Saturday, March 8, 2008

C h a p t e r 74

ok.. suddenly after i bath.. 2 minutes later..
eyo called... then 5 minutes later...
followed jason's car to zouk.... to attend L'OREAL STAR SEARCH
very farney.. but free ticket.. then go lor..

me, cheryl, boon chiew, jason, banana, jian nan went there to support our fren kah yunn...
but kesian la.. eyo and ee ling was there at 5 sumthing and we reach there at 9 sumthing...
hahahaha... kelian.. but nvrmind la... they go "pak to" 1st.. heehee
ya.. she's one of the finalist of the competition..
but.. tooo bad.. she din won..
the whole thing was boring also la..
some of my frens went back before the event finish, imagine how bored is that...

erm, after the event,, we plan to go maison, reach there, seems like so little ppl...
then change plan again, we went barcelona..
but, cannot say we la, coz i did not follow them there...
coz yesterday i jus went... tong's birthday ma... VVIP room.. quite nice la...
i followed eyo's car home at 12.3oam ..see.. i am a changed person..*ahem*
i'm serious ok...

*sigh* no pics coz no camera... me so kelian...

but..before that

hehehehe.... not too late rit... really wanted to go celebrate with u guys.. but... erm... hehehe... u all din tel earlier... sorry lo... next year lah!!!! haaahaaa... tak da pic u la... so...

i give u... a picture of ur favourite dolphin

a brithday cake...
its from the heart.. secara ikhlas.. ;)

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