Wednesday, April 8, 2009


its been 5 months already..
few weeks ago.. finally the college gave in.. and agreed to sort out things in our way but still with conditions.. therefore.. i totally object with it..
i've been asking the students to stay united no matter as a sign of strength no matter how the other people might manipulate us...
tomorrow will be one of the most important day to me and my fellow coursemates because will be meeting the chairman...we have to really grab the chance to spit out everything that we are not happy about.. must be short, brief but must be the complete picture of everything.. if i were the one talking.. of course no problem la.. but now.. everyone has to talk.. and i really need to guide them one by one so that there will be no errors...

well, besides that, there is also other issue going on.. its just hard to type out in words..
but blehhh... damn tired already with all these..
but in a other way....
i learn a lot of things... in real life! it is happening now! i am learning while it is happening.. and that is a advantage on a students while still studying..
i can see the real "snakes"
i can see real good samaritans.. got in trouble because they are doing their jobs
i can see the real "conflict"
i came to know what is really going on to the business world..
what we always see in the drama or movie... they will say.. in the business world.. no one is the forever enemy or friends.. now, i totally agree to it.. we must always the unexpected to happen to us no matter what..

today i spoke to my friends..
he said i've put my personal attachment into those matter..
and now i'm thinking twice.. its rather true though..
i think what my weakness is,
when a person treats me good or when a person helps me a lot...
i will do anything for him/her, physically or personally
espeacially when after helping they get into trouble...
even if they are just doing what they supposed to do.. or "duty"
still i will feel the guilt inside me..
without me realise, i did put some personal feelings and opinion on some decisions i make..
but it is of course anyhow the decision, it will definitely be the benefits of students..

besides, dont judge a person by its cover, i can say it is absolutely true, well i also can say sometimes there are people who is totally opposite from they look and their attitude..
one can be fierce at times or the facial expression is always in serious mode.. but that person can be totally nice and kind.. will help as much as he/she can.. like a GEM!
on the other hand, a person might look nice and kind, they can speak very well in english.. but in the end that person is a DEVIL inside the skin of the human flesh.. in front of god, he will speak like a angel, in front of the devil, he will speak nasty, and this is one of the most important lessons i learnt all along..

along this matther, i've known what i am suppose to know just to handle things well,
i've also known things that i shouldnt have know, just to keep to myself only..
i've seen true colours of a person which is totally unexpectable
of course there is friends whom they always advice me not to get too involved..
but somehow.. they have to understand.. if i don stand up and speak.. no one will..
when i take up this role.. there is no turning back for me..
if i have stand still.. if i fall back.. everything will turn really ugly tremendously..
if i jump to adp.. and leave things behind to the other ecu students.. it will show how irresponsible person i am..

today around 1 i had a lunch with my lecturer, straight we come to a point where we decided to reform the student council in our college..
so its been a day for me running around to sign the petition to give it to SSD within today or tomorrow.. so i did it... i got 100 names in 3 hours time.. i think it is time to show some "customer's right" and some student power to all those bastards..

hmm... tomorrow i'm gonna meet all of the people up and discuss their "perwatakan"
now.. i do hope that she will not be transfered.. pray to god by all means...
i seriouslly don't know what to do without her...

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