Thursday, November 27, 2008


gonnnna buy this in my next salary!!! MUST!! MUST!!! MUST!!!!!!!
i am planning to buy a watch since... erm.. last year... after the previous one "broke down"
hahahaha!!! finally i found my love... =)
but the problem is.. malaysia got ah.. hmm.. gotta find out!!
if not!! i'll fly to US to buy it!! fuuuh.. cakap macam benar betul!!
ciaoz!! gotta save money!! hehehe!! =)


OMGGG.. i am so boreeed..
i dont know what to do everyday.. everytime i wake up.. i would think what to do for that day..
now i rather have class... then have nothing to do..
of course.. some of the days.. i would be working la.. to ganti poeple...

jom la.. kita pergi beryum cha!!
oh ya.. today out idol.. miss VIVIAN!! came back from perth...
we went to the airport to pick her up =)
waited for damn long.. hahaha!!!

joe, kk and eugene are like real FANS holding up banners to welcome her!!
hahahha!! they were really hillarious!!
canot tahan them.. hahaa!!

so.. tomorrow..
and the daysssssss after tomorrow...
any plans?? =)

Monday, November 24, 2008

chapter 128

YUP YUP YUP!!! everything has done!!!
my finals has DONE!! YIPPPEEE!!!
but one thing i am blur is that.. it is a relieve finally finals are over!! but i am not that happy about that.. at least i have something to do.. when finals is coming..
but now.. i got nothing to do...
everytime i wake up, i would think what to do.. LOLSS!!
of course, i will go work sooner or later.. but one thing is.. if i were to work.. most probably i would work as promoter, means i got to stand like 8-10 hours... and time really pass like as if i am in the world of 48 hours a day.. it do suck.. somehow, if i think in the positive way, i am getting my pay too.. just standing..

if u ask my whether did i do well in my exams..
i would say,
i do not have high hopes, i just want to pass every subject that i am taking, finish the 3 years,
if i have the financial support, for sure i will go for MBA.. then continue with my working life.. earning money and spend money.. hahahaha!!

yea.. almost all of my friends are still having their finals...
if not, they are working... or even stil having classes.. or preparing themselves for vacation...
haiz, serioslly, my life now is getting way too bored...
of course there is things for me to do.. but, i just dont feel like doing it.. yea... dont feel like doing..

i cant stay at home, because if i stay at home, only 2 things will ever happen,
that is...
i argue with my mum..
my mum find something to argue with me...
then end up, we will shouting at each other until the whole neighbourhood will know...
i think the only similar things we have is... we have very loud voice...
haiz, i really wanted to stay at home to do MY THINGS.. but.. haiz.. i also duno what to say..

i think i should start thinking of my club's next year plan..
yea...i think i have a lot of things to think..
and the next edufair.. the booth and deco..
the cafe.. the cdS..

what i do almost everyday..
i think i can list out.. because it is almost the same.. hehehe..
i would sleep till the noon,
have lunch with jason and the gang or 38 gang...
go home, watch tv..
and nite.. go pool or yum cha in murni until 12... then
i would go home.. and watch movie or drama.. everyday i would sleep at 3 or 4 in the morning
yea.. thats my life..
or i am way too bored and everyone is way too busy..
i would go to the cinema...
and watch MOVIE!!
its not that bad to watch movie alone... i mean when u watch movie u wont talk also right??

about the gym thing.. i am damn fucking FED UP!!! i tell u... honestly...
DONT Join all those nonsense... if u wanna know why... ask me.. i will tell u... but not here...
S H I T!! haiz.. what to do.. it had already happened.. i feeeel so stupid...
well.. i shall stop the complaining...

oh ya...
i shall also wish goodluck to all Unisa people for their last paper tomorrow..
and also..
yee jin... her last paper in friday... hahah!! (see,i didnt forget =)

still i dont know what to do next...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

MGT -DONE!!!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! lets go lim teh!!! yum cha!! POOOL!!!

really now addicted to pool.. hehehhe... gonna buy myself a pool table... *how i wish*

i would wish all my babies and lovers in UNISA.. good luck in their exams!! LURVES!!

my frens who is sitting for STPM.. also good luck!!!

for me.. alhamdulilah.. if i can pass all my subject =)

Monday, November 3, 2008

C h a p t e r 127

hmm.. its been a while since i update..
nothing new..
nothing speacial..
finals coming..
but my enjin notchet start...
goodness me.. god help me laaaa...

it was nice to meet kuak at starbucks the other day..
she was as stress as ever when finals come..
nvrmind!! she can guess her name right mah.. MKT sure HD la!!
hahaha!! i'm serious ok.. =)

talk about that.. i'm also having my marketing exam..
but... so "luckily"
i'm having marketing and management paper on the same day.. *god bless me*
and law after that.. people.. please pray for me.. =(

wanted to post and update quite a number of things.. but but but but..
still havent got the pics
haiz.. time to change my phone..
speaking about my phone.. when i was having a wonderful steamboat meal in serdang..
i actually drop my PHONE into the "si hang" wthhhh
that meal was the most expensive meal i've ever eaten!!

hmmm.. my college had a halloween event.. and it turn up into like a talent show ><"
i was the MC for the night.. i was darn lucky that i had wonderful partner to lead me..
i am so suck that night.. but at least.. i learn a lot of thing about how to MC an event from him..

ah well... i really cant wait for the semester break!!! i am feeeeliing soooo wanna go out can earn $$$$$$$$$$$ !!! i am really damn POK!!! wth la...

hmmm.. during the 3 months i got lots of place to go.. so neeeeeeed a lotttt of moneyyyyyy!!!
lets see..
-go penang with eugene and the gang
-might go singapore to visit my relatives and myera =)
-go sabah (although not very welcome coz she said "DONT COME DONT COME!! VERY SIEN WAN!! NTG TO PLAY WAN!! AIYAH!! BETTER DONT COME!! DONT COME DONT COME!! U ALL SURE VERY SIEN WAN!! HAIYAH!! DONT COME!!) *OOOPS* peace yo!! sam tham laaa...
-go genting with jason and the gang
-might be going langkawi gua.. still not confirm
-might also be going perth to visit vivian ah!! lols!! air asia cheap mah.. go and return 700-800 only MAH!! *i did not said that CKK said that* haiz.. rich ppl say thing memang lidat wan la..

-petrol drop again.. HAHAHAHAHA!! goood lore.. CAN FLLLLYYY!! still it has already create a big hole in the pocket already la.. KESAN KESAN EFFET EFFECT NEGATIVE STILL EXIST.. painful
-mr. x-defence minister is president of yoU Make No Money??? go join THEM lore.. then got money lore.. ok bo?
-NGO's propose to abolish I Said mAsuk!! wasting time la.. they already say mah. I Said mAsuk no need trial one.. they say masuk..then masuk lore.. can dun wan masuk meh.. haiz.. pathetic
-after so many many long trialsssss.. kambing hitam sure the cops wan mah..coz they boh lui.. they 4 eye guy manyak money ooo.. the daughter drive LAMBORGINI wan leh.. i think so.. if not sure more exp cars wan la.. haiz.. no money.. "jit toh" lo..

so.. the moral of the story is
so people.. money is very important..
ya.. i know money cant buy everything..
but money can buy 99% of everything wore.. CORRECT???
yes.. i am correct =)

ciaoz for now... wanna study already *fuuuh!!*
i'm serious lah!
remember to pray for me for me before u sleeeeep ya!! lurveeeeeeesss!!