Sunday, March 9, 2008

C h a p t e r 76

ok.. tommorow i got class at 9a.m..
there goes the start of my degree...
its so fast, now i don't feel like going to college...
its like mimpi... yesterday i was so devastated.. tommorow, i'm going to college...
i think time really flies..

the time table is really weird.. its the 1st week and i already have lecture and tutorial...
sumore 2 hours tutorial... jus like foundation... when i see the others and mine.. mine is like so weird... got tutorial class wan wor... hmmmm...
duno lah!! dun care...
now i'm worried is that i don't know how many ppl are there to attend the ECU programme..
coz it is the 1st time ECU join venture into malaysia college.. so... i duno lah...

and previous tuition teacher who teaches me accounts when i'm in form 4 and 5...
is teaching me again now in hict.. coz he's the lecturer there... so... haiz... same face again.. hope he wont call me like how mr.andrew did.. hahaha... in LT1.. hehehehe... hope i wont feel asleep also... and I HAVE NO ONE TO CRAP WITH!!!! WTF!!!! MEANS I WILL BE SITTING IN THE LECTURE HALL.. LISTENING TO THE LECTURER TALKING!!!!! OH F*********** .. this is real serious problem!!
remind me to buy sweets... ergh!!!!! can bring psp to go play...
and my class always end at 1pm.. except friday.. i got no class..duno is good or not...

ok... not gonna make a fuss about that... but.. i'm scared of being lonely... ohhh... shit....
i really don't know how to explain to my dad about the scholarship and the loan...
like a monkey talking to a chimpanzee... i also duno how to explain la..
and now i know that we really have communication problem... a serious one...
ok.. forget bout that... don't want that stupid prob to effect my mood..

so... i am so not ready for tommorow... its like 1st day to school for the primary 1 kids..
a lot of thing just running thru my head... ya.. like obama running for the president...
very fan ah...

wish me luck people... nitez..

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