Sunday, February 17, 2008

home alone

1st DAY..
my mum and my brothers left the house at 5.30 in the morning..
so don't know i wake up very early also.. at about 11oclock...
mum jus say don't mess up the house and make sure the house is clean when she's back...
dad went to work.. din ta pao food for me... but he left a bunch of dirty dishes for me..
my uncle left me his dog to be taken care of... and it is currently sick...
then i continued my sleeeeeeep!!

after that... i make myself japanese tako and mushroom soup for brunch...
at nite... i have maggi mee dinner... geezz
din take all those junk food coz.. having bad sorethroat..
well i did really take 8 cups of warm water to make me comfortable..

although i m alone... but i did enjoy the peacefulness.. i mean i had to do everything on my own..
but.. its not that bad, coz its not the 1st time mah.. anyway...
i can online whenever i want..
i can watch the tv as long as i want..
i can sleep on the sofa sambil watch movie and nobody cares!!
i can sleep until what time i like with no one to off!! my aircond!!!
i can on the radio as loud as i like..
i can any where i want...
the best is... there is only my voice, no others.. haahaa!!

2nd DAY

woke up about 1pm... as usual fed the dog.. den went lunch with gene.. suppose to watch movie but at last we end up in jia wei's place.. haha!!! chit and chat bout our secondary life until dinner time..
as usual..went steamboat... along with loong, leo and kai..
hmmm... we are full.. meals satisfying... laugh till the end... quite cheap.. only 16per person and suddenly pulak loong and kai ajak go barcelona....
its still early and all of us are bored so we went there and have a few rounds of drinks...

we ajak tong, yeh and leong also.. so 6 of us at first.. reach there.. drink. quite sian also..
the songs has never updated... boring!!!
more and more ppl coming in.. hot gurls.. but no cute guys... boring!!!
my fren's fren came.. means more ppl.. but all "seafood".... more boring!!!!!!!
15 ppl there.. and i knew only 5 ppl.. oh god!!! jus sit there... drink drink drink..... sienzzzz!!!!!!

all we do there is sit, drink, watch football... went back quite early.. at 2sumthing...

whole body is so "sweeet" coz they drunken "prawns" keep pouring their drinks!! shit!!
and superb "smoke" smelly!!! yuck!!

3rd DAY
woke up at "my" time also...
dad din ta pao also... had mushy soup also... erk!!
last day of my "peace day"
ate maggi mee again... quite jelak d..
hmmm... dinner in mamak... there goes today...
tomorrow i will start study in bst,
hmmm... ppl.. pray for me...

after these 3 days, i thoroughly thinking of how to tel my dad that i want to continue in unisa.. and think think think... i think i will go Help.. coz, besides saving tons of money... its good also.. coz not that many distraction...
i jus realise i played way tooo much..
i just enjoy my college like toooo much...
worry and regret only when results are out.. is a no no no way for me in degree...
*hope so*
i can go up to anywhere to meet my frens.... right??
am i doing the right decision?? *confused*

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