Saturday, March 15, 2008

C h a p t e r 78

updates for the past few days...

on wednesday.. i was very happy and glad that...finally meet up with my beloved JMKJ..X the other M is missing... sad.. not really a great "ROYAL FAMILY REUNION"
did catch up a bit, went ice breaking in mcD with MADELINE and CHEE CHING with XIN YI while waiting for them to finish class..
after that madeline and chee ching went to lecture... but not the others, hmm.. very bad...
did visit jaye's new home... very "warm", comfortable, cosy and .. when u went in the room u can just feel the "love" la... hahaha!!! if u know what i mean..heeheehee!!!
after that i did meet my beloved cute sexy adorable pretty and "missing classes" MELINDA.C..

i've think of one thing.. MELINDA.C is hotter than the spice girl's MEL.C
she can really talk like and M.C
his dad works for MCa
i think when she went out to work.. she will take a lot of MC
coz the way she go to college shows it all...
and i think her company will be the most successful PR company is the whole world..
naming her company M.C SDN. BHD.


had lunch with her.. and then way she off to another destination to meet her gang.. hmm.. still happening as ever...
i was in subang until about 6 sumthing after that went bah kut teh with jaye... ya.. the bah kut teh in MY place...

Friday i suppose to go for the orientation, but i did not go coz.. i know it will be damn BORED!!! and we have to wear the school t-shirt.. and it is even more ugly then the taylors wan... so its a NO NO NO!!!

OK, about my college.. i mean sounds so.. "wah"
actually its 2 thumbs DOWN... so is BOOOOO!!!
lets talk about my new life here...

the WHOLE INTAKE has only 6 HUMAN..
the school aircond is freaking COLD!! like having class in freezer!!
MEL!!! i need my SWEATER back!!!! ok..
for the first time i had BACKACHE!!! because of the stupid chair that is real uncomfy!!!
i only OPEN MY MOUTH when i YAWN!!!
i only SPEAK when i answer question...
ya.. so it actually rains everyday...
i WENT HOME STRAIGHT after class... ya, home... jesus christ!!
there is NO ENTERTAIMENT at all!!!
all of us are TOO SHY to talk to each other...
oh god!! and it has freaking 1 FLOOR...
and the classroom is like the combination of taylor's male and female RELIEF POINT !!!
wow!! so big!!!! everywhere is so freaky..

ok, lets stop complaining about the facilities... i mean what can i expect more.. geez..
lets talk about the lecturer, i was amazed by the quality of lecturer, and they are good...and friendly
finance lecturer- young, somehow cute, and she makes the class interesting.. a bit boring
econs lecturer- she is friendly but she likes to make simple thing complicated... her class the the most boring of i miss mr.andrew...
accts lecturer- he is quite sissy, like mr.andrew la!! hahah!!! his class is also boring!!
business edge lecturer- he is the best coz his class is interesting, i always awaits his class to come.. he is funny and he is sometimes weird.. he makes everyone talks and we might be having our next class by next month in starbucks!! haahaa!!! cooooool!!!!

oh my god!!! i've gain weight!!!!! gotta lose some before.... i duno..
ok.. now i do realise that i really gotta buy some new clothes coz.. i actually got ntg to wear!!!
geez... anyone?? shopping?? no money!!! me better go dream!!! TKK la!!!

oh ya!! today YUKIKO actually called me up!!! from australia!!! me happpy sgt!!!
hey, sorry ya, i was sound sleeping and was very surprise...
if u all wanna know.. she is enjoying her life and uni there... good luck my fren...

i got and interview on monday about the scholarship... so people.. wish me luck..
omg.. monday start class again... and i cant believe i say this..
I DON'T WANNA GO SCHOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =(

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