Monday, April 6, 2009


our college is the organiser for this edu fair this year...
its called MAPCU-MQA higher education fair, in PWTC...
from 11am till 7pm
well, if u see the news on Bernama TV , newpapers or radio station.. u shall heard about this event..

on the first day i woke up on 7am in the morning and reach PWTC at around 9...
we have to be there early on the 1st day because there is a lot of preparation to do as the VIPs and the VVIPs are all coming...
all of us were damn stress!
our boss a.k.a Mama(the mkt ppl come out with this name hahaha!!) was so stress and so worried about us whether we are doing things perfectly.. she cant even sit down.. HAHAHA!!!

Before we leave for PWTC


the red armies!!
ready to "CHIONG AHH!!"

me and tashina was the usherer for the day, owais was the MC, Jonathan in charge of all in lobby.. frankly speaking, everything needs to be in perfect order

i'm so proud i'm one of them

the 2 bossES!!

i was also busy though..
my hp credit can just finish like *poop*!! gone!

Mama in pink.. make sure everything is in order

Mama receiving the certificates on behalf of HELP group

all the VVVVVVIPs

then, we have the press conference..
this time.. we can relax a bit
the 3 main watak utama..

imagine i was talking and these reporters are there..

see his face of "relax a bit"

of course, we have our free lunch

then after the press conference and meal..
me and abu was the "body guard" for the VIPs..
i wore my heels.. and its like the skin of my leg is coming off!! ouch!!
we follow them everywhere until they went off..
after all the vips ciao.. it is really a relieve
y YOU din come!!

our booth

Danny, zech,shereen and *i forgot his name*

Hitz FM crew was here..

Adam C

Adam C with the girls!

me and zech

zech and willy

after Day 1, we went to have dinner in Asia Cafe!

Owais, he is forever ready for pics!

martin, matthew and shafi

of course before we ciao, we take the group picture!!
TAKE 1!!

TAKE 2!!

TAKE 3!!

Day 2
we have a tiring day on the 1st day...
so we went to PWTC around 10am

the MAPCU booth..waiting for the aunty in charge to come! wth

go WILLLY the whale!!

Mama and the girls with one the MY FM dj..
but i don know what is her name

the red turn black armies!

aiyoo!! Jonathan.. u fail in model pose la!! tsk tsk

willy is happy because he is saved!!

group picture!!!

TAKE 1!!

TAKE 2!!

TAKE 3!!

finally everything is DONE!!! =)

not forgetting our dinner..
we had it in Bondi Beach, The Curve
a lot of the others went back klang straight..
so dinner was just
me,mama, eugene, owais,victor,martin,willy,abu,tashina,guru,zech, karan, jonathan

ms.katherine, eugene and owais

tashina, me and willy

eugene, owais and jonathan

the gays.. zech and abu

guru just cant stop posing

the one behind this successful edu fair besides mama

u know..
in this world,
there is 1 kind of guys which they can talk without using BRAINS!!
and boost using super big MICROPHONES!!
in the end which we can see him as

this is karan, he say he drinks beer everynight..
he say he is veryyy good!!
so, he kept drinking.. quite fast though
before his food comes, he had finish around 3 cups..

and then in the end..

he was down with 3 cups of beer...
start puking straight after he had his food..
he did not even finish his food..
what a waste
then he cant even walk till he have to sleep there..
tsk tsk.. haiz
kanak kanak.. don lah show off!!
what is so "cool" about that??
he sooo deserve it man!
anyhow all of us had a good laugh on him that night!!

victor and us!! thanks for the jugs beers!!

hmmm.... the dinner was really great.. haha!!
well matthew.. u miss it.. hahaha!!
not much picture were taken because we got no time for that..
although we had 2 tiring day.. but still all of us are very happy and really got the satisfaction out of this edu fair.. we are very happy working with the mkt people..
of course i also learn a lot of thing because this is also my first time working in edu fair..
haha!! and 2 days just passed by in a blink of an eye!

well, luckily today i got no class.. haha!!
i had the most comfortable night yesterday and also the earliest to sleep that day, hahaha!!

its worth all the tiredness after all :)

oh god! tomorrow i've got to do the meetings again.. geez.. really duno when it is going to end.. haiz

1 comment:

DoubleFish said...

fuiyoh, look like dai ga jie... As Usual. haha.