Wednesday, June 11, 2008

C h a p t e r 93

make it short and quick and fast..
todays had lunch with the very long time no see JaN.. and JayE, MicH, NicK
and also the member of M.I.A's --MeL and DaN join also.. wow!! wat a surprise!!

as usual, mel forgot to bring my jacket.. when i reminded her yesterday on the phone and msn..
and also when jan called her... reminded her for the 3rd time.. yea.. 3rd time...
*sigh* sometimes...i do wonder what she remember...
its really been a while since we meet up..

then we went sing-K in redbox...
ja and mich din join...
nick went home later coz he got TUITION...(ppl, plz belief me)

ok.. pics!

guest of honour- mr.JaN
finally come out of the jungle..

NicK, JaN, MicH, mE, JayE

M & J

N & J
the gay "brothers"

G & J

MeL, Dan and Us


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