Thursday, May 29, 2008

C h a p t e r 91

i don't know what is happening to me...
i have been sleeping like a BABI!!
have been like waking up at 3 or 4 in the afternoooon!!!!
at night.. is either having sleepless night
hungry in the middle of the night
i need a doctor..

what is worst is that..
i have been missing my thursday 9 o'clock class!
now i can feel how mel felt of waking up early and lazy for classes..
but talking about this college i'm attending...

only a few words can describe..
NO MEANING is doing anything there!! fcuk!!

seriouslly, i really felt regret for not doing well in TBF..
which i really miss tbf a lot....

now only i realise that... its been a long time since i write english!! and chinese!!!
coz now i have been writing NUMBERS!! which i hate a lot!!
no point complaining.. this is my life...

at night when i'm so sleeplesssss!!!
i m actually watching
h a h a... oh dear...
i feel so pathetic...

another thing is...
about the REDANG trip..
can everyone PLEASE give m.LEE the answer of u going or not A.S.A.P
coz i need to do all those plannings and bookings!!!
sekian terima kasih.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

C h a p t e r 90

1)cut my long hair
2)wash my very dirty car
3)clean my very untidy room
4)get my pay .... YaY!!
5)i can actually spend without thinking
6)bought 2 heels =)
7)bought my blank cd-s
8)balances almost all of my account payable
9)get 13 for my first 20%... ok bah!! way better than last time
10) downloaded all of DAVID COOK's songs!!!!! and "bakar" already
11)updated my deadly blog

yea, i can feel sort of satisfaction...

actually i feel our *ahem* damn stupiddd!!! damn retarded!!!
if u read the news...
about the baju kurung case..
they said if the school management finds out that if the student's baju kurung is too "thin"
the students are required to wear an extra cloths inside...
they cared about all these "very very important" issue instead of our very "peaceful" government cabinet which is full of "not so important" issue and cases...

as if lah!!! girls got raped is because of this "very important" issue!!
rape cases will be cut down if the the people who is responsible for solving and prosecuting the rapist has done their part and be responsible.. instead of "encouraging more starbucks to be open due to the increasing demand by 'them'.." not the public

talking about parliament meeting...
sometimes i do enjoy those monkey show...
but i do fear that one day...
malaysia will be like taiwan's parliament meeting whereby ambulanceS are outside the parliament house.. waiting for "customer"
i do admire and respect the leaders of our country but not till words are more than actions...

about mr.M
he is already a retiree.. he has done his parts and the malaysians are really appreaciate what he did.. but all those recent issues that he had created.. which i refered as "havoc" is just totally bull-shit.. why cant he just let the young and recent ones do their job peacefully...
he is the advisor... WHICH he is suppose to adVICE or adVISE.... not the otherWISE...

I as the concerned malaysia's citizen who care for the country's "life" and "death"
want to deliver this message to Mr.M

a country is like a cup of TEA..
TEA only needs TEA leaves..
sugar is to enhance the flavour..

when the previous TEA leaves has gone out of flavour..
the NEW TEA LEAVES will take over...

TEA is best to consume at about 80 celcius and the flavour is not too thick
people would love and enjoy it...

IF the previous TEA leaves is added into the NEW TEA LEAVES..
not only the flavour will be too thick..
and also people will dislike it.. will also make the consumers to suffer sleepless nights...

if u know what i'm trying to tell... smart u..
if u dont know what i'm trying to tell.... forget it!

sorry.. if there is too much kata-kata ganti and so much ""
our deputy prime minister, mr.Najib said that...

"bloggers are not immune to the law!"

scared takut ler...
so i better used the safe way to present...
if not..
later don't know when i'll be singing 'bye bye' coz i will suddenly disappear from the earth and then re-appear a few years later..

then i shall tell u the reason of the disappearance is because of..
I Suddenly Appear lah!!!
u know what i mean... hahaha..

i really miss those times where all of us sat in the class and have our "political mind" played..

omg!! the very hot weather is giving my very sensitive skin RASHES!!!!!
aduhai!!!!! and getting worse!!!
god bless me la...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

C h a p t e r 89

now... i feel the distance
yea, i can feel it...

i really don't know... what is going on... very confused..
tell me... just be frank...
sudden "cold" and "heat" is making me sick...
sorry if i have said or done something wrong.. but still i dont know what have i did...

i choose to be your friend is not because of who are you...
is because of who you are....
what people think is their opinion... i have my stand.. and prefer to hold on to it..
appreciate or regret it..
your choice..

okays, just had a big big argument with my mum...
i think because of my super hot temper... and also her false accusation..
now.. i do believe that... it is better to tel to yourself than telling to others..
ya... now i do feel the pantang-ness...

today is really not my day.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

C h a p t e r 88

nowadays... damn lazy to blog...
not only to blog... but everything lerh!
i think is because of the super hot and heat-ty weather???
but really... i got nothing so speacial to blog about also bah...
just that... nw my mum and i are... well... not argue-ing or quarelling...
hope this may stay on... forever...

my god..
now about everynight.. although i go to bed at 12 but i can just roll here and there until like 3 or 4 in the morning!! omg..
the worst is that...
in weekends.. i wake up at 1 or 2 in the afternoon.. bcoz the aircond is off.. make the room super duper PANAS!!!
when i woke up... i m actually sweating... sigh

since last few weeks..
i have been eating in mamak... almost every night..
"burger ayam speacial.. teh o ice limau!!"
"maggi goreng.. teh ice!!"
hope i'm not putting on any weight.. pray hard no..

this is my almost-everyday-routine

wake up --> bath --> go class
makan/skip lunch --> watch tv drama/movie
dinner --> online chat/spam--> mamak
bath again --> insomia --> watch cd drama
lay on the bed --> finally asleep

there goes the same routine day after day...

a lot of people had asked me a lot of time..
"wat is ur life goal"
suddenly... i got it...

1)go gym and exercise till i get my 6 packs!!! *ahem*
2) change my dinosaur phone
3) gonna go holiday with my friends =)
4)of course... pass my stats...
ADUH... all need $$ have to go work again...

1)gonna MOVE OUT!!!
2)gonna be a workaholic to earn lotz of $$$$

for now...
mamak time...

oh ya!!

to all my beloved "mummies" "daddies" and "grandma"
really miss u all...
we go hi-tea ok... when i got the money ler...

Friday, May 9, 2008

may all ur dreamz come true!!!

oh my beautiful loo loo!!!!

com back loo!! play with meeee!!!

life has been different since you and fei went australia.... =(
i can't wait for u ladies to come home!!!! =)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

C h a p t e r 87

its not i dont want to update...
its that...
i really got ntg to update...
my life is so... monotoneous(correct spelling?)
so dull...
damn no life..
damn broke...
damn no luck..
damn mono!
damn single..
damn sien..
damn bored...

sumore... now... i can just feel sumthing is just not right...
for quite some time already bah...
duno ler...

ok ler...
found sumthing in my mailbox...
rather funny... lame... and freeeee?

A man asked Ah Beng why Ahmad Badawi goes walking in the Evening and not
in the morning ?
Ah Beng replied Ahmad Badawi is PM not AM

Ah Beng bought a new mobile.
He sent a message to everyone from his Phone Book & said,
'My Mobile No. Has changed.
Earlier it was Nokia 3310. Now it is 6610'

Ah Beng : I am a Proud, coz my son is in Medical College .
Friend: Really, what is he studying.
Ah Beng: No, he is not studying, they are Studying him.

Ah Beng : Doctor, in my dreams, I play football every night.
DR: Take this tablet, you will be ok.
Ah Beng : Can I take tomorrow, tonight is final game.

Ah Beng : If I die, will u remarry?
Wife: No! I'll stay with my sister. But if I die will u remarry?
Ah Beng : No, I'll also stay with your sister.

Ah Beng : People consider me as a 'GOD'
Wife: How do you know??
Ah Beng : When I went to the Park today, everybody said,
Oh GOD! U have come again.

Ah Beng complained to the police: 'Sir, all items are missing,
except the TV in my house.'
Police: 'How the thief did not take TV?'
Ah Beng : 'I was watching TV news...'

Ah Beng comes back 2 his car & find a note saying 'Parking Fine'
He Writes a note and sticks it to a pole 'Thanks for complement.'

How do you recognize Ah Beng in School?
He is the one who erases the notes from the book when the teacher erases
the board.

Once Ah Beng was walking he had a glove on one hand and not on other.
So the man asked him why he did so. He replied that the weather forecast
announced that on one hand it would be cold and on the other hand it would
be hot.

Man - This is a race, the winner will get the cup
Ah Beng - If only the winner will get the cup, why others running?

Teacher: 'I killed a person' convert this sentence into future tense
Ah Beng : The future tense is 'u will go to jail'

Ah Beng told his servant: 'Go and water the plants!'
Servant: 'It's already raining.'
Ah Beng : 'So what? Take an umbrella and go.'


Friday, May 2, 2008

i dont know y suddenly...
i now free...
ntg to do...
duno ler...

tagged by xin yi

Instructions : Remove ONE question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.

1. Are u hot tempered?
depends on who....

2. What is your favourite FOOD?
which ever food i say nice... CONFIRM SURE nice la

3. Where is the place that you want to go the most?
hmm... as long as i enjoy myself...

4. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
suddenly i inherit donald trump's and oprah winfrey's HARTA!!!

5. What would you do when you feel sad?
turn to people that i can turn to...

6. what makes you disappointed ?
when u don''t trust me... when u betray me

7. If you win $1 million, what would you do?
ask me again when i get the money..
and i want it CASH!!

8. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him / her?
if i'm bisexual.. then i shall confess to him and her... kays... just joking... depends xD

9. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
giler... unknown mood swing... intelligent

10. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
erm...must not be a BORING person..
and.... duno ler.. tel u when i've got ONE...

11. Which type of person do you hate the most?
people who betrays my trust and not appreaciate for what i have did

12. How do you treat your woman / man around your friends?
same la.. all human wat...

13. If you have faults, would you rather the people around you point out to you or wound you rather they keep quiet?
tel me... nicely.... if not... i hantam u!! =)

14. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
no money no life...
no friends no way...
no family no scolding...

15. If there's an option, what would u like to do in the future?
be a "someone" in the society...
to be the next president of U.S.A.. seriousllly... no joke...

16. What makes you feel happy?
of course..
hang out with my frens... without any unnessasary "calls" coming in
as long as i make a person happy... i m happy =)

17. If you have a chance, which part of your character you would like to change?
spend less more money..

18. What is the first thing u will think of to do when u r bored?
call my frens out.. for sure!!

19. if you can turn back the time, what will you do ?
improve my math... and apologize to one of my fren.. =(

20.who u will miss the most if u are in the other part of the world?
the people i cared..

People that i TAGGED:
anyone who read this blog
people who tagged me

okays.. wanna tel u guys lotz of stories... but now... lazy ler...
tel ya on the next post...