Thursday, May 15, 2008

C h a p t e r 88

nowadays... damn lazy to blog...
not only to blog... but everything lerh!
i think is because of the super hot and heat-ty weather???
but really... i got nothing so speacial to blog about also bah...
just that... nw my mum and i are... well... not argue-ing or quarelling...
hope this may stay on... forever...

my god..
now about everynight.. although i go to bed at 12 but i can just roll here and there until like 3 or 4 in the morning!! omg..
the worst is that...
in weekends.. i wake up at 1 or 2 in the afternoon.. bcoz the aircond is off.. make the room super duper PANAS!!!
when i woke up... i m actually sweating... sigh

since last few weeks..
i have been eating in mamak... almost every night..
"burger ayam speacial.. teh o ice limau!!"
"maggi goreng.. teh ice!!"
hope i'm not putting on any weight.. pray hard no..

this is my almost-everyday-routine

wake up --> bath --> go class
makan/skip lunch --> watch tv drama/movie
dinner --> online chat/spam--> mamak
bath again --> insomia --> watch cd drama
lay on the bed --> finally asleep

there goes the same routine day after day...

a lot of people had asked me a lot of time..
"wat is ur life goal"
suddenly... i got it...

1)go gym and exercise till i get my 6 packs!!! *ahem*
2) change my dinosaur phone
3) gonna go holiday with my friends =)
4)of course... pass my stats...
ADUH... all need $$ have to go work again...

1)gonna MOVE OUT!!!
2)gonna be a workaholic to earn lotz of $$$$

for now...
mamak time...

oh ya!!

to all my beloved "mummies" "daddies" and "grandma"
really miss u all...
we go hi-tea ok... when i got the money ler...

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