Sunday, November 11, 2007

moderation is good

actually ntg really happen lah... its jus dat after exam dun really hav da merdeka mood lo, dats wat i can say.. n i m damn concern wif my result.. this sem i m really stress up... after all assigment, i m total worn out human..

well... at first i was very angry and very furious plus enough of dissapointment and also does unessecary things dat we argue for ntg..also wif da matter...

but after chill down n realise dat it is only a small problem... wat is so the significant wif it... rit..
i actually sat down on my chair n think bout it.. dis time i really think... besides i really chill myself down... and i also realise dat we are all "speacialize" people... if u get wat i mean dat good.. if not den can jus forget bout it..heehee

from da bright side...
at least now we do noe wat is da like n da dislike of friends..i mean among us.. it can actually strengthen our frenship.... seriously... where is da bond people!!???

again.. all i can say again is dat... i will miss all of da "sisters" of point three once again... but only for 2 weeks!! wakaka!!

aiyah i really lazy to blog edi lah,, my blog is so dead, ergh.. shuld hav expected... ok..
my god da lights r already off...ok,, nite nite..

p/m= eyo... thank you n i really appreciate wat u did... all i can say is thnx coz u r a one great fren!! haha!! belanja u strawberry coke ok!!!hahaha!!

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