Saturday, January 19, 2008

farewell.... ying fei and ying loo =(

people say separation is one part of life...
as what they is true but is very hard for a people to face it and take it...
but sooner of later we gotta face it alsooo...
well.. they are going Adelaide, Australia to further their studies in pharmacy..
fei is going there for 3 years and loo is going there for 2 years..
is very saddening for me because both of them are like sisters to me..
i always consult them more than i consult my own sister....
we played and grow up togehter since we're born!! hahaha
we are as if living together because my hse and her hse is like front and back....
we always go mamak and sometimes watch movie together......
go shopping... well... they are straight A's student and i m the totally opposite... hahahaha!!!!!!!
they like to stay at home but i m of course the otherwise!!!!

IN THE AIRPORT = 7-1-2007

this is when the tears come down... after tahan soooo longgggg....

we chase them until we cannot see them..

wellllll... i just hate this feelinggg...

but who loves it.. unless u hate the person...

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