Thursday, February 28, 2008

C h a p t e r 71

today i actually woke up 6 am in the morning..
went to taylors besides wanna take transcript.. also to teman yin to sneak into the unisa orientation and lepak in subang.. hahah!! coz we are really bored and rotting like shit!!
and of course the MAIN PURPOSE IS TO meet up with mich ja ju kim suz and xinyi and the others lah!!!! about 1 month din see them d mah!
purposely don't want to tel them.. so that can tipu them mah!! hahaha!!!
besides... give a little surprise lor... =)

early on my way up to college, we nearly meet with an accident on federal highway.. actually not nearly BUT already..
in the car was me, sueanne, joe and eugene's driving..
actually was the 2nd time already because the 1st time was joe, he worst, he drift his car..
eugene was only driving 100km/j.. and dunno why suddenly the car 2nd in front jus stopped.. i mean is immediate brake.. very very luckily eugene drove carefully and was driving quite a distance from the car in front..
and very very luckily the car in front of us quickly drove to the side, if not seriouslly our car will jus crash and i dun think our car's enjin and front part is totally gone.. OMG!!
but luckily just a scratch only...
the loud brake sound and the smoke from our car's tyre really freak me out!!!
i tel u, if the car in front didn't "siam".. sure GG ah!! maybe now blogging in hospital.. *touchwood*

ok, "amazing"end of story...
breakfast mamak with the same usual ppl... roti telurrrrrrr!!!!
me, yin, fran, fiona, joe, eugene, hong, jason, sam, louis and his fren... kelvin cant join coz he woke up late *tsk* *tsk*

me and yin curi curi sneak into LT1.. hahahaha!!!!! easy job!!
sat wif frances they all on the 1st half...
sat wif my lovely frens of point 3 and the others on the 2nd half..
but i got to noe new frens.. so worth it lah!
melarikan diri after 2nd half... yes...
pool wif fiona in a.c
den wait for VIP for almost 2 frigging hour,
clothes is full of smell of the mixture of every stall in a.c.. it jus smell soooo good
after that the VIP arrive, not for 2 minute, jason called, and then say bye bye..
jesus christ!!! i m a totally PATHETIC!!!!

and one more thing, i walk UNDER THE RAIN to tbs, jus to take my transcript...
and then suddenly i saw a notice there saying that TODAY it is closed from 2pm!!!
wtFFFFFFFFF!!!! if i came just for the transcipt... i will!!! erghhhh!!!!!!!!

after, i did TALK on the car..
so, i said go movie, den reach jusco, sudden change of mind,
end up talking our secondary lives in nyonya colours...
with frances and jason.. until like 5..
den ciaozzzzzz...

my blog is full of WORDS!!! OMG!!

i m a frigging pathetic little gurl!!!!!!!! I M P A T H E T I C!!! total L O S E R!!!!!

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