Tuesday, August 14, 2007


as time goes by... people grow and people go.....
2morow we have 2 face da stooopid BCP common test....
n i dunno wat da hell is it about....
so fast.... its da 4th week d... damn fast lar.....

2day when i jus sat down n day-dreaming..... i actually was afraid...sad... n very sad...
coz when i think of most of us is separating next year...i mean after da foundation year....
i damn hate n dislike separation.... mayb my face wil b stil laughing al da way...n doing stupid things.... but when it comes 2 separation... feels damn suck man...
i noe when i was f5... i was laughing al da way...but i was crying inside my heart....
i'm a human with humane u noe!! *buhuhuhuhu*

yes yes yes...i noe... it may b still early 2 say dis... but believe me...
poooop!!! without us realise it....gone!! boom!! no more!!!
although we still sumtimes hang out n go mamak.... but it is not da same anymore...
its true man... no bluff bluff...

dunno lah... i suddenly feel so emo.... jus feel liddat lah.. mana da explanation 1....
k k k ... i wil stop emo-ing.... 4 now....
hungry lah... wan 2 go makan d.... tata..

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