Sunday, August 12, 2007

suNdaY moRniNg..

2day i actually wake up at 7.30 TO attend my school's marathon..... DAMN RAJIN!! siao man!!
i take my own sweet time taking my bath...n dress up coz i drive there mah...
haha..when i reach there is da event is already finishing...but i stil go 4 da sake of fun.....

i did saw eliza,nicholas and boon kai.... al in form6...
n now oni i noe dat beng shern is actually is in a relationship wif eliza!!! hahahah!!!!!
walau eh!!! n we tease her al da way until she go back.... hehehehhe!!!!
she is damn blush!!!! wakakaka!!!! anyway.....
vivian... if u c dis plz plz plz dun b sad ya.....
eliza told me bout their life in form6... walau!! damn fun wei!!!!!
anyway... i noe i cant go form 6 bcoz i noe i wil sure drown there!!!hehehe!!
i oso saw ying shi n zee yee n their classmate there 2... but they jus came 2 collect sum recycling barang 4 their club....cheh!!! i shuld have noe u al where got so good 1!!! udang sebalik batu lah!!!

well... i did help out there.. da most do there is lepak-ing around.... n i've round n lepak da whole skol 4 about jus a few thousand times... seriously... i m damn boring....i did chit chat wif sum of da tchers....n they did giv sum compliments (thnx!! love ya!! tchers!!!!)
coz i have 2 wait 4 kai ying 2 fetch her back...*alone+sienz*

i went home n eat WANTAN MEE!!!! YUMMY!!! i damn long time din eat d... in asia 1 damn sucky man!!! no wantan mee standard at all!!!!!
later dat time i wan 2 do my work... but but but.. same kes lar.. tak da mood....
so i did ntg 4 da whole weekend.... KAO MENG AH!!!!!!!

o M g!!! i havent revise 4 econs n da i dunno anything bcp!!!!! TIU!!!
n i oso havent do my econs tutorial n eng proposal!!!!!
MATI!!! DIE DIE!!!!!

jus now i jus fetch my mum n bro go makan dinner... hehehe... da gud thing is dat my driving skill is getting better!!!! i have confidence now!!!!hahaha!!!!
u noe y!! coz my mum din shout in da car!!!! WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
really hope dat i can drive 2 skol soon.... but have 2 let my dad 2 regain confidence 1st!!!!
dat means i MESTI pass my bma!!!! n pass everything 4 dis sem!!!!
I CAN DO IT!!!!!! YES I CAN!!!!
i canot afford 2 let him down again!!! no more man!!!! tak boleh!!!!coz no outing wif frens damn make me damn depreseed!!!!!
alah!! cakap je!!! buat lah!!! w t h!!

ohh!! i wan 2 go do my work d!! sumore 2morow hav 2 wake up at 7 but clas start at 10..damn!!
*i think i wil do lah.. mayb*

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