Monday, April 27, 2009

Sabah, Jan-2009

i know its kinda weird as why am i posting this after so long...
now only i realise i havent post it... ><"
haha!! anyway..
me and alex went to Jaye's hometown to find her..
*she always grumbling that we always said wanna go visit her in sabah but ffk, so now.. off we go!*
it was really nice of her gang to accompany us for 5 days..
and also need to really Ja's parents to provide such good hospitality for the week when i'm staying at her place...
also to tzun's parents for the scrumptious seafood feast..
apparently 5 days passed very fast.. its like "wooosh"!!
visited a lot of places.. ate a lot of their local delights.. its was GOOD.. espeacially the seafoods..
well.. i would go back to visit again*serious*....

hehe.. i cant remember well on which day we went to which place...
but! i remembered where we go...
these are the pics took from hing's camera.. still havent got the others ><"
ok.. see the pics..

went to crocodile farm

this was in sepilok where we went to see the orang utans!
the jungle is really well preserved..

this was the canopy for bird watching..
the nature environment there is really fantastic!

this the the bridge where we nearly fell into the river..

then we had Karaoke session

the next day, we had a high tea in Sabah Hotel..
the orange cheese cake was good *if i'm not wrong"

at nite we hang out at one of the nice cafe in one of the top building
the environment was good..
of course i remember..
poooooooor Ja..
had a punture tyre...
had a sprain leg!!

in the lift

then the next morning,
went to the market..
buy watever that is necessary..
dinner time..
"Steamboat and Grill time" in ja's place

omg! these prawns are HUGE! and FRESH!
seriouslly 1 is more than enough!

they really loVe this game for sure

hing,me,alex,ja, adeline,siah,ken,yap and timothy

so the last day before we leave..

went to one of the temple 1st as it was still early

Ja's parents...
LOOK!!! at Ja's feeeeeet!!
i din know wearing a "sock" with slippers was so YENG!!!
wuahaaaaaaaaahhh!! *jk jk*

group pic before we leave
hahha.. see the pretty couple..
one wearing white "sock"
one wearing white shoe...

super cute one!

Jaye, Hing and Me

the trip was very good as i can explain..
those who said sandakan was boring.. *SLAP UR MOUTH...NOW!!!*
i'll plan the next trip... hahaha!!

OmG! its 3.55am!! i still cant sleeeeeeeeeeeep!!!
well.. i'm not the only one.. Mel also! wuahaha!!


OH GOD.. i need to start my ASS!!ignment already!! so ASS!!
i need to start THAK CHEK oredi!!!!
god bless meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


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