadays i've been addicted to AMERICAM IDOL!!! AND AMERICA'S GOT TALENT!!
i tel u... nowdays i really have insomia.. and the coughing jus make me have sleepless night!!
omg!!! but the worst is.. i've been onlining like an owl who don't sleep at nite..
my mom everyday complain and nag like shit!
and my mum had to ask my sis to take the modem away!!!!
fuck fuck fuck!!!
hate this hse more than anywhere else!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
home alone
1st DAY..
my mum and my brothers left the house at 5.30 in the morning..
so don't know i wake up very early also.. at about 11oclock...
mum jus say don't mess up the house and make sure the house is clean when she's back...
dad went to work.. din ta pao food for me... but he left a bunch of dirty dishes for me..
my uncle left me his dog to be taken care of... and it is currently sick...
then i continued my sleeeeeeep!!
after that... i make myself japanese tako and mushroom soup for brunch...
at nite... i have maggi mee dinner... geezz
din take all those junk food coz.. having bad sorethroat..
well i did really take 8 cups of warm water to make me comfortable..
although i m alone... but i did enjoy the peacefulness.. i mean i had to do everything on my own..
but.. its not that bad, coz its not the 1st time mah.. anyway...
i can online whenever i want..
i can watch the tv as long as i want..
i can sleep on the sofa sambil watch movie and nobody cares!!
i can sleep until what time i like with no one to off!! my aircond!!!
i can on the radio as loud as i like..
i can any where i want...
the best is... there is only my voice, no others.. haahaa!!
2nd DAY
woke up about 1pm... as usual fed the dog.. den went lunch with gene.. suppose to watch movie but at last we end up in jia wei's place.. haha!!! chit and chat bout our secondary life until dinner time..
as usual..went steamboat... along with loong, leo and kai..
hmmm... we are full.. meals satisfying... laugh till the end... quite cheap.. only 16per person and suddenly pulak loong and kai ajak go barcelona....
its still early and all of us are bored so we went there and have a few rounds of drinks...
we ajak tong, yeh and leong also.. so 6 of us at first.. reach there.. drink. quite sian also..
the songs has never updated... boring!!!
more and more ppl coming in.. hot gurls.. but no cute guys... boring!!!
my fren's fren came.. means more ppl.. but all "seafood".... more boring!!!!!!!
15 ppl there.. and i knew only 5 ppl.. oh god!!! jus sit there... drink drink drink..... sienzzzz!!!!!!
all we do there is sit, drink, watch football... went back quite early.. at 2sumthing...
whole body is so "sweeet" coz they drunken "prawns" keep pouring their drinks!! shit!!
and superb "smoke" smelly!!! yuck!!
3rd DAY
woke up at "my" time also...
dad din ta pao also... had mushy soup also... erk!!
last day of my "peace day"
ate maggi mee again... quite jelak d..
hmmm... dinner in mamak... there goes today...
tomorrow i will start study in bst,
hmmm... ppl.. pray for me...
after these 3 days, i thoroughly thinking of how to tel my dad that i want to continue in unisa.. and think think think... i think i will go Help.. coz, besides saving tons of money... its good also.. coz not that many distraction...
i jus realise i played way tooo much..
i just enjoy my college like toooo much...
worry and regret only when results are out.. is a no no no way for me in degree...
*hope so*
i can go up to anywhere to meet my frens.... right??
am i doing the right decision?? *confused*
my mum and my brothers left the house at 5.30 in the morning..
so don't know i wake up very early also.. at about 11oclock...
mum jus say don't mess up the house and make sure the house is clean when she's back...
dad went to work.. din ta pao food for me... but he left a bunch of dirty dishes for me..
my uncle left me his dog to be taken care of... and it is currently sick...
then i continued my sleeeeeeep!!
after that... i make myself japanese tako and mushroom soup for brunch...
at nite... i have maggi mee dinner... geezz
din take all those junk food coz.. having bad sorethroat..
well i did really take 8 cups of warm water to make me comfortable..
although i m alone... but i did enjoy the peacefulness.. i mean i had to do everything on my own..
but.. its not that bad, coz its not the 1st time mah.. anyway...
i can online whenever i want..
i can watch the tv as long as i want..
i can sleep on the sofa sambil watch movie and nobody cares!!
i can sleep until what time i like with no one to off!! my aircond!!!
i can on the radio as loud as i like..
i can any where i want...
the best is... there is only my voice, no others.. haahaa!!
2nd DAY
woke up about 1pm... as usual fed the dog.. den went lunch with gene.. suppose to watch movie but at last we end up in jia wei's place.. haha!!! chit and chat bout our secondary life until dinner time..
as usual..went steamboat... along with loong, leo and kai..
hmmm... we are full.. meals satisfying... laugh till the end... quite cheap.. only 16per person and suddenly pulak loong and kai ajak go barcelona....
its still early and all of us are bored so we went there and have a few rounds of drinks...
we ajak tong, yeh and leong also.. so 6 of us at first.. reach there.. drink. quite sian also..
the songs has never updated... boring!!!
more and more ppl coming in.. hot gurls.. but no cute guys... boring!!!
my fren's fren came.. means more ppl.. but all "seafood".... more boring!!!!!!!
15 ppl there.. and i knew only 5 ppl.. oh god!!! jus sit there... drink drink drink..... sienzzzz!!!!!!
all we do there is sit, drink, watch football... went back quite early.. at 2sumthing...
whole body is so "sweeet" coz they drunken "prawns" keep pouring their drinks!! shit!!
and superb "smoke" smelly!!! yuck!!
3rd DAY
woke up at "my" time also...
dad din ta pao also... had mushy soup also... erk!!
last day of my "peace day"
ate maggi mee again... quite jelak d..
hmmm... dinner in mamak... there goes today...
tomorrow i will start study in bst,
hmmm... ppl.. pray for me...
after these 3 days, i thoroughly thinking of how to tel my dad that i want to continue in unisa.. and think think think... i think i will go Help.. coz, besides saving tons of money... its good also.. coz not that many distraction...
i jus realise i played way tooo much..
i just enjoy my college like toooo much...
worry and regret only when results are out.. is a no no no way for me in degree...
*hope so*
i can go up to anywhere to meet my frens.... right??
am i doing the right decision?? *confused*
Friday, February 15, 2008
1st day of CNY..
well.. some pics to post...
i mean every year also normal lah..
ntg speacial.. jus dat this is the last year we spend our new year in this hse coz my grandma is moving to new hse... *sobs* this hse is full of memory..
the 1st day we always have vegetarian.. not bah kut teh!! hahah!!
joe and wei ling web cam-ming with ying loo in adelaide.. *sobs* miss u...
this is wat we cal.. the "almost the same" blood cousins..
well.. some pics to post...
i mean every year also normal lah..
ntg speacial.. jus dat this is the last year we spend our new year in this hse coz my grandma is moving to new hse... *sobs* this hse is full of memory..
the 1st day we always have vegetarian.. not bah kut teh!! hahah!!

after that we went to our "ze pou" hse.. means my mother's mother's sister's hse..

after that.. we went uncle ding's house... the pics are still with yan wen.. wen!! pic!!! i want!!
hehehe.... of course we felt a little bored..
so.. shawn decided to go to velvet with his cousin bro..
so he ask whether we want to also... i mean 1st day of CNY wor... got ppl go wan meh?
so.. we break the record and we went.. hahaha!!!
but... before we went.. i call up nickky whether he wants to join o not..
since he always complain he is so sienzz...
and jan & dan was there.. hahaha!!! well.. i can sense a bit that they are quite drunk too when toking on the fone.. hahahah!!
shawn, glenn, garret, jeff, joanne, me and my sis went... we din go in 1st.. jus order something to drink.. and chit chat..
so amazingly!! we went zouk-bar 1st..den glenn came out with his idiotic game cal "up down".. ordered liquor..and make everyone actually quite drunk.. expept him... he is mean...
but after that we went in velvet for a while.. and guess wat.. this is the 1st time..
they went dancing.. i was standing on the up floor.. lying to the bench there.. and actually fell asleep.. i mean not asleep.. its like once u close ur eyes.. u jus wanna lay down... and i was actuallly standing... i jus close my eyes and hold my head with my hands ...and the music is so noisy... but there was jam pack!!
*sigh* the pics are still in singapore!! not yet import in.. hehe.. will post later..
2nd day of CNY
erm... the singaporeans left early this year.. so really sad la...
they are the ones who creates all the atmosphere..
*the period of separation*

ok lah!! y so sad!! the malaysians will be going to singapore for aunt janice open hse wat!!!
i cannot go!! *sobs*!! i want to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehehe.... of course we felt a little bored..
so.. shawn decided to go to velvet with his cousin bro..
so he ask whether we want to also... i mean 1st day of CNY wor... got ppl go wan meh?
so.. we break the record and we went.. hahaha!!!
but... before we went.. i call up nickky whether he wants to join o not..
since he always complain he is so sienzz...
and jan & dan was there.. hahaha!!! well.. i can sense a bit that they are quite drunk too when toking on the fone.. hahahah!!
shawn, glenn, garret, jeff, joanne, me and my sis went... we din go in 1st.. jus order something to drink.. and chit chat..
so amazingly!! we went zouk-bar 1st..den glenn came out with his idiotic game cal "up down".. ordered liquor..and make everyone actually quite drunk.. expept him... he is mean...
but after that we went in velvet for a while.. and guess wat.. this is the 1st time..
they went dancing.. i was standing on the up floor.. lying to the bench there.. and actually fell asleep.. i mean not asleep.. its like once u close ur eyes.. u jus wanna lay down... and i was actuallly standing... i jus close my eyes and hold my head with my hands ...and the music is so noisy... but there was jam pack!!
*sigh* the pics are still in singapore!! not yet import in.. hehe.. will post later..
2nd day of CNY
erm... the singaporeans left early this year.. so really sad la...
they are the ones who creates all the atmosphere..
*the period of separation*

ok lah!! y so sad!! the malaysians will be going to singapore for aunt janice open hse wat!!!
i cannot go!! *sobs*!! i want to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
today i have jus sentence to life..
capital punishment...
taylors sent my dad the letter already.. of course.. i have also should have expected..
he came home.. take the envolepe open.. and then he start asking already...
he did not scold.. he ask with a tone of dissapointment..
my mum and sis was here.. then i think there's no need to describe more bout already.. the things that should have happen.. happened...
everyone said that no matter what happens.. ur family will be there for u... they will help u out.. they will stand by u..they will understand the situation.. they will forgive... they will advise u.. give u the best support...u can turn to them whenever u need a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen well.. this is very true... for some ppl.. but not me...
i have known my result for quite a period of time already... until today i still don't have the guts to tel my dad.. asking everyone i know on how to tel.. besides knowing that he will be very dissapointed and be furious.. i know that i will be that bird locked into the cage.. a string tied around my leg.. my wings will be tied and be locked with a key.. and locked in a iron steel cage with maximum security..
and ya.. this little secret of mine has not known by everyone...
actually.. i really don't understand my mum... sometimes she is very good.. i mean not mean to u.. but sometimes she is just worst than a b***** ... i seriouslly dunno why... sometimes good things happen because she is there to help out to ask or to tel my dad...
when she is in the the other side of good mood.. everything can jus fall... i mean everthing.. she can jus come and curse u.. after that.. the curse on u will actually happen...
it is not that i want to argue with her... i seriouslly tel u.. i love her... no matter what she do, i may hate her today but it will not last until tommorow... its just that what she do.. what she tel my dad really jus make me hate her.. what she talk to my dad behind me really annoys me...
sometimes i even have to ask my bro to listen and tel me what have they "discuss" in the next morning... ya.. all my aunt say.. i m very lucky.. i cant deny that... but they just dunno what actually happens... they are jus looking at the surface.. not the inside...
seriously.. i m really confused... sometimes the angel is her.. sometimes the devil is her...
what can i really do???
there are no secrets between us... and this means that u don't know about my life and u know nothing about it.. all u knows that i like to go out wif my frens.. i hate staying at home.. i like to go online and watch tv.. and i love to eat.. that is all..
ya.. ppl say i should take the first step but.. how am i possible to take the first step when the steps are full of torns?? and all i have is just a barefoot..
its not that she don't know anything with numbers i m damn suck with it.. even from secondary form 3.. i have almost fail all my math subject except my pmr and spm...
and now in coll i pass everything except my math and stats.. which i have to take twice.. i mean u know i m playful.. i just could not be serious.. u know that.. y dun u jus take out the motherly love of urs and try to advice my dad to just let me continue in the coll that i like?? izit so hard?? when all of ur sons already started to fail subjects from form 1.. u still let them do what they like.. buy them what they want.. let them do what they desire.. as for me.. i have the case like my bro.. i think i have already run away from u before u torture me mentally.. y?? is there really a difference??? u and dad say i m always the smarter one.. but do u know that i m just as stupid as u might have think or thought?? u r being so realistic.. is it that when i m big enough and rich enough.. give u a few million and it will jus keep ur mouth shut.. and u r the one who give me this type of thinking... u r so unreasonable until u think that what u say in everything is right.. u have no idea about coll and my life and why are u making so much assumptions thinking that u noe me so well?? ya. ppl say the one who borns u out noe u best.. for my case its total bullshit!
why don't u ask me y i jus hate to stay at home and i don't like to go home unlike my other frens..
if u ask me this question.. i will explain one point by one point clearly to u..
when u r in a good mood and when dad is otherwise.. u tel me ur dad is lidat 1 lah.. ur dad is so selfish 1 lah.. but do u noe that he is so stubborn and has all those really bullshit reason from everything actually comes from u???
u always say that i don't appreciate this and that, and u r totally wrong!
u always look down on me... and always think my uncles look down on me... actually u ra the cause of everything.. if only u jus stand up for ur daughter and not agreeing on whatever bullshit they say.. even they dare to look down.. they would not do it until so obvious
ppl say sis the person u can rely on and pakat with when u got problems with ur parents... but for me.. this is also bullshit! u never stand by me when things happen.. u will just add me more salt into the wound and make things worst.. mayb the way i think is different than u.. and that's wat ppl say.. age gap... but it is only like 4 ir 5 years.. ppl who has the age gap of 7 years also dun have this problem.. u wanted freedom and i need too.. can u jus like help me out.. for instance.. i want to continue in taylors and go unisa... can u jus help me to tel dad or even jus keep ur mouth shut jus not to make things worst...sometimes u just dunno how to react.. u can jus shout and scold in the middle of the night and i m the one who gets all the fair enough huh..
can u jus respect me for once, i have make the decision to study business.. can u jus accept that instead of yaking and scolding because i did take the course that u think i suppose to take!!!
i say i have no interest and there u go wif all those 'philosophies'
yea.. i have fail both math and stats and i have to take twice.. and there u go with
"y u noe that u r suck in math and u still take business!"
"u noe that there is much more diff math and stats in degree??"
"now u already fail 2 subjects how are u suppose to pass all subject in degree??"
"this sem take 2 subjects only u also can fail ah?? u think u dad billionair ah??"
"u go there play or jus show ur face?? u malu o not?"
" ur uncle has already look down on u when u first fail ur math.. now u fail ur stats.. u noe what is malu o not? y u so not zheng qi wan??"
"u have the initiative to study o not? if not u dun study and jus go to work"
"no need to give u such good skol.. it is just waste of time and money"
"u jus take ur result and see whether the klang coll wants to accept u"
"if not the coll here dun wan to accept u den u can jus go to work.. the money i pay for ur foundation jus treat that its a waste..nvrmind"
" u r the one who screw up everything.. is not that i have done my best.. with this result.. if ppl still wan to accept u(help coll-klang) den u jus go there... with this shit result no more good skol for u.. if there dun wan accept u.. den u jus go work"
fucking annoying
fuck u all lah! if i have no initiative to study i have long gone to work already la... can u jus scold and not curse me?? i dun mind if u scold but not over the edge! i have limit also... nobody wants to get bad results..u really think i want it? ya.. what u said.. no more comp for me.. no more online.. all my electric gadgets gone.. what i want no more.. what i have kena rampas.. really fuck lah! than what for i stay at home?go out lah! see ur faces will just spoil my apatite... and then u dun let me out... what u all want?? tel me la!! and do u noe how old m i ah??? this is a embarrassment when i speak out.. and like what u say, i m an embarrassment..
oh ya!! my mum and bros is going singapore tomorrow..
yea.. freedom...
but wait... sis and dad stil here...
so what's the difference???
=) ----> =(
capital punishment...
taylors sent my dad the letter already.. of course.. i have also should have expected..
he came home.. take the envolepe open.. and then he start asking already...
he did not scold.. he ask with a tone of dissapointment..
my mum and sis was here.. then i think there's no need to describe more bout already.. the things that should have happen.. happened...
everyone said that no matter what happens.. ur family will be there for u... they will help u out.. they will stand by u..they will understand the situation.. they will forgive... they will advise u.. give u the best support...u can turn to them whenever u need a shoulder to lean on or an ear to listen well.. this is very true... for some ppl.. but not me...
i have known my result for quite a period of time already... until today i still don't have the guts to tel my dad.. asking everyone i know on how to tel.. besides knowing that he will be very dissapointed and be furious.. i know that i will be that bird locked into the cage.. a string tied around my leg.. my wings will be tied and be locked with a key.. and locked in a iron steel cage with maximum security..
and ya.. this little secret of mine has not known by everyone...
actually.. i really don't understand my mum... sometimes she is very good.. i mean not mean to u.. but sometimes she is just worst than a b***** ... i seriouslly dunno why... sometimes good things happen because she is there to help out to ask or to tel my dad...
when she is in the the other side of good mood.. everything can jus fall... i mean everthing.. she can jus come and curse u.. after that.. the curse on u will actually happen...
it is not that i want to argue with her... i seriouslly tel u.. i love her... no matter what she do, i may hate her today but it will not last until tommorow... its just that what she do.. what she tel my dad really jus make me hate her.. what she talk to my dad behind me really annoys me...
sometimes i even have to ask my bro to listen and tel me what have they "discuss" in the next morning... ya.. all my aunt say.. i m very lucky.. i cant deny that... but they just dunno what actually happens... they are jus looking at the surface.. not the inside...
seriously.. i m really confused... sometimes the angel is her.. sometimes the devil is her...
what can i really do???
there are no secrets between us... and this means that u don't know about my life and u know nothing about it.. all u knows that i like to go out wif my frens.. i hate staying at home.. i like to go online and watch tv.. and i love to eat.. that is all..
ya.. ppl say i should take the first step but.. how am i possible to take the first step when the steps are full of torns?? and all i have is just a barefoot..
its not that she don't know anything with numbers i m damn suck with it.. even from secondary form 3.. i have almost fail all my math subject except my pmr and spm...
and now in coll i pass everything except my math and stats.. which i have to take twice.. i mean u know i m playful.. i just could not be serious.. u know that.. y dun u jus take out the motherly love of urs and try to advice my dad to just let me continue in the coll that i like?? izit so hard?? when all of ur sons already started to fail subjects from form 1.. u still let them do what they like.. buy them what they want.. let them do what they desire.. as for me.. i have the case like my bro.. i think i have already run away from u before u torture me mentally.. y?? is there really a difference??? u and dad say i m always the smarter one.. but do u know that i m just as stupid as u might have think or thought?? u r being so realistic.. is it that when i m big enough and rich enough.. give u a few million and it will jus keep ur mouth shut.. and u r the one who give me this type of thinking... u r so unreasonable until u think that what u say in everything is right.. u have no idea about coll and my life and why are u making so much assumptions thinking that u noe me so well?? ya. ppl say the one who borns u out noe u best.. for my case its total bullshit!
why don't u ask me y i jus hate to stay at home and i don't like to go home unlike my other frens..
if u ask me this question.. i will explain one point by one point clearly to u..
when u r in a good mood and when dad is otherwise.. u tel me ur dad is lidat 1 lah.. ur dad is so selfish 1 lah.. but do u noe that he is so stubborn and has all those really bullshit reason from everything actually comes from u???
u always say that i don't appreciate this and that, and u r totally wrong!
u always look down on me... and always think my uncles look down on me... actually u ra the cause of everything.. if only u jus stand up for ur daughter and not agreeing on whatever bullshit they say.. even they dare to look down.. they would not do it until so obvious
ppl say sis the person u can rely on and pakat with when u got problems with ur parents... but for me.. this is also bullshit! u never stand by me when things happen.. u will just add me more salt into the wound and make things worst.. mayb the way i think is different than u.. and that's wat ppl say.. age gap... but it is only like 4 ir 5 years.. ppl who has the age gap of 7 years also dun have this problem.. u wanted freedom and i need too.. can u jus like help me out.. for instance.. i want to continue in taylors and go unisa... can u jus help me to tel dad or even jus keep ur mouth shut jus not to make things worst...sometimes u just dunno how to react.. u can jus shout and scold in the middle of the night and i m the one who gets all the fair enough huh..
can u jus respect me for once, i have make the decision to study business.. can u jus accept that instead of yaking and scolding because i did take the course that u think i suppose to take!!!
i say i have no interest and there u go wif all those 'philosophies'
yea.. i have fail both math and stats and i have to take twice.. and there u go with
"y u noe that u r suck in math and u still take business!"
"u noe that there is much more diff math and stats in degree??"
"now u already fail 2 subjects how are u suppose to pass all subject in degree??"
"this sem take 2 subjects only u also can fail ah?? u think u dad billionair ah??"
"u go there play or jus show ur face?? u malu o not?"
" ur uncle has already look down on u when u first fail ur math.. now u fail ur stats.. u noe what is malu o not? y u so not zheng qi wan??"
"u have the initiative to study o not? if not u dun study and jus go to work"
"no need to give u such good skol.. it is just waste of time and money"
"u jus take ur result and see whether the klang coll wants to accept u"
"if not the coll here dun wan to accept u den u can jus go to work.. the money i pay for ur foundation jus treat that its a waste..nvrmind"
" u r the one who screw up everything.. is not that i have done my best.. with this result.. if ppl still wan to accept u(help coll-klang) den u jus go there... with this shit result no more good skol for u.. if there dun wan accept u.. den u jus go work"
fucking annoying
fuck u all lah! if i have no initiative to study i have long gone to work already la... can u jus scold and not curse me?? i dun mind if u scold but not over the edge! i have limit also... nobody wants to get bad results..u really think i want it? ya.. what u said.. no more comp for me.. no more online.. all my electric gadgets gone.. what i want no more.. what i have kena rampas.. really fuck lah! than what for i stay at home?go out lah! see ur faces will just spoil my apatite... and then u dun let me out... what u all want?? tel me la!! and do u noe how old m i ah??? this is a embarrassment when i speak out.. and like what u say, i m an embarrassment..
oh ya!! my mum and bros is going singapore tomorrow..
yea.. freedom...
but wait... sis and dad stil here...
so what's the difference???
=) ----> =(
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
continued... nian 30 wan... part 2
nian 30 wan
well... i duno where to start... results are out on this day, did not check out until the 2nd day midnight of CNY..
it is seriously a very bad start for me... and i do realise that this year is not a good year for me..
many unhappy things happen... for instance my result and arguing with my mum on the 1st day of CNY is a very bad thing to happen... besides, i lose quite an amount of money.. but ok lah, one year once.. and this CNY is really no mood for me because my "cousin" gang most of them are overseas, only left 3 of us this year, one of my aunt's family is absent.. and all the Singaporeans family left here on the third day.. erm, actually is 2 and half day..this year is really not "my" year... anyway.. who loves rat! hahaha..
the day before the 1st day of CNY.. have reunion dinner at "THE PALACE"

these are some of the food managed to be captured by the camera before it "vanished"!!
the only thing about this CNY..
finzzz!!!!!! need me to describe more??!!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
fear... anger... hatred... cowardness..... just now.. i just check my results...
and what i can say is numerical subjects has fuck-up my life!
it is so suck until i hope its like...
this "thing" is a human.. and i will jus stabbed the jackass to death..
i will watch it bleeeed... and put salt on its wound...
and beg for my mercy!
or i can jus hit and whack and spank it or even just slit the throat with a weapon like a professional killer!!
not only it ruin my life.. but really.. my future...
my life is so fucking suck and it is jus suck like it has never been this suck before...
my future... my future plans of "better"... totally gone...
i can't demand anymore...
but only listen and obey...
i can never be the " me" again..
and what i can say is numerical subjects has fuck-up my life!
it is so suck until i hope its like...
this "thing" is a human.. and i will jus stabbed the jackass to death..
i will watch it bleeeed... and put salt on its wound...
and beg for my mercy!
or i can jus hit and whack and spank it or even just slit the throat with a weapon like a professional killer!!
not only it ruin my life.. but really.. my future...
my life is so fucking suck and it is jus suck like it has never been this suck before...
my future... my future plans of "better"... totally gone...
i can't demand anymore...
but only listen and obey...
i can never be the " me" again..
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
valentine is around the corner...
people like me who is
and mingle..
eating pringles...
singing jingles...
wearing bangles....
saying "we're single"
plz.. dun boycott 'valentine day'... and create a 'mingle day'.....
because.. deep in our heart, we know that...

(p/s= mich... RYAN SEACREST is HOTTER than TOM CRUISE!!!)
people like me who is
and mingle..
eating pringles...
singing jingles...
wearing bangles....
saying "we're single"
plz.. dun boycott 'valentine day'... and create a 'mingle day'.....
because.. deep in our heart, we know that...

(p/s= mich... RYAN SEACREST is HOTTER than TOM CRUISE!!!)
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