Wednesday, September 9, 2009

brain damage

well, its been really a loong loong time since i update this blog..
yea, kinda lazy too.. hahaha!

well, my currently situation is..
BAD x10 WORST x100 SUCK x1000 $#@!%#$-UP X100000000.....

ok.. my life now would be --->
college(assigm+bullshit+crap+POLC+sohai lecturer) + --> work(travelling+ thinking of transport) ----> sleep(still thinking) =STRESS + brain damage

its been the longest time i've meet the 38 gang.. didnt have the time to go meet the 38 ppl..
ok.. now i'm asking u all..
"helo.. how are you? :) "

since most of my friends have already left malaysia..
they are all around the world in every corner of this world..
mostly they JAM themselves in australia..
very very very less outing already..
now i think i go huc more than i go subang... maybe thats a good thing..

after my car was taken away..
i can really see the true colours of people..
see it on my own eyes,
of course the truth always hurts, but its better to know now then never right?
i dont know why even though i have known the truth from the beggining, i chose to deny, therefore now i deserve to suffer the consequences...

aiyoo.. tomorrow test,
4 chapters.. and i just started..
wish goodluck to me... hallelujah..
so not gonna sleep tonight..
mahai.. i hate my stupid lecturer wei!! fucking dumb ass!! well, cant blame him.. he has the biggest ass i've ever seen in my whole life..

it has ended before it beguns... when i thought everything is gonna be ok

life has to move on right?

thinking of next year just makes me feel so excited!! hahaha...
shhh.... p&c!! hahaha!!

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