Thursday, June 26, 2008

C h a p t e r 98

updates on cheryl's birthday in celona.. bar

the red burfday gurls... and the predatorsssss
good girls..(to be continue)
me and my "driver"

gone bad..


duno wart

leave at 2 sumthing coz need to work sumore..
yeah.. thats all..
oh ya..
that night kekurangan alcohol!! omg!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

C h a p t e r 97

well apparently,
from last week onwards i've been working only on weekends to earn extra $$$$$
and also i cant wait till the day comes!!!
get out from home and have fun!!!!!!! in REDANG!!!

omg la!!!
the flu is killling!!! me!!!

oh, my finals is at thursday!!
omg!!! i got to start studying ddddddddd!!!!
no more playing a fooooool grace!!
no no no!!!!

tomorrow START!!!
thursday ENDS!!!
i am sure this is one of the longest journey in this "marathon"

but stillll...
gonna run finish it and get AT LEAST a participation cert!!

and also
wanna wish all my beloved girl friends of UniSA...
ok, batang-s also la...
i shall pray for u all...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

C h a p t e r 95

This is about the REDANG trip.


~July 3rd till July 5th

~Bus will reach PUTRA STATION KUALA LUMPUR at 11.59AM on JULY 2ND

~ will be sitting either MARALINER or NADI (transnasional) bus

~When we reach KT bus station, there will be people from the resort to pick us up to the


~traveling time from KL to KT is about 8 hours

~traveling time from MERANG JETTY to THE RESORT is 1 hour

~will be staying in a QUAD ROOM( 2 double bed) and a mattress.. hahaha!!
(you should know who will be sleeping on mattress)

~ makan and play is included

~but other expense such as snorkeling equipment, safety jacket and others have to pay on our own (is included in “other expense”)

~we have to check out at 8a.m on the 3rd day

~will be sitting the bus from KT to KL either 11pm or 1pm

Ok, now $$$

Accommodation =RM358
Bus fare
=RM60 (two way)
Other expense


For those u wants to pay by transferring the money into my account, please do it before Friday.
Because I need to bank in to resort’s account by Saturday.

For any of you who need to explain to your parents about the trip, u can print out this “note” or “memo” and I think there is sufficient information about the trip. Of course, if there is any enquiry about the trip, u can call or message me. My hand phone is 24 hours ON.


Yours sincerely,

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

chapter 94

these are the pics of my beloved son...
jus ignore ju..

isn't she cute..

the two best friends...

the only pic that only consists of me and KIM!!!

ok la.. i wont deny anymore...

geeezzz!!!! i miss them a lotzzz!!!!!

is like *sigh* how i wish i can turn back time....

Monday, June 16, 2008

wtf is with blogger wei!!!
canot upload photos!!
SON O SON~~~!!!!
19th BURFDAY!!!
omg.. u ARE 19 rit..

will make a official posting soon.. when the stupid blogger is "heal"

Friday, June 13, 2008


sunday star, 8 june 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

C h a p t e r 93

make it short and quick and fast..
todays had lunch with the very long time no see JaN.. and JayE, MicH, NicK
and also the member of M.I.A's --MeL and DaN join also.. wow!! wat a surprise!!

as usual, mel forgot to bring my jacket.. when i reminded her yesterday on the phone and msn..
and also when jan called her... reminded her for the 3rd time.. yea.. 3rd time...
*sigh* sometimes...i do wonder what she remember...
its really been a while since we meet up..

then we went sing-K in redbox...
ja and mich din join...
nick went home later coz he got TUITION...(ppl, plz belief me)

ok.. pics!

guest of honour- mr.JaN
finally come out of the jungle..

NicK, JaN, MicH, mE, JayE

M & J

N & J
the gay "brothers"

G & J

MeL, Dan and Us


Monday, June 9, 2008

just yesterday..
one of my very dear friend..
ask me a question..

HER: grace, how do girls enlarge their breast? they put what o? AIR ah?

ME: ...... HAHAHAHA...


don't angry la... just wanna share something... hahahaha!!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

C h a p t e r 92

random updates..
once upon a time ago... BBQ at uncle ding's hse..
and i also don't know why we got this celebration..
but anyway... its good coz its been a very long long time since we've barbeque-D..
the party start at about 7..

chicken wingSSS

me and wei yoong..
chef of the NIGHT!!

erm.. too many chef spoil A dish??

in the kitchen..

me and miranda...
coooking so harddd...

my chickenssss!!!!
not bad la rit!!

the lovely mothers...and sisters...
my mommy and aunt

manja boy crying... biasa la!!

my beloved jia hui...

the two kidos!!
isaac and wei zhen.. where they cant live without ps2 and gameboy

they are brothers... yea... brothers..

this is a expression of eating not-so-cooked chicken..

due to the kedarkness...
we actually cook the chickens with the car's light...
add in "flavour".. taste nicer..


mother an daughters

yan ni cooking.. miranda and sze ling posing..

"skype-ing" with fei and loo

this is one real pampered boy!!!
100% manja
101% naughty
but we still love him anyway..

oh ya... MR.USA is backed!!
hahaha... now waiting for MSs.AUST to come back...
then we can finally have reunion supper!!! hahaha!!!!

now petrol increase from 1.90 to 2.70...
aduh!! headache..
wanna change into perodua kancil d la... canot tahan..
very expensive...
now i pump 50 buck only can fill about half of the tong only aaaaaa...
kiu mia!
definitely no more cheras pasar malam...
mayb once or twice a month to subang...
no more movie in pyramid..