Monday, September 24, 2007

mooncake festival..

last saturday all of us went to ,y grandma hse.....we bought some lanterns and candles for the kids to play... nowadays kids damn pathetic.. it is us(da big kids) who started the whole thing....

this need the skill of photography u know!!!

hey!! its ying fei, me and ying loo!!!! hahaahaa!!!! we started this event ok!!! who cares whether how old r we!! hahaha!!

its us together... with da kids!! c da lights!! haha!!

my beloved Loo Loo!!! enjoying herself very much as she is going 2 australia soon!!! hahaha!!!

this is call "flying without wings!!"
my youngest bro wif his "kung fu" style... i hope i can kick him lidat!!!

i m holding da tanglung wif much joy!!!!

the three "tai ka je" among da kids!!! damn tall lar them!!

r we shitting??haha !!! of course not!! we r sitting..actually squatting..

she is going to australia... i m staying in msia... will miss her...

the lovely sisters!!
kids play!!

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