Thursday, August 16, 2007

damn last minute!! biasa lah!!

2day as usual.. damn sian coz da whole day is lecture...sianz!!!
but wat is really nice is moral studies we oni do 2 hours... minus da 5 minute break is
1 hour 55 minutes!! hahaha!!!! althogh it is jus 1h55m i think most of us oso din really listen except 4 da damn damn rajin leon.... he is so gila.. until i tot he has a "sickness" dat i so cal study-addict....
ppl is drug-addict... food-addict...chocolate-addict.. but he is tak sama 1...
da 1st ever case in malaysia... study-addict..... S I A O!!!
n da FOUNDER of dis "sickness" IS.... ME!!!!! hahahaha.... (p/s= no co-founder is allowed!)
most of them is studying 4 2morow's econs test....shit!!! i havent study yet!!! tiu!!
anyway...i play da "conquer" game wif jaye during da moral lecture.. damn damn wat wei!! da war is so che-kik!!! so sengit!!! but damn!!! bcoz of i miss 1 step...jus 1 step...jus 1 bladdy step...n BOOM!! i kena n lose da game!! walau eh!! ~!@#$%^&* n she is damn SS!!!
haha!!! she play until her hands is shaking!!! haha!!!
n wat 2day is so amazing is dat nick actually is doing his math h/w!!! dis is really walau eh!!!!
n he ask me... walau eh!!! me sama situation wif him lar!!! well.. mayb jus a little bit better..hahah.... wat doctor say is sumtimes true..dat is miracle can happen!!!! hahaaha!!!
saya disini ingin mahu meng-apologize 2 kimmy NG dat i m soreeeeeee.... i really dunno how da hell ur paper is wif me... dunno lah...

after clas suppose 2 hav eng discussion n mel is not here oso...SO ngam ngam nick ajak go makan rojak den... hehehe... den cancel d.... haha!!change 2 online discussion....
haha...we pergi rack 1st coz hav 2 wait 4 jaye 2 cum here coz she go bank mah...
oso as usual... nick wil go fooos-ing wif his fren...
me n joey play pool!!!! nice... joey did teach me sumthing bout playing pool...*thnx*
now ooni i noe nick care bout his car dat much!!! coz i seldom hear ppl go n polish da car seat n he is 1 of da cases... dat really shows dat he cares 4 his car very much n he is damn freeeee.... car seat oso wan 2 polish... sumore he say he polish da car seat himself!!! another 1.. s I a o!!! L a N g!!!

n my leg is damn pain... n almost fell about like 3 times in da way to ktm... f***
coz eat dat time standing..den walk from pangsapuri den after dat walk 2 ktm... sumore wif my heels!!! duno how many km i walk d...
my leg got blisters d!!! stupid!!

hahaha!! finally we have our research question!!!
thank goddd~~~ we have our online discussion..hahaha... damn funny...
joey cant hear me n melinda coz he is at cc n he has no speaker....coz me n mel is using da mike...heeeeheee... poor joey!!

after much cursing n crapping... we finally cum out wif a question dat we al canot giv point spontan-ly n dats our research question....ergh... sumore hav2 do da mind map=stupid!!
aiyah c hw 1st lah!!

aiyoyo!!!! i havent revise 4 my econs!!!! n is jus like less den 12 hours 4 me 2 study ni!! n i feel very sleepy d!!!! shit!! how ah!! i dowan 2 screw my econs test like wat i did last sem d!! WTH!!
okokk... i go study now!! dun kacau me!!!! bye!!!

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