Monday, April 27, 2009

Sabah, Jan-2009

i know its kinda weird as why am i posting this after so long...
now only i realise i havent post it... ><"
haha!! anyway..
me and alex went to Jaye's hometown to find her..
*she always grumbling that we always said wanna go visit her in sabah but ffk, so now.. off we go!*
it was really nice of her gang to accompany us for 5 days..
and also need to really Ja's parents to provide such good hospitality for the week when i'm staying at her place...
also to tzun's parents for the scrumptious seafood feast..
apparently 5 days passed very fast.. its like "wooosh"!!
visited a lot of places.. ate a lot of their local delights.. its was GOOD.. espeacially the seafoods..
well.. i would go back to visit again*serious*....

hehe.. i cant remember well on which day we went to which place...
but! i remembered where we go...
these are the pics took from hing's camera.. still havent got the others ><"
ok.. see the pics..

went to crocodile farm

this was in sepilok where we went to see the orang utans!
the jungle is really well preserved..

this was the canopy for bird watching..
the nature environment there is really fantastic!

this the the bridge where we nearly fell into the river..

then we had Karaoke session

the next day, we had a high tea in Sabah Hotel..
the orange cheese cake was good *if i'm not wrong"

at nite we hang out at one of the nice cafe in one of the top building
the environment was good..
of course i remember..
poooooooor Ja..
had a punture tyre...
had a sprain leg!!

in the lift

then the next morning,
went to the market..
buy watever that is necessary..
dinner time..
"Steamboat and Grill time" in ja's place

omg! these prawns are HUGE! and FRESH!
seriouslly 1 is more than enough!

they really loVe this game for sure

hing,me,alex,ja, adeline,siah,ken,yap and timothy

so the last day before we leave..

went to one of the temple 1st as it was still early

Ja's parents...
LOOK!!! at Ja's feeeeeet!!
i din know wearing a "sock" with slippers was so YENG!!!
wuahaaaaaaaaahhh!! *jk jk*

group pic before we leave
hahha.. see the pretty couple..
one wearing white "sock"
one wearing white shoe...

super cute one!

Jaye, Hing and Me

the trip was very good as i can explain..
those who said sandakan was boring.. *SLAP UR MOUTH...NOW!!!*
i'll plan the next trip... hahaha!!

OmG! its 3.55am!! i still cant sleeeeeeeeeeeep!!!
well.. i'm not the only one.. Mel also! wuahaha!!


OH GOD.. i need to start my ASS!!ignment already!! so ASS!!
i need to start THAK CHEK oredi!!!!
god bless meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Saturday, April 25, 2009


haiz... last thursday...
i was suppose to go amcorp to hand in my reports and slips...
the stupid car in front of my car make a u-turn in the middle of highway!!
the car infront of my car JAM-BREAK!!!
WHAM!! i "smooch" the car in front... harrrddd enoughhh!!! cb!

was suppose to go back in an hour time to attend class and had a meeting later on...
and this stupid thing happen!
u know what.. thursday bang car.. and friday is my big day where i'll meet my chairman again..
really dont know whether its a good or bad sign!

fast forward to friday...
was able to meet datuk paul...
the good thing is he accepts our proposal.. and the bad thing is.. ms.kat still have to leave hict..
although fizically she'll still be here.. but it just gonna be very different..
of course she is a very good boss.. she's the "mama" to her staff and they also love her very much.. so eventually all of them will follow her leave also...
not too good.. and not too bad... haiz
of course its kinda sad... i memang hate separation.. but this is life..
nothing stays forever...
hope the yap fellow don give us any uneccesary problems..

buuuhhh... i am without car for almost a week!!! omg!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

friday friday friday...
means 2 more days to go...
less than 48 hours..
i'll have to make sure everything goes perfectly..
it will be THE day...
seriously praying to God...
let it be good.. then all of us will be good..

i miss my looooooong hair!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Judith's 20th!!

last saturday, it was judith's belated birthday party in her small jungle crib in puchong!! hahah!!
geez.. i also dont know u-turn how many times to get to her place.. damn mang!! anyway.. we still reach there safely..
the birthday was simple.. but enjoyable..


Jaye, judith, kim woon, alex, xinyi and me
in ju's room..
luckily the teddy bear no "chow chow"
hahaha!! joking joking..


the lovely couple with ju

the AIESEC-ers!

ju's assunta friends!
kim woon is just all over these girls!


lucky draw session

anticipating crowds

aiyoo... damn syok posing

taylorss!!! point threee!!!

the point 3s!! although a lot of them cant make it

as usual..
it will take around half to 1 hour to say "bye bye"
before we leave.. take 1

when we want to leave...take 2!
"american next top model"

then only all of them "rela hati" go home..zzz

well.. when 2 person tries to control the situation..
sure that will be arguements..
i'm trying very hard no to cause any conflict as to the situation now..
this thing shouldnt be happening..
now i know that patience is very important..
as to now.. i will try very hard to make it happen and goes smoothly as planned.
the 1st ever thing is i shouldnt have involved too many people..
which i meant by i have involved this one.. and the other one involved another one..
somtimes i try very hard not to offend people.. but when it goes over the line.. i will explode!
as in.. what i am thing doesnt mean every people will agree with it..
moreover, i've involved people who have "stand"
i'm sure i'm 100% loyal to who ever i'm siding to..
but i cant make sure that the people thats involved will also be that loyal..
and in time to come.. will that person come against me?
sometimes i dont understand what are they thinking.. but still i've been keeping low...
*cross finger* hope everything goes well
because in the future.. we have to work togather..
if something goes wrong.. i serioully cant imagine what will happen..

Saturday, April 18, 2009

yesterday... the most ridiculous thing happen to my college.. and the 1st time i've seen in my life..
my lecturer was accused of having "relationship" with the students...
it was on the flier! wtf! with 12 female students picture in the picture taken from the facebook! wtf! of course they did not know about that!

its on every car in the carpark and around college!! WTFFFFFF!!!
of course, he's being framed..

looks like these I/P issue is getting more and more personal...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

point blank!

hmm.. this week is another long week...
next week will the drama week.. if the chairman don ffk
last week was the war week..
for the weeks to come.. i'll b the "anticipating" week

geezzz.. i got so many assignments to do but dont know why i feel so "light" as if i got nothing to do... oh noooooo
now.. when i go to class... feels like damn bored man...
*sobs* i miss my gang in taylors *sobs sobs*
everyday i would b anticipated to go class... but now.. u gimme money also i don feel like going.. geeezz.. but thats history...

i will TURN HICT AROUND!! thats what i'm gonna do next if everything goes well...
with enough support.. tying all the strings!!
hict will be the new college which people wants to be in!!!
*buh! so darn motivated*

ohh! i lost weight!! all hail me!! hahaha!!
geez. i lost my apetite after i cant fit in one of my newly bought clothes.. arrrghh!! *malu*

events events events!! here i coooooooommmeee!!
seriouslly i din know that formally a reliable commitee would be so hard...
so.. next week will also be the campaigning week! VOTE FOR ME!! *wink*
after i successfully take over student council.. i will make sure thats a 360 degrees turn in the collge.. i wil confirm that..

oh ya! thnx ms.Kat for the penang cookies she bought for us!! woo.. feel the love man when u bite the biscuit! hahah!! *lame*

gtg!! bwai!! :)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

i cant explain more... but do wish me luck
*cross finger*

Thursday, April 9, 2009

satisfying day :)

today at 12pm.. all the 11 students went to meet up with Dato paul chan...
in the end.. we are very happy about everything!!
finally all our concerns were answered!!
we are very very very thankful to dato as without him.. we will still in hot water...
thank you a million times for putting trust on us..
today i took the "sniper" and shot all those should be punished with capital punishment..
hmm.. now i'm rather busy nowadays with all those activities coming on..

i seriouslly pray to god.. plz don transfer her out.. if not.. we'll be in deep shit..
the only person that is capable is just her..
we really cannot afford to lose her... hope cM will do the right decision..

haiz.. tomorrow will be a long day..
wish me luck people..

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


its been 5 months already..
few weeks ago.. finally the college gave in.. and agreed to sort out things in our way but still with conditions.. therefore.. i totally object with it..
i've been asking the students to stay united no matter as a sign of strength no matter how the other people might manipulate us...
tomorrow will be one of the most important day to me and my fellow coursemates because will be meeting the chairman...we have to really grab the chance to spit out everything that we are not happy about.. must be short, brief but must be the complete picture of everything.. if i were the one talking.. of course no problem la.. but now.. everyone has to talk.. and i really need to guide them one by one so that there will be no errors...

well, besides that, there is also other issue going on.. its just hard to type out in words..
but blehhh... damn tired already with all these..
but in a other way....
i learn a lot of things... in real life! it is happening now! i am learning while it is happening.. and that is a advantage on a students while still studying..
i can see the real "snakes"
i can see real good samaritans.. got in trouble because they are doing their jobs
i can see the real "conflict"
i came to know what is really going on to the business world..
what we always see in the drama or movie... they will say.. in the business world.. no one is the forever enemy or friends.. now, i totally agree to it.. we must always the unexpected to happen to us no matter what..

today i spoke to my friends..
he said i've put my personal attachment into those matter..
and now i'm thinking twice.. its rather true though..
i think what my weakness is,
when a person treats me good or when a person helps me a lot...
i will do anything for him/her, physically or personally
espeacially when after helping they get into trouble...
even if they are just doing what they supposed to do.. or "duty"
still i will feel the guilt inside me..
without me realise, i did put some personal feelings and opinion on some decisions i make..
but it is of course anyhow the decision, it will definitely be the benefits of students..

besides, dont judge a person by its cover, i can say it is absolutely true, well i also can say sometimes there are people who is totally opposite from they look and their attitude..
one can be fierce at times or the facial expression is always in serious mode.. but that person can be totally nice and kind.. will help as much as he/she can.. like a GEM!
on the other hand, a person might look nice and kind, they can speak very well in english.. but in the end that person is a DEVIL inside the skin of the human flesh.. in front of god, he will speak like a angel, in front of the devil, he will speak nasty, and this is one of the most important lessons i learnt all along..

along this matther, i've known what i am suppose to know just to handle things well,
i've also known things that i shouldnt have know, just to keep to myself only..
i've seen true colours of a person which is totally unexpectable
of course there is friends whom they always advice me not to get too involved..
but somehow.. they have to understand.. if i don stand up and speak.. no one will..
when i take up this role.. there is no turning back for me..
if i have stand still.. if i fall back.. everything will turn really ugly tremendously..
if i jump to adp.. and leave things behind to the other ecu students.. it will show how irresponsible person i am..

today around 1 i had a lunch with my lecturer, straight we come to a point where we decided to reform the student council in our college..
so its been a day for me running around to sign the petition to give it to SSD within today or tomorrow.. so i did it... i got 100 names in 3 hours time.. i think it is time to show some "customer's right" and some student power to all those bastards..

hmm... tomorrow i'm gonna meet all of the people up and discuss their "perwatakan"
now.. i do hope that she will not be transfered.. pray to god by all means...
i seriouslly don't know what to do without her...

Monday, April 6, 2009


our college is the organiser for this edu fair this year...
its called MAPCU-MQA higher education fair, in PWTC...
from 11am till 7pm
well, if u see the news on Bernama TV , newpapers or radio station.. u shall heard about this event..

on the first day i woke up on 7am in the morning and reach PWTC at around 9...
we have to be there early on the 1st day because there is a lot of preparation to do as the VIPs and the VVIPs are all coming...
all of us were damn stress!
our boss a.k.a Mama(the mkt ppl come out with this name hahaha!!) was so stress and so worried about us whether we are doing things perfectly.. she cant even sit down.. HAHAHA!!!

Before we leave for PWTC


the red armies!!
ready to "CHIONG AHH!!"

me and tashina was the usherer for the day, owais was the MC, Jonathan in charge of all in lobby.. frankly speaking, everything needs to be in perfect order

i'm so proud i'm one of them

the 2 bossES!!

i was also busy though..
my hp credit can just finish like *poop*!! gone!

Mama in pink.. make sure everything is in order

Mama receiving the certificates on behalf of HELP group

all the VVVVVVIPs

then, we have the press conference..
this time.. we can relax a bit
the 3 main watak utama..

imagine i was talking and these reporters are there..

see his face of "relax a bit"

of course, we have our free lunch

then after the press conference and meal..
me and abu was the "body guard" for the VIPs..
i wore my heels.. and its like the skin of my leg is coming off!! ouch!!
we follow them everywhere until they went off..
after all the vips ciao.. it is really a relieve
y YOU din come!!

our booth

Danny, zech,shereen and *i forgot his name*

Hitz FM crew was here..

Adam C

Adam C with the girls!

me and zech

zech and willy

after Day 1, we went to have dinner in Asia Cafe!

Owais, he is forever ready for pics!

martin, matthew and shafi

of course before we ciao, we take the group picture!!
TAKE 1!!

TAKE 2!!

TAKE 3!!

Day 2
we have a tiring day on the 1st day...
so we went to PWTC around 10am

the MAPCU booth..waiting for the aunty in charge to come! wth

go WILLLY the whale!!

Mama and the girls with one the MY FM dj..
but i don know what is her name

the red turn black armies!

aiyoo!! Jonathan.. u fail in model pose la!! tsk tsk

willy is happy because he is saved!!

group picture!!!

TAKE 1!!

TAKE 2!!

TAKE 3!!

finally everything is DONE!!! =)

not forgetting our dinner..
we had it in Bondi Beach, The Curve
a lot of the others went back klang straight..
so dinner was just
me,mama, eugene, owais,victor,martin,willy,abu,tashina,guru,zech, karan, jonathan

ms.katherine, eugene and owais

tashina, me and willy

eugene, owais and jonathan

the gays.. zech and abu

guru just cant stop posing

the one behind this successful edu fair besides mama

u know..
in this world,
there is 1 kind of guys which they can talk without using BRAINS!!
and boost using super big MICROPHONES!!
in the end which we can see him as

this is karan, he say he drinks beer everynight..
he say he is veryyy good!!
so, he kept drinking.. quite fast though
before his food comes, he had finish around 3 cups..

and then in the end..

he was down with 3 cups of beer...
start puking straight after he had his food..
he did not even finish his food..
what a waste
then he cant even walk till he have to sleep there..
tsk tsk.. haiz
kanak kanak.. don lah show off!!
what is so "cool" about that??
he sooo deserve it man!
anyhow all of us had a good laugh on him that night!!

victor and us!! thanks for the jugs beers!!

hmmm.... the dinner was really great.. haha!!
well matthew.. u miss it.. hahaha!!
not much picture were taken because we got no time for that..
although we had 2 tiring day.. but still all of us are very happy and really got the satisfaction out of this edu fair.. we are very happy working with the mkt people..
of course i also learn a lot of thing because this is also my first time working in edu fair..
haha!! and 2 days just passed by in a blink of an eye!

well, luckily today i got no class.. haha!!
i had the most comfortable night yesterday and also the earliest to sleep that day, hahaha!!

its worth all the tiredness after all :)

oh god! tomorrow i've got to do the meetings again.. geez.. really duno when it is going to end.. haiz