Wednesday, August 6, 2008

C h a p t e r 104

hmm.. what can i say..
this week is the 2nd week of my 1st sem already...
of course.. i gotta adapt to
new environment, new friends, new life
last time i really beria-ia wanna go college..
but now..
thinking going to class...
talk to no one.. not really close with all those newbies.. class was BORING!!!

can u imagine like...
i sit in the class...
very paying 100% attention on what the lecturer is talking..
not talking... not EVEN mumble a SINGLE WORD...
so guai guai there...
OMG!!! its like... ERGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

and my 1st management class was so BORING until i nearly doze off!
so i decided to skip the 2nd class.. which means today... hahaha!!!!
i ter-skip my 1st business law class also coz... i couldnt WAKE up..
oh dear.. i was once a ALARM CLOCK man... wats happening to me!!!!
but seriouslly no dorongan la... no dorongan in anything...
my life without my SISTAS is so dull...
sometimes i feel so lonely..
i feel so pathetic.. feel so sorry to my life... myself..
many people ask me " hey grace! y u're in subang" wth...
what more can i say.. can i tell u that.. i'm so bored in my new college that i rather spend petrol and money just to come and have 1 HOUR lunch with my "sistas!"

sometimes i am so like!!!
so desparate!!!! in a way like.. i purposely come all the way to pj or sunway just to go yum cha with my frens for like 1 or 2 hours then i go home..
or i will just pump in rm50 petrol and go driving and speeding along the highway...
yeah.. without any direction... but some how will still reach the same destination... my "home" yea..which i call that as so called "home" =(

the friends here and there( i mean in foundation) is like totally different people..
seriouslly.. is like they are so... DIFFERENT!! is hard for me to explain...
no offence...
its like going to secondary school again...
u may think SOMETIMES i'm lame.. but they are like...ERGH!!! way worst!! and some of them.. i really wanna give them a slap and few more whacks on their brains!! coz i really duno WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE THINKING!
the only good thing is that i got no class on tuesday and friday.... hmm..
ok.. i'll stop my complaints for now...

oh god!! 2morow 9 o clock class.. pray hard i can wake up =)

there no reason for me to laugh like i used to =|

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