Wednesday, March 26, 2008

C h a p t e r 81

today... i actually "sent" my beloved MYERA TAN PICHAY to the KLIA airport..
hahahahah!!! i woke up at 7.30AM to........... call her la!!!!!!!! but at least i called her rit...
but my soul is really at the airport departure hall la.... *sobs*
damn sad leeeerrrrr..... separations do happen when all u can do is to adapt after that..

yup!!!! bye mAnGo...*sobs*
i shall come find u in SINGAPORE when i go back!!!!

ya.. of course after that i went back tidur la.. and i miss my finance class coz i forgot to re-set my alarm...!!! hhahaha!! good also la.. coz... all the class damn bOrInG!!!! i only enjoy business edge class ler...
oh ya!!! today.. we have our B.E class at STARBUCKS!!! wooooo!!! of course la the lecturer belanja us la... ya.. today my breakfast was ice blended mocha frappuccinos... hahahah!!!!!!!

MICH!!! LEEE!!!! SU SU!!!!!
wakakak!!! finally i SPOKE to my new frens.. yay!!!
let me see...erm...
Jeremy- HELP student
Syea Din- SUNWAY student
Gillian- already finish her diploma from this school also
Yee Mei- STAMFORD student
and another 3 still not yet lar, coz they din join us for discussion in library...

sigh.. my problems still not solve yet... can someone just kill me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now only I saw your blog.. Lol..