Sunday, February 24, 2008

C h a p t e r 69

stress+ worry + sad +depress +confused +emo +bored +furious +lonely +pissed +tired +sick
= mental abuse + hysterical

hmm.. people plz wish me luck for my stats paper tomorrow...
hmm.. people plz pray for me that i can pass this stats paper...

today, when u watch a tv programme, "a date with lu yu" and they actually visited and interviewed LYDIA SUM.. and i actually grieved for her lost.. because she said a lot of things from the depth of her heart, i saw her really slim down due to her battle against cancer..

there is 2 sentence she said
"i will fight the sickness till the end, what i can do now is take care of my own body, and i just have to leave everything to the doctors because i can now only relay on them"

"i will make sure i survive and will fight till the end because i want to see my daughter published her 1st album, i want to watch my daughter get married... i want to see it on my own and i want to be there for her"

her sentence is really touching and sad because now she had already went back to the hands of god.. ya,i mean.. it is very true that we actually grow up watching her shows and movies.. the best of every part is that her laughter is very 'her'
its her own style.. no one can laugh as loud and as contagious as her..

its quite saddening and quite sudden for her to pass away and i really pity her daughter coz now she is alone in this world.. as what her mum had said before that..
she had not some spend much time with her daughter and she loved her daughter very much..
she also told that the max number of times she call her daughter in Canada was 11 times a day!!! hahaha!!! that is too much!!

her optimistic view on eveything was fantastic, although she was sick but the interview was great.. i mean interesting, as in you would want to know more about her and want to know more, she has also said a lot of meaningful words and sentences that.. it is very very true... *sobs*

plus, she also said
"i am fat, i have no prefect bodyline, i am not as pretty as the others but i will not feel ashamed of it because every person is beautiful in its own unique way, no matter u are fat or slim, u are beatiful"

but really can see that she really loved her daughter and i think every Chinese people will grieve for her departure.. coz she is always the "happy fruit" in every one's heart.... her death is a really great lost to the entertainment industry and the Chinese people..

"bye, fei fei"

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