Monday, March 31, 2008

i now now so damn fucking suei!!!
it is like the worst year of my life!!!
i m so pathetic!!!
bad things just happen to me... not just one thing...
but one things comes.. not even settle yet.. and another things happen!!
not GOOD thing... but BAD things!!!
its not only that...
i mean i am really in like HELL!!!
bad luck just comes and it wont go!!
not only wont go but it comes continuously!!!
and u know what is the "best" thing...
ya.. i damn fucking tulan!! now like everyday i am being nag and scold!!
and i cannot do MY thing in My house!!
my parents are being so UN-NEGOTIABLE and DAMN DAMN DAMN UNREASONABLE!!!
i m like...ergh i dun noe how to explain also la...

i dont wanna go home...
i feel so sick of the damn fucking so what ppl cal home
erm.. again.. not home.. is hell
i just want a place where i can rest my mind and just do my things..
i just want some support from the people who "make" me...
is that so hard...
y u just must b that mean to pour salt into my injured wound?

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