Monday, August 13, 2007

a lot!!! banyak!!! many!!!! so much!!!! so many!!!!

aiyoh!!! banyak benda mau buat la!!!!
but i jus dunno wat n where 2 start.... luckily 2day stil ada mood 2 do sum revision....
do a little acc n econs..... BCP is like a total stranger 2 me....
i dunno "it" n "it" dunno me.....

i did promise myself dat 2 day i will not go online but finally i stil cant resist it...ooohhhh....
canot tahan lah!!!!
walau eh!!! thinking of wednesday i wil b damn damn damn sssssaaaaadddd!!!!!!
coz i have 2 attend da stupid bladdy idiot BMA comprehensive......
haiz... i hate wednesday now.... benci betul!!!!!
will sum 1 teach me bma??? okok.. i wil belanja u banana java chip....okokok????

haiz...S I E N Z....
monday jus gone...poooops!!! liddat...
time flies man!!! n it is flying fast.......

hahahaa....erm... 2day i dunno y i keep on TERstep michie kuak slipper n kuak kuak!! sry ya 4 DESTROYING ur slippper..hahaha....
i buy u GAJAH gum okokok!!!!

dats it 4 now.... aku mau pegi oik oik d... mayb do sum econs 1st..duno lah!!

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