Tuesday, December 18, 2007


erm.. today i got a shock when i reach school this morning.. coz i just found out that one of my friends yesterday got rob on her way back to the hostel....
and i think i am the last to know among the gang...yiks! i m so out!

ok... when i saw her coming to class with bandage on her elbow and waist there...
my god!! i was stun!! i din really thought it will be so serious... ok not really that stun la...
i mean shock... really shock..
and of course sakit hati also lah when i saw her....
she looks so pain...suffering... sumore she has presentation... oh god!!! poor her... i wish i can do something...

like...ermmmmm.......bang that asshole thieves with my car! or.. jus kick them into the drain with full of piranhas!! or..break their neck with my barehands like how i break walnuts!!! or... i will just make them a sida-sida!!!!!!
so that no more f@#%ing asshole!!! sampah masyarakat!!!!! !@##$% jackass will ever exist in this world!!! SUBANG!!! on earth!!!! gosh!! i will seriously break their legs and hands if i really saw them!!!! seriously!!!

like how me and my friends bash and whack up a thieve near our school last time with our 5-10cm diameter rotan we all have in our car... seriously speaking.. we do enjoy whacking them..who ask him(1 person) to rob us, 5 person!!!this is call stupid lah!! pure stupid!!!...hehe... only after we bash him kao kao only we call police *bangga* *proud*... although we got lectures from our principle but.. i think it still worth it... okok.. dats past...

JAYE(does this colours seems familiar).. please... don't be sad anymore k... we will support u... if u want any help.. jus call me!!!!
oR J oR M 0R M oR K
like MC-D delivery!!!!!!! 24 hour on!!!
but me 25hour on ah!!! all you have to do is just call!!!! and..i'll be there...
me and the other will be there for u like 7-eleven!!!! 24jam!!!!
anything! everywhere! everything! anytime!
i will fly up in 5 minutes!!! even i oversea also i will come!!!!! i will borrow donald trump's private jet!!!!!ok ok ok!!!!!!!
PLEASE cheer up and be as happy as last time!!!!!
ok... i miss the active u ... and ur a bit of scolding lah.... jus a bit la....
i do miss ur smile and laughter.. n i hate it when u r sad and suffering...
u will never be alone...lonely....coz u got US!!!!
be strong babe!!!! take good care of urself so that u won't let ur parents to worry about u... ok?

" a shed of tears from u, means a cut to the heart of mine or even us...
because one shed of tears from u... drop down, it cannot be taken back...
so does the cut u make, it cannot be un-cut...
the only thing not to make it more painful.. is to see you smile again...
because when you smile...

means no more tears, no more tears means no more cuts...
means... no more pain...
because it is likes a miracle elixir.. not only heals the wound...
but it will make it worth the cut..."

note: i m not lesbian

be strong... my friend...
ups and down of life always happen...
face it or lose it...
and we are here to help you...
give us your hand...
hold on to it..
we will help you until the end..
no matter what..
that's a swear to god word's
from us...
your friends =)

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