Thursday, April 29, 2010

let's see...
i got so many assignment to do.. but i don't know where to start..
i am so hungry, i don't know what to eat..
i got so many things is mind, i don't know what the hell i'm thinking..

the only thing about this week that is worth mention about is...
i was chosen to participate in one of the market research discussion in KL, but when i reach there, so weirdly, they told some kind of lame excuse, no need to participate, but got 3/4 of the money as token of appreciation..  ><"

i was HUR? until now i still don't understand, but still i would have to wait wei wei for 2 hours, coz she was chosen to participate in that discussion... Cape Square, i went there for a stroll, after when she's done, off we go to Sinbad for a GOOOOOOD food and GOOOOOOD shisha!! hehe..

until then, i'm still in the "drunk" mode :(

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Its been a loooong time

yeah! ITS BEEN A LOOOOOONG TIME!!! today had an outing with Kimmy, Judith, Jaye, Mich Oon and Hui San.. Its been a long time since I meet up with them.. These Taylorians are very busy people!! IT IS VERY VERY VERY HARD TO MEET THEM  EVEN THOUGH APPOINTMENT HAS BEEN MADE LIKE GAZILLION YEARS AGO!! But in my heart, Mich Lee, Yee Jin, Xinyi and Chee Cheng, all of you are present, I can sense u all!! HAHA!!

I missed the K session, but was able to meet them up at S.Pyramid to catch a movie, Be Human, god damn funny weiiii!! GO WATCH!! haha, singapore movies are always up to the expectations.. Then, Teluggong it was for dinner, SCRUMPTIOUS seafood meal!! till the bill goes up to RM160.. worth it but frankly speaking the standard of the seafood seriouslly dropped a lot!! the sup lala is the only dish i felt satisfying.. Was able to catch up with PART of the gossips, stories and dramas!! HAHAHA!!
 will post some pictures up when i  got it from Ju.  


Am I doing the right thing? Or I should forget about it?? F*uk!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


It is now 2.10am, i'm still definitely still awake..
this insomnia thingi just f*ucking up my life!
hell yeah!! i'm thinking what to do!

This week is my semester break, but actually i wanted to do some revising on my subjects *seriously* and START my assignment... BUT as usual, when the mood is not present... everything gonna be absent :)
MY Philosophy!

This new blogger setting thing is sooooo weird, when i press "ENTER" the thing actually goes up to the previous sentence.. ADUH!! I'm soo a tech-noob! My backache is giving me a horrible time in bed. i think i have to go to the chiropractor..

Lets talk about the weather here in Msia *what a good topic* LOL
the f*cking weather is giving me pimples!! on my face!! on my pimple-less face for the past 20 years!! sorry jaye, no offense.. teehee
the very hoTTTT weather is giving me rashes!!! ARRRGGGHHH!!!!
and, i'm SO DAMN LUCKY!! my air-cond is OUT OF SERVICE!!!!! imagine.. shit! its like sleeping in a oven!! and the weird smell from the drain!! SHUCKS!!!

AIyo! I really need to lose some weight! my tummy is HUGE!! ok.. no more beers for me..
so many things running in my mind..
will be helping up Jonathan with the upcoming Klang Superstar Competition and Fete De La Musique..
Hope it goes well bah!

Today Martin leave Msia for Pakistan.. then Vietnam, all the best to him.. and..
now.. the advisor my my club is gone for i think 4 months, my both my Culinary Arts Club in both college is hanging in the air.. wtF!! i'm so going to be so NUMB on all those matters already ... no point doing just for the sake of doing and for the sake to temporarily "syok-ness"!

All of a sudden, i remembered the korean drama, 1 Litre of Tears, the theme song, Only Human by K, amazing, everytime i listen to it,  it touches deep down to my heart.. so EMO!
The drama, my god!! the only drama that can eventually make me cry! I mean in every single episodes!! except the 1st episode.. after that, SHIT! i'm a crying babe!! thnx to Kimmy for the introduction of this drama.

Ohya!  i got my debit card from Alliance Bank, and now i'm wondering..
why I apply that card for?
its not like i have so much money and so many things to buy.. Ciu!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i'm too bored!
but sometimes, i'm confused,
somehow i'm too hungry.. i just finish eating half loaf of butterscotch bread.. and 2 hot dogs.. yea..
i'm faT!
which means
i need to lose weight
if not
it will result to...
larger size when i'm buying clothes!!!!
This is so random

jogging? Swimming?? AnyOne?????

Saturday, April 10, 2010

how la how la

updates updates..

erm... nothing to update la..
nothing really that special... except for it was Ju's birthday :) few days ago..

Specially dedicated to our beloved Judith Yuen Yawn Cheng


my daily routine would be.. sleep, eat, class, snooker, eat, sleep..
yea.. practically like this every single day..
expect, i have mid terms and assignment to hand in..
in which as always... not until the last minute, i just don't have the mood to do it..
i even asked myself, what am i living in this world for..

Suddenly! i got the feeling that i got so god damn many things to buy! Feel like shopping!! but haiz.. tak da duit.. macam manaaaaaa...

my car's condition is making me SICK!!
noises everywhere!!
when i'm driving, i can really feel that my 4 door and 4 tires is going to "peel" off!!
the engine part is the worst!! i don't know what the hell is going hay wire!!

on top of that, feel kinda glad and relieve because finally i'm off my probation period, and i'm getting back my loan this semester... fuuuh..
it is seriousllllly!! a
R E L I E V E!!

after all i've been through from the past year.. its a big NO NO for anything else except for chilling for this semester and my studies... and hope that this year would sail through nice and smoothly..
i had enough of this college.. just let me quickly finish and get out of this place ASAP!!!

my new college..
can't wait to go there, but seriously i still prefer this Klang campus.

thinking of going to a new place..
thinking of the long hours and far distance traveling..
thinking of the cost of transport..
thinking of the cost of living..
thinking of the staying or traveling..
thinking of the money i have to earn to sustain myself..
thinking of waking up in the wee hours of morning..
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!

there are pro's and con's.. but con's are MOREEEEE!!!
but what to do.. gonna move soon.. just the matter of time.. SHIT!

i wanted to stay there.. the money i earn now.. cannot afford to the rental
i wanted to travel, by car..
haven't even mention about the traffics!!!
and the petrol!! and the toll!!!
taking the public transport.. it takes me around total
at least 4 hours!! to go there and come back.. i will become a living zombie!! especially when taking the public transport during the peak hour... confirm GONE CASE!! TAPAU!!!
is either u got the chance to sit, or u got to stand until u reached your destination..
not to say about the squeezing and the "aroma" of it.. *yuck*!!
big time!!

Hailat already laaaaaaa!!