Friday, October 17, 2008

C h a p t e r 125

just some updates about my boringggggg and dulllllllllll Life..

hmm.. have a belated celebration at secret recipe last friday with the 38 gang...
i know.. i know.. although everybody is very broke.. very pokai.. but still ate in secret recipe =)
so touch.. i had a cake.. and the card from them... so me a happy gurl that day =)

xinyi, jaye, kim woon, me, yee jin, judith, madeline
mich and chee cheng..
oh yea..

JMMKJ and grace.. but one of the K is missing

me and my cake =)
and this time..
my candles is LIGHTed!!

these 2 poser thinking that smoking is so cool... while xinyi ignoring them

they were too poor to buy cigarattes.. so they use candles ><"

then after that.. go sing K until they DROP!!
then.. home it was.. damn early..

college was as usual la.. after class no where to go.. just lepak around.. or go "under big tree" makan lunch.. cheap, nice, delicious, fullfilling and homey =)

yup.. all my assingments are all done and just 1 more presentation to go.. then FINALS..
sounds so scarrrrrrrry...
2 weeks before finals.. my ECU club has a halloween event call the "BLOODY HELL" show...
yea.. i'm acting in it..wth.. erk!
and might be the MC of the event.. HECK! anyone got any halloween costume i can borrow? =)

oh ya!! I WOULD REALLY WANNA THANK MYERA TAN FOR GIVING ME THE WRONG NUMBER.. lolsssssssssss!!! but still miss u thou.. *sobs*

long time no movie already la... anyone?

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