Saturday, October 6, 2007


hahaha!!!! sorry for the late updates..... because i very busy mah!!!!
hehehe... on 4th october 2007, its my big big big day!!!!! hehehe... well.. its not dat special... but i do enjoy it...
as thursday always more than half of the class do not come 2 skol as there is only bcp lecture... so me, kim woon, mich lee, jaye, judith went makan at a.c 1st den went to tbs 6th floor to celebrate my birthday coz m floor is already occupied.... den later join by mich k.....
me while awaiting 4 da princesses to arrive.....
my lovely son... KIMMY!!!!!
before dat da jmmkj wants to discuss their assignment 1st....!@#$%^&$^*!!!!!
well, cant blame them as they r hardworking people mah......
den when we decided 2 blow cake.... only we realise that we have no lighter... how 2 lit da candles!! hahaha.. den sum 1 suggest 2 used da rock 2 start up a!!!! *i m really happy and appreaciate it.*

ok lah... colour not very nice..

JMMKJ and G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wellll.....i do plan 2 go somewhere... but mich lee and kimmy wants to go back d, judith wats to do her assignment, mich k going out wif her frens, so, i went to jaye's place coz i oso dowan 2 go home.... so i stay at jaye's place until like 6.30 lidat sambil wait 4 da r.o water ppl 2 arrive.... den she and susianne teman me walk 2 ktm coz susianne wants to go 2 carrefour...

later bout 7 reach home... and ntg 2 eat... so i m quite pissed off coz i tot my mom will cook at least sumthing i like 2 eat... but she didn't.. so ok lah... nevermind... biasa d....
so after i bath terus i go and drive to jaye's place again...... my other frens cant join me coz all got exam, sum live too far coz they stay in hostel mah...damn pathetic..
luckily jaye has no plans so she mah teman me lo.... waited bout until 10.30 lidat coz ju wants her to finish up her english by dat day b4 12am.... so.. wat can i do... jus wait lah... den after dat me n jaye went makan angin 2gater in da car as we duno where to go... den at last we went "fei yat lut lut" makan loh.... we enjoy ourself there....*sorry 4 driving so recklessly*
den after dat fetch her home.... den i oso go home lah....

"i really appreciate it..... thank you coz altough u very the busy but also teman me. i will always remember and appreciate it. thnx!!! love ya!!!

bout 1 sumthing in da morning lidat ... i curi curi went out and main basketball wif derek as he ajak... me n him oso cant sleep .... play until very late... and had done damn gila thing until me n his leg is full of blisters!!!!!!!!!!!! gila babi!!!!!!! until i have 2 put like 5 plasters on my every feet!!!
and dats my 1 8 t h b i r t h d a y ......

1 comment:

susianichang said... name is "SUSIANI" not 'susianne'......huh....sad la........