Friday, February 22, 2008

C h a p t e r 68

well, today i suppose to meet ms. jaya.. but apparently i woke up quite late...
so naik subang to meet xin yi and suzanne they all...
had lunch with them and suzanne's dad in uncle seng.. hahaha!!! thnx for the lunch uncle!!! heheheh!!!!
later we went starBUCKS to BUCK up my studies on stats... haiz.. like biasa la.. no mood.. but stilll got do a bit lo..
den chit chat for a while... got ajak mic.. but she very busy... so nvrmind la... *peace*
later went old town makan a bit.. den balik!!!

at 7o clock, went to 'that' college to listen to the talk on ECU.. well probably what the ppl dere talks about what is already been written on the brochure.. quite bored..
and so patheticly only about 10 person attend... yiks!!

ok.. got sumthing at least coz answer some question and got a lucky draw, and i tel u wat i got..
i got and HELP T-SHIRT!!!! wtf!!!!! erk!!!! and pencil and pens and blah blah blah...
1 word.. lousy.. real lousy gifts...

today i feel down in front of foh foh.. and there's a big group of ppl..
freaking malu!!! ergh!!

YES to uce or NO to uce...
very fan ah!!

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