Thursday, May 29, 2008

C h a p t e r 91

i don't know what is happening to me...
i have been sleeping like a BABI!!
have been like waking up at 3 or 4 in the afternoooon!!!!
at night.. is either having sleepless night
hungry in the middle of the night
i need a doctor..

what is worst is that..
i have been missing my thursday 9 o'clock class!
now i can feel how mel felt of waking up early and lazy for classes..
but talking about this college i'm attending...

only a few words can describe..
NO MEANING is doing anything there!! fcuk!!

seriouslly, i really felt regret for not doing well in TBF..
which i really miss tbf a lot....

now only i realise that... its been a long time since i write english!! and chinese!!!
coz now i have been writing NUMBERS!! which i hate a lot!!
no point complaining.. this is my life...

at night when i'm so sleeplesssss!!!
i m actually watching
h a h a... oh dear...
i feel so pathetic...

another thing is...
about the REDANG trip..
can everyone PLEASE give m.LEE the answer of u going or not A.S.A.P
coz i need to do all those plannings and bookings!!!
sekian terima kasih.

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