Sunday, February 3, 2008

hey people!!
i have been working my ass off frying cookies and cleaning up the hse!!!
standing like 5 hours a day and my green veins are so abvious!!!
besides.. gotta tahan my mum unusual change of mood!!!! !@##$%&
sumore i always be the very lucky one... coz always 1 week b4 CNY.. i am always the one free in the whole entire family.... wth!!
means i do all lah!!! wtf!!!!

i am living a hell of boredness man!!!!
u see... i have also realise that i have helping my mum and my aunt doing and frying cookies for the past 18 years!!! hahahaha!!!! and its not for sale sumore!! its for the relatives!!!
hmph!! if u say like doing it wif other cousins.. chit chat and laugh until finish doing everything... den of course is fun lah!!!! do until at night also no problem!!!

last time when small that time.. we always really actually like fighting to fry and to make the cookies... but now... 1 shadow also cannot see ppl volunteering...
but u all noe lah... i very good wan... I DO LOH!!!! HAPPY!!!!!!

but now, i alone do!!! eh..where can!!! damn sien..
facing the cooking wok.. hot steaming boiling oil...
omg lah... like doing *oil facial therapy*

my face is really like OILY!! now i noe how mel always feel and y she always ask me the same question... EVERYDAY!!! "grace..*point to the p--ples* obvious ah???
bwahahahahah!!!! actually i miss the reaction when i show her my *very abvious* face...
hahahahh!!!!!!! if u can imagine her scolding *bi-ch* and den the *lovely voice*

and then... my neighborhood is really 'happening'... because...
they really play the CNY songs and the other kids start playing "mercun" already...
worst case is that... the neighbour living next to me... plays the CNY everyday... every afternoon!!!! =.="
can u imagine how i feel everyday!!!!!! wow!!! i m "so in the mood"!!!!

hehe... this is from mich's blog..
It fascinates me how three people can talk at the same time with different topics.
Situation/Conversation in the car.
Kuak: *was driving*
Me: *silent*
Grace: ah mo's (Caucasian) life not easy one ah...
Ju: W X Y Z
Kim: *points out of the window* MY FRIEND OH!
*it is super duper funny*
and i think only 6 of us understands!!! hahaha!!

erm.... after mov
ie with the JMMKJ.... dat day although is the last day but.... it is like the normal friday movie outing.... like dun feel anything... hmmm... actually... i feel quiet sad lah... at nite dat time went dinner wif jaye in sunway there... den go RACK.. POOL.. USING CUE...

Wednesday and thursday---- rot at home... i can see maggots d... *yuck*

i told her that i will reach subang at about 11 sumthing.... den after that... she start replying really funny and blur msg... of course.. i was blur too...
she was shock when i knock on her pangsapuri door on 11a.m and she was rather in shock...
and only then she told me that she thought that i will reach her place at 11p.m...
super weird rit... i mean...logically speaking lah... who will cum... i mean if u noe me u will noe the possibilities of me coming to find u in 11p.m in so impossible rit!!!!
ok... went pyramid.. walk for like the whole afternoon.. den go rack pool again... den go movie... den go murni again... den balik!!!



IN PYRAMID...gilaaaaa

the nice one....

miss u!!!!!

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