Sunday, September 14, 2008

C h a p t e r 114

assignments... assignments... ASSignments..

this week and next would be ASSIGNMENTS and TEST week!!
MKT and MGT test falls on the same day.. which is next tuesday.. which i havent even flip a page on mgt because i am spending 25 hours a day doing my mkt assignment...
i had to skip work eventually this week to finish and brush up everything...
my eyes are real soaring looking at the computer..
management test is first 5 chapters.. and i only know 1 chapter.. GG loo..

well, mooncake festival suppose to be very "light" and "dark"
nowaday, instead of playing and enjoying candles and lanterns..
the kids are actually playing play station, computer, psp, gameboys and ETC...
so.. tak da festival mood betul.. geez

tonight having family gathering at the DING's..
don't really feel like going because i will be really really bored...
either kids or adults.. me=Alone..
hmm.. prefer to go pool or yum cha or some place i can 'communicate'

should I go or not go?

go half half lore... go lore.. tired of facing the computer also..

okok.. i quit quit...
no more come come go go...
fine... *random*


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