Sunday, September 30, 2007


erm.... this few days did not do anything at all.... on friday, after da JMMKJ chaoz i oso duno when they left, den me and audrey went to secret recipe to makan...really laugh all da way...hahahaha..coz we really catch up a lot of really old time stories.. and really enjoy it..

saturday... went to tong's house to help yeh's english proposal... and end up i did the whole thing for him...!!!
and then nite dat time suppose to have gathering and bbq at ivan's house... but end up friday dunno who cal me and say cancel d...sad case... i thought finally the ex-5a4's can meet up.... but as usual... last minute than cancel edi... butttttt..... also in the last minute jia lynn called and have a small gathering at central(zong wan)...
me,jia wei,vyn gene, ying shi, jia lynn, khai krun, leo, weng siong, kai chen and long yeh... damn pathetic rit... well, all of us din really change....but the lifestyle is a sure change..... hear some bandplay and than.... balik rumah..hahahaha...
but... me,jia wei and vyn gene suppose to go bbk bistro..... but sudden change of plan coz want 2 go c football match.. den jus go to nearby mamak and watch lah......sienz... catch up sum old stories... den u noe lah... curfew mah... den they fetch me back oni they go back there lo... lagi sian!!!

sunday=24 hours at home.... i very guai rit!!! =sienzzzzzzzzzzzzzz=

now i realise dat malay malaysian's singers really not bad 1 leh... starting to like their songs....... seriously....

Friday, September 28, 2007

2.03 A.M

as usual... bcp lecture damn sian.... n today got 2 and a half hour english class... all of us did thought we will have a very suffering time but.... i actually can say dat time flies...haha...
den suddenly mic started wif one of those activities we did in secondary.....

hahahaha!!!! i think i will keep this piece of paper as master piece!! as a memory....
after eng... me,mic,jaye and judith so semangat go cat whiskers shop for new clothes...
later mel join us there...haha.. me and mel damn broke... hahahaha!!!
i was there as their "boy friend"for da day coz i jus sat there.... comment on their clothes when they try on.... take care of the things... and take for them wat they want....
m i a wonderful and perfect boyfren if i m a guy...yes i m!!!=bangga=

mic chaoz 1st coz she wan 2 meet up wif her boy and frens.. and den mel went back later on oso...
so.. left me,jaye and juju... we went a.c makan... rare case...jaye is so happy... and not emo..hahaha!!!! hope dat she can be so happy everyday...hahah!!! i noe it seems so impossible rit...
meet mic there oso...

later bout 6.45 liddat reach home... skip dinner due 2 sum reasons... bath, sleep..until 12 sumthing...
den.. how m i going 2 get back to sleep later??? who cares...

now facebook damn sian edi ..... rit????

Monday, September 24, 2007

mooncake festival..

last saturday all of us went to ,y grandma hse.....we bought some lanterns and candles for the kids to play... nowadays kids damn pathetic.. it is us(da big kids) who started the whole thing....

this need the skill of photography u know!!!

hey!! its ying fei, me and ying loo!!!! hahaahaa!!!! we started this event ok!!! who cares whether how old r we!! hahaha!!

its us together... with da kids!! c da lights!! haha!!

my beloved Loo Loo!!! enjoying herself very much as she is going 2 australia soon!!! hahaha!!!

this is call "flying without wings!!"
my youngest bro wif his "kung fu" style... i hope i can kick him lidat!!!

i m holding da tanglung wif much joy!!!!

the three "tai ka je" among da kids!!! damn tall lar them!!

r we shitting??haha !!! of course not!! we r sitting..actually squatting..

she is going to australia... i m staying in msia... will miss her...

the lovely sisters!!
kids play!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

after 1 week of suffering in exam week... and taking result and econs assignment week!!!
dis week is da misery week!!
i did total damn damn damn badly in my mid sem~~~
suck wei!!!
all ngam ngam oni!!!!!!!!!! ergh~~~ GERAMNYA!!!
well... now rushing for econs assignment... reali have no idea wat m i toking about...
now.... damn pathetic... all alone at starbucks.....
but last few days went wif kuak n den meet myera,slyvia,william and joey....
haiz... dis 2 days.... alone alone alone...
but still ok lah.. coz here i really like da enviroment... n really can chill here though here is expensive.... did think of quite a lot of things.. also i did my assignment...
omg!!! after econs den have to prepare da eng thing edi.......................
who wants to join da ANTI ASSIGNMENT GROUP!!!!!!
sgt pening kepala oh!!! n den my comp rosak edi!!!! shit!!! have 2 borrow fren's laptop.....
damn kesian.... n da wireless connection here damn suck!!!! wait damn long :(

walau eh!!! miss pang jaye finally got blog d..... always say do wan... at last how!!! oso got 1 wat!!!
haiz... gotta buck up in my studies edi!!! have to!!! must have!!!

Friday, September 14, 2007


at last... mid sem is over....
i did quite relieve though.. just that i have never been that really into the studying before....
even my dad oso cannot believe that i am actually in the library.... shit him...
okok... i also don't know why...
even exam finish already but i don't feel any kind of relieve and any kind of feeling of like can relax a bit.... i think is because of i still have a lot assignment to do ... and i haven't even touch them... ok.. i think i will finish them up a.s.a.p...
well, i did screw up most of my subjects.... and really feel worried about it..

today after my moral and my bma mid sem.. together we went to neway karaoke to sing and to relieve.... the food really sucks... so i do prefer the pyramid red box... although i dont really like to go... i will still join the crowd...after that then we just all go home lo..
judith went to jaye's place... mel,joey,will,myera,carmen and others all went home already.... me and kim woon damn lonely in m floor... my computer spoil already.. so blog now lah... stil got lotz of time... i dont know what kimmy doing lah....
*miss pang,ntg happen ok!!!! dont go and do stupid things.. really... ntg.... I'm fine,serious*

as far as i know.. i always think that when u know how to struggle, means u know how to care for that something... when u know what is the meaning of die and feel or even experience it before.. u will know how to live and learn how to live meaning-fully.... when u know what is black an white.. u will know what is right and wrong, u will know what is bad and good... and then automatically u will be more mature without u realising... when u know learn to be more self conscious.. then u will know your own good and bad... so does u will realise other people's too... for what and how people treat you, comment you, gossip you, scold you, critics you... and etc..
people should learn from them instead of letting go as if it is we our own is always right...
human can't always be happy and down... as far as everyone know that there is ups and down in every person's life.. but do they really know how to cope with it??? no matter is good or not, life has to go on,the best way is just forget.. ok??? will you share problems with others or will you keep it to their own?? and one of the problem is that could you find a person who you can really fully trust and share all of your things with??? finding this friend is the hardest thing of all, this friend may exist in your life, but there is also possibility that this friend, you will never find in your whole entire life.. its true.. anyone who is torturing your eyes to read this...why don't you all try to think.. have you found one?? or, you have found this person?? if you have already, then i shall say congratulation... in my case, i thought i have found, but every time i think that, there will always be something that will really change my mind... at last.. the answer is always negative. when we say about family, i really adore those that have really close relationship with their family.. because i don't can have a good thing, news or something to share, but who you want to share with?? why don't i ask you something..when u start a relationship with someone, do you really like him/her?? or even love her/him?? is him/her is just a thing you need only when you feel lonely...there is a reminder i wish to give to one of my friend.."please i beg you, don't be too over obses with all those love love thing,you will be the one who hurt the most.. take in this advise or not is up to you..
i am really serious this time.... forgive and forget is thing that make peace in this world... as a person, u may forgive but there is a 99% that it is very impossible for you to forget. unless you sudden lost memory.. you will remember until to your last day you live. people may hurt your feeling, people may just do things and may offended you or the other way round you or me may just do something and offended someone intentionally or accidentally....forgive is a must.. and get on with our life...being optimistic is quite a very hard thing to do,its not that u want it then it will happen... it is your determination....and your strength... life has to go on... go on with it strongly..whether you like it or not... loneliness always happen... but what can we do???
all we can do is just get our life rocking and make it a good one.
letting go is the best action you may ever take =)
=the end=

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

exam is in town!!!!

walau eh!! so damn hectic!!!
damn stress!!! but luckily dont have pimples!!!hahahaha!!!
buhuhuhuhuhuhhu!!!! i think i screw my accts!!!!! non ono nonono.... i have screw my accts!!!!

aiyah no mood 2 blog d lah!!!! econs will cum attack later at 2pm!!!!
n n n n n n n 2mororw!!! i have da stupid bcp !!!!! hafal hafal hafal!!!!!!!!!
luckily my computer rosak d.... coz of din rosak den i think i wil online instead of studying..
okok... i promise u(myself) that i will do my tutorial!!..... YES, I WILL!!!

n n n n n n after exam then we have 2 hantar our econs assignment that i have not even touch!!!! sumore ada accts test!!! sumore got ratio!!!


Thursday, September 6, 2007

mengulang kaji-ing

yesterday....well, same case like al my "sisters" in class..... i also did my accts like until 2 sumthing... n 2day i really am tired... but i am totally awake during bcp... ha ha ha!!!! coz me,jaye n melinda is doing stupid thing.... n da nice,sweet and cute voice of melinda(erk!!) is actually singing some children song.. she really make me n jaye laugh like hell!!! love u melinda!! hehe..

actually i oso duno y 2day mich lee,judith is so damn emo... n
"point three fm 2day has sum technical
problems...n has a major breakdown,
sry 4 da inconvinience"
oso...he he...i think is mid-sem is near n 2day we have to hand up our "gradable" accts work gua... sian!!! after lunch than we go econs... n again melinda makes da whole class laugh again!!!! hahahah!!! i wasnt really paying attention in accts lecture... erm.. can say dat i din even listen on wat is she talking....
after dat.. suppose 2 go yum cha with mun mun n kimmy but dun have edi den we go chit chat in m floor wif carmen,queenie n benazir...oooo they r toking bout

i tak tau lah!!! suddenly i really got the mood to study edi!!! hahaha!!! FINALLY!!!
alhamdulilah!!!!! thank god!!!
i did only finish 2 lecture of econs.... i oso did 2 essay for mr.andrew to check...
oh.... i m so proud of myself..coz... i m STUDYING!!!!! i m so semangat da whole nite... nice.... congratulation to me...
i did take my nap bout like 2 hours+...
but i stil did sumthing rit... n plus!!! i drank i cup of tea....there goes my night!!! i m THE OWL!!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2007


life is full of again...
without again...
our life will not be like a cycle...
cycle everything again...
and again...

today i go ikano and the curve again...
and i bought 1 clothes....jus 1...oni 1....hahaha....again....
i feel guilty again.....
i have sleepless nites again... coz....
i haven't do my econs tutorial again...
i haven't do my math assesment again...
i haven't do my accts tutorial again...
i haven't finish econs assignment again...
i haven't finish moral assignment again...
i haven't finish eng assignment again...
i haven't finish accts assignment again...
i feel like skipping bma clas again...
i have to wake up early in the tommorow morning again...
i have to sit ktm back tomorrow again...
i haven't revise all my subjects again...
i haven't do anything in the holidays and weekend again...

Saturday, September 1, 2007

haiz... sad case man... i tak da pergi genting.... instead i went to ikano 2 c da fireworks....
den after dat go mamak yum cha.... bout 2 sumthing oni reach home... have quite a fun nite... hahaha....da fire works r worth going there... at least i went 2 da mid nite sales n grab sum clothes....ha ha ha ha...
sum funny thing happen there oso...

sian wei..... i went to subang parade n bought ntg...but da shopping centre did change a lot..

n i have 1 prepare 4 da econs assign ment edi...damn!! *emo*
dats al....


i m such a loner....