Thursday, January 24, 2008

24-01-2008..... alone....

hmmm.... today, i woke up... take my own sweet time....
bath, eat, drive, and nearly bang a harrier!!!! omg!!!! i am seriously damn lucky...
and then... i alone found a perfect parking just in front of the main door of adp... very sui sui!!!!
but the weather was super hottt!!!!
sweating while driving alone....
went to library alone... thought i was alone.. but later meet nick, sim, ron and gurl and friends there... butt we were in separate table lah!! of course!!!!i was at the other table alone
adp library was so noisy!!!!!
and another thing was that!!!! the DISTRACTION!!!!!
the guy behind my table was sleeping... so i sit another that i wont see him....
manatau!!! another gurl come sit in front of me... she SLEEP also!!!! walau eh!!!! mana boleh!!!!!

when i started revising the pathetic bst alone.... only i realise that my test was like... i mean i will know how to answer if i just borrow someone's complete answer and just do some exercise!!! my god!!!
i swear i will know how to do!!! i feel damn freaking regret and damn guilty for not even touch my incomplete tutorials and jus borrow one and fotostat!!!!! god!!!! i am seriously gonna GG!! if i continue like this....


i would like to take this opportunity to thank miccccccccccccccc!!!!! i mean kuakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!(p/s dun say wrongly.. is kuak not kuek... and when u say it pls dun sound like quacking)
because jikalau bukan she teman me makan lunch... i will sure be like sohai like that eat alone for this few days.....
this is my deepest appreciation to her.... and to her only..... *sobs*
better than some of my other friends prefer to stay at home online and keep complaining about the boredness lah... hoh!!!! JMKJ... and X... and M... and another M!!!!!!
k lah... i was just joking... jus that i miss the times we hang out and talk crap already lah....
i miss the point three's DJs edi lah.. hahaha!!!!!

sometimes... i feel just like a loner...

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