Saturday, August 23, 2008

C h a p t e r 108

this is really a rough week i can say..
besides getting food poisoning, and ter-hit my car again (the front lower light.. daMN!!), 2 friend got same case food poisoning, 1 friend kena denggi, cannot concentrate in class, seriouslly muscle pain after workout and yea, the following i'll be BROKE until my HQ bank in money to me which i believe will take around a week to do that... although i gave them my slip this week..
i wonder why they need soooooooooooo long just to bank in a small amount of money for a part time employee like ME... wth.. sumore damn mafan!

ok.. besides that, i got to really start studying and start doing aSS!!!ignment...
until, i still duno where to start... shIt
and i still cannot remember my classmates' names... haha..
k la.. remember a few la... i think..

i tel u all... the management in my college is like damn ERGHHH!!
i was suppose to apply for PTPTN loan..
so i ask them what to do.. what to apply lore...
ok.. they tell me..
i go and do everything!!! open this that!!!
and then when i go back and say i am prepare to apply coz i have already got all the documents..
and then he tell me..
"oh, the PTPTN will only be open in OCTOBER" because duno what stupid reason..
they should TELL ME EARLIER rit??!! wtf!
then i no need to go and do all those things like the world gonna end like that for a application which due in OCTOBER!! wtH!!!!!!!!!!

last friday, it was really the 1st time...
i was actually driving from subang to klang with 1 eye open and 1 eye close..
because 1 of my contacts came off...
hahahah... WAT a experience... but if anyone got the chance to "experience" this..
please DON'T.. coz its dangerous.. hahahaha!!! but rather funny.. haha..

i actually kinda like a few Chinese songs now.. haha

which reminds me of SECONDARY school.. which most of us call that as our "second home" coz this is the place we spent most of out time besides home.. haha..

can u spot me?? haha...

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