Monday, March 30, 2009

haha!! saw this interesting mail.. hahah!!
there's a reminder in every cartoons
enjoy enjoy..


prevent it.. before its too late...

think before u act

the pig and bacon!!

always "take precaution"

my problems with the college is almost solved..
i'm sure i'm on the winner side..
ohh! i love the feeling of it!! hahaha!!
nites =)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Yan Wen's birthday

last week celebrated yan wen's birthday

the new attraction of the family

the popiah was DELICIOUS..
ITS 10/10!

aunty shep pheng- Chef of the day


my mom look quite young in this picture..

the main dish of the day
IT IS 100/100!

he was playing with the trackmill

the "ah soh" corner

just look how happy she is


i have a question..
i have a friend.. which i knew her since secondary.. but not very close
and.. we came to know each other well since college..
so we do hang out quite often
so i do know her friends well... and at the end i know all her friends and will ask them out for lunch and yum cha.. well i do that to everyone
and then.. few days back i came to a point which i was very amazed and totally unexpected!
i went to her place to pick her up and she was very cold on me and she just kept quiet..

so happen yesterday.. i ask one of her friends.. why is she so cold to me..
then i got a very very unpredictable answer...
it breaks my hearts so much even worst than breaking up with bf
he told me
i was stealing her friends away from her
it was like wtF!!
so i ask why
the answer was
sometimes she feels her friends were more closer to me and for her.. it was stealing her friends from her!
OMG!! i din know being friendly was such a MISTAKE!!
no wonder when i ask her whether want to ask her friends out.. she totally ignore me saying all of them were very busy...
now she is like totally doesn't want to talk to me..
i msg her but no reply
i call her but she always say she's not available to talk
when i ask her out she would say she not free.. too many h/w and assignments

wow!! FRIENDS!!
that how she treat me!!
just because of her stupid jealousy!!!
just because SHE FEELS i am "STEALING" her friends!!!!
the answer is totally"AWESOME"!!
it was darn unexpected!!
i always want her to know my friends..
now.. i knew her friends.. she say i'm STEALING!!
i have really NO IDEAAAAA on what the hell is she thinking!!
what should i do??
stop seeing HER friends!! wtf!!
she has NO RATIONAL thinking AT ALLL!!!!

i'm so stupid!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

wooh.. today i was damn tension when i was going to college..
then i went to check up..
and there...
i found...

i was like

lets celebrate come on!

damn bodoh.. still got to appeal for law.. sigh

Friday, March 20, 2009


i've always keeps thing to myself..
its not that i have no one to talk to or what..
its because it's an embarrassment and i don't know if i speak out,
what will others might think..

today i speak here,
because today was my result day..
of course.. if u see till now.. u will know what had happen
yes.. i failed one of my subjects.. LAW..
i am so not satisfied with the results because the australian thinks that my lecturer here gave us too much of marks and too easy to get high marks.. so they re-evaluate the whole thing..
in the end.. they fail me

of course.. i felt very very sad and was really damn dissapointed ..
it is because this subject.. i have the most confident to pass it.. because i've already got 30/40% in the first half.. impossible i got only 10% for my finals right????
i was like WTF!!! when i got my results..
eventually i got a D in my MKT and CR in both MGT and BES..
but what is for!! no matter what i get, everything HD or what so ever.. as long as there is a fail in one of the subjects..
i'm dead!
i rather get all just pass!!

well as usual.. i will ask mic to check for me..
i was like stunned for a few seconds when i knew it..
the feeling was like... sudden coldness in the body and just stun!
i know last time i've fail before math and stats..
but this time is totally different..
for math and stats.. somehow i've got the premonition..
but not law..
and for the last semester.. i am really s t u d y i n g!

i've told myself that i must do well in uni, especially in the 1st semester,
because i want to prove to my dad that he doesnt want to come up a sen to let me continue studies is his worst decision, and must let my own family other relatives not look down on me anymore.. but now, i feel like total useless.. i feel like banging my stupid to the wall! i also know that my mother will also be very dissapointed in me =(
i seriouslly have been studying for finals like i never study before in semester one..
not playing a fool.. and all i want is just pass everything..
i dont expect any D or HD.. just pass is all i need..

i serioully don't know what to do now..
except.. keep thinking about my results and am i be able to appeal
a lot of people told me to move on and not think too much... but its not easy
but what more can i do?
i am very dissapointed on myself... very sad.. very frusrated.. very scared...very angry
but, it has already happened...
i know what are the obstacle i will face... even worst to come.. but still, what more can i do? i am so not ready.. but i HAVE TO BE ready

thanks a lot for those who shows their concerns
i will do my best to appeal.. and really hope everything goes well..
hmm =(

till now, i'm still wondering whether i should tell my sister and parents..

A)if i tell them.. i'm not in hot soup.. but in an erupting volcano..
and things will be very very very very uglyyy
everything will change.. in a negative way

B)if i dont tell them.. which means tell them i pass everything
everything will be fine between me and my family
but i have to keep all the problems to myself.. settle it asap
and gotta fork out a lot of money to retake.. which means i have to work not just weekend, but weekdays also.. no more holidays planning for me =(
gotta be very careful with my words so that i will not be caught up

i think i will go for plan B...
haiz =(

i would really appreciated if.. what i've wrote here in my blog.. remains here.. thats also a sign of respect to my privacy..
thank you

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Myera back in msia!

it was sunday and finally we managed to meet myera up after so loooooooong!!
the gathering was just me, ja ye, judith, melinda(was late for 2 hours), nick, joey, bobo and myera and the rest were all MIA..
we had lunch in Fridays, Pyramid..
and we have enjoyed very much!

pictures TIME!

melinda(was late for 2 hours) and myera

joey and melinda(was late for 2 hours)

nick, joey and ja ye

the "liang mois!!"
ja ye, melinda(was late for 2 hours), myera and judith

group pics!!

the gang and bobo

yupS!! the whole gang..
although not very complete...
but with this number of people attend..
veryveryveryveryveryvery goood already

after lunch...
we got nothing to do..
so we went rack to play a few rounds of pools and foos
head to
Rock cafe in sunway to "da gei"

of course speaking of dinner...
as usual..
i will rot at ja's place..
i was lucky..
i got to eat
"Pang Ja Ye's home cook duno wat maceroni"

this is not her kitchen..
this is her study table

woah!! so many things inside
more than what my mom put in her soup
it taste good =)

washing time..
this is the part where everyone hates the most
look at her...
"chut tak teng tong, yap dak chu fong"
lucky ah u!!!
tsk tsk

meet up with JMMKJ for lunch!!
the new mic with her short hair..

satisfying lunch =)

my hair very short mer???
is it too short??
i duno... but i know my mom like it.. hahaha

omg!! my messy table!!
damn lazyyyyyy

BWAIS for now!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

awwwwwh!!!!! i've been to the toilet for like 5 times already!!!
cannot really feel my legs!! ergggh!!
just ate the roti john from murni!!! WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!
cannot really sleep... its 4.25 already!!! tomorrow class at 10!!!
gosh!! i think i should start going to class already!!! i mean on time.. hehe
haiz.. thats the bad thing about staying nearby to college...
feel DAMN lazy to wake up!!
last time... FUUUHH!! class start in the afternoon also 6am i wake up to college d!!
wanna late for class also very hard!

omg!! my results gonna be release on 19th!! means only just 1 day left!!
i paling benciiiii!!! hate results!!! but really pray hope i do well.. hmmm...
omg!! the worst thing is!!
i forgot my student's portal username and password!!!

aiyooooo!! the 2 malay songs i heard in ja's place keep playing in my brain!!!
see!! see!! see!! aduh!!!

i think i should retake piano... yeah.. i should =)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

wedding party + birthday party

last saturday.. hm..
was quite a night because
attended ban li's wedding dinner and eugene's pre-birthday party!

hmm.. ban li's wedding party i did not take pics because..
too many people i dont know..
and i forgot to take also.. haha!!


his birthday cheese cake!!
taaste good!!
would rate 8/10!!

20 years old cute MAN!!

mah jong!!!
is a must thing in eugene's house

me and eugene


Friday, March 13, 2009

Tenji, Mont Kiara

hahaha!! today around 12 we reach mont kiara...
then we have JAPANESE BUFFET!!!
after months of planning.. finally we went!!
just me, jason, peggy and ann

on the way in.. the place look so nice..


oh... FOOD!!

the oyster are very very fresh!!
the seafood soup was nice..

haagen daz ice cream... nah.. not my type

buy TOTO!!!

desert counter loooks so nice.. but i would rate it 2/10 only

tai thong better..
i mean WAYYYY better

kelapa!! very niceeee

bamboo lala... like chewing gum =="

grill lamb chop... ok la...

oooo... MY LOVE... shape.. hahaha!!
fruit punch was good..
chocolate fondue was ok

"lou foh tong"
nice nice.. 8/10

the restaurant enviroment was good

the outside environment was superb

peggy, ann, jason

me and peggy

the bill!!

i break my record!!!
i drank 9 coconut!! hahaha!!
damn full filling..
if go on weekend lunch has discount..
normal rate was rm77++... but if go on weekdays is rm56...
hahaha!! ok la... quite worth it because most of the food was really fresh..

really satisfy with all the japanese food...
but just japanese food only...
others was... erm...
in hokkien we say
"mai hiam beh pai, ai hiam kanasai"

oh... my purse is bleeeeeding already!!
nvrmind.. at least i got a satisfying meal =)

oh ya!!
those who's attending myera's dinner... change to lunch at 1.30pm already!!
remember ya!!
c u guys there =) ciaoz!