Sunday, August 31, 2008

C h a p t e r 109

Tagged by ju and mic!! hehe

1. Are you allowed to have a bf/gf?
yes.. but.. nobody wan o...

2. Describe yourself in one word?

3. Have you ever loved someone BEFORE but never had the courage to tell him/her?

4. Who would you pick, someone who really loves you or the one you love?
love me babe!!

5. Does it feel good to love?
ask me when i'm in love.. =)

6. God is giving you just 5 minutes to live, IF you love someone special what will you say to that person?
just look each other in the eyes.. it tells everything

7. What will you say to someone who doesn't want to believe you?
you dont talk to me!

8. Was there ever a time that you tried to learn to love someone?

9. What's your opinion about someone who's jealous?
come on...GROW UP!! how old are you already o..

10. What can you say about playboys/playgirls?

[ACT 2]

1. Best place to cry?
i don't cry =)

2. Who do you love the most?
Family, friends, and YOU!!

3. Ever hated someone so bad?
No.. dont think so..

4. The biggest & most hurtful lie you heard?
hmm.. usually i do the lying.. and... can u lie to me without me knowing??


1. Had a beer with?
yesterday.. merdeka eve with cheryl, jason, ann, soon and the other batangs

2. Went to the movies with?

3. Talked on the cell phone with?
nobody call me oh... *sobs*

4. You hugged?
anyone that lucky?? hahahA!! jus joking... none..

5. You yelled at?
Kim woon


1. Kissed someone?
haha no..

2. Sing/Sang/Sung?

I tag:
Michelle Kuak
Michelle Lee
Judith Yuen
Yee Jin
Xin yi

Saturday, August 23, 2008

C h a p t e r 108

this is really a rough week i can say..
besides getting food poisoning, and ter-hit my car again (the front lower light.. daMN!!), 2 friend got same case food poisoning, 1 friend kena denggi, cannot concentrate in class, seriouslly muscle pain after workout and yea, the following i'll be BROKE until my HQ bank in money to me which i believe will take around a week to do that... although i gave them my slip this week..
i wonder why they need soooooooooooo long just to bank in a small amount of money for a part time employee like ME... wth.. sumore damn mafan!

ok.. besides that, i got to really start studying and start doing aSS!!!ignment...
until, i still duno where to start... shIt
and i still cannot remember my classmates' names... haha..
k la.. remember a few la... i think..

i tel u all... the management in my college is like damn ERGHHH!!
i was suppose to apply for PTPTN loan..
so i ask them what to do.. what to apply lore...
ok.. they tell me..
i go and do everything!!! open this that!!!
and then when i go back and say i am prepare to apply coz i have already got all the documents..
and then he tell me..
"oh, the PTPTN will only be open in OCTOBER" because duno what stupid reason..
they should TELL ME EARLIER rit??!! wtf!
then i no need to go and do all those things like the world gonna end like that for a application which due in OCTOBER!! wtH!!!!!!!!!!

last friday, it was really the 1st time...
i was actually driving from subang to klang with 1 eye open and 1 eye close..
because 1 of my contacts came off...
hahahah... WAT a experience... but if anyone got the chance to "experience" this..
please DON'T.. coz its dangerous.. hahahaha!!! but rather funny.. haha..

i actually kinda like a few Chinese songs now.. haha

which reminds me of SECONDARY school.. which most of us call that as our "second home" coz this is the place we spent most of out time besides home.. haha..

can u spot me?? haha...

Thursday, August 21, 2008

C h a p t e r 107

this was erm... i think many weeks ago..
was celebrating vivian's farewell party before she go over to perth.. =(
and yea.. her beloved boyfriend actually migrate there after 2 weeks...
how lucky...

one station =)

uS =)

the best buddies, vivian and sim yee

ok.. this was when we're in the airport sending her off...
yea.. the both couples in black...

sigh... everybody terbang terbang!!!
i should have hide in vian's luggage rit...
then now i would be in PERTH already!!
hahaha!! work there as cashier in mcD also more than i work 24hours here in malaysia..
Malaysia BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! leh.... la...

Monday, August 18, 2008

i wont deny that money is very important.. it is.. because without money life is nothing..
but is it that important until u make me actually hates you
yeah.. i really hate u..
not only money is worth more than anything, more than ur family
and sometimes you are such an fucking idiot that "ye man" until it is so unbearable!
tell also kena, dont tell also kena, i have really no idea what more can i do..
yeah, just gotta admit, all is my fault, but my stats result, second chance is all i need..
it is so hard to take out both hands and ask for money.. i really hate to do that, thats y i work, no matter i am sick or what.. cant deny my pay is quite good, i can afford to spend and buy what i want and to go where i want to go...

Fuck You.. YEAH!! i m so happy to say this

if you ask me when is the happiest time of my life?
i would say.. as long as i'm out and OUT.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

C h a p t e r 106

my days and life are rather bored!!!
so this is just some random comics of my little cousin brother made by his dad from Mac..

rather small hah.. click to take a bigger view la.. aiyooo!!! i mean U!!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

C h a p t e r 105

seriouslly i dont even think of.. spending money... i mean not more than 50 la..
wanna watch a movie coz its been a long long time since i watch a movie..
i just wanna catch a comedy movie or an action pack...
i also duno how i did it...
and spend bout 500++ for this fitness center membership.. and then every month i have to pay 145 for this thingi..

well.. within this few months i have already considered to join coz i'm gaining a lot of weight like nobody cares!! but...
i never even know that i will sigh up within 3 HOURS!

omg... god bless me la...
hope this membership is worth anything to pay for... =)

dont they have a better design for this card?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

C h a p t e r 104

hmm.. what can i say..
this week is the 2nd week of my 1st sem already...
of course.. i gotta adapt to
new environment, new friends, new life
last time i really beria-ia wanna go college..
but now..
thinking going to class...
talk to no one.. not really close with all those newbies.. class was BORING!!!

can u imagine like...
i sit in the class...
very paying 100% attention on what the lecturer is talking..
not talking... not EVEN mumble a SINGLE WORD...
so guai guai there...
OMG!!! its like... ERGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

and my 1st management class was so BORING until i nearly doze off!
so i decided to skip the 2nd class.. which means today... hahaha!!!!
i ter-skip my 1st business law class also coz... i couldnt WAKE up..
oh dear.. i was once a ALARM CLOCK man... wats happening to me!!!!
but seriouslly no dorongan la... no dorongan in anything...
my life without my SISTAS is so dull...
sometimes i feel so lonely..
i feel so pathetic.. feel so sorry to my life... myself..
many people ask me " hey grace! y u're in subang" wth...
what more can i say.. can i tell u that.. i'm so bored in my new college that i rather spend petrol and money just to come and have 1 HOUR lunch with my "sistas!"

sometimes i am so like!!!
so desparate!!!! in a way like.. i purposely come all the way to pj or sunway just to go yum cha with my frens for like 1 or 2 hours then i go home..
or i will just pump in rm50 petrol and go driving and speeding along the highway...
yeah.. without any direction... but some how will still reach the same destination... my "home" yea..which i call that as so called "home" =(

the friends here and there( i mean in foundation) is like totally different people..
seriouslly.. is like they are so... DIFFERENT!! is hard for me to explain...
no offence...
its like going to secondary school again...
u may think SOMETIMES i'm lame.. but they are like...ERGH!!! way worst!! and some of them.. i really wanna give them a slap and few more whacks on their brains!! coz i really duno WHAT THE HELL THEY ARE THINKING!
the only good thing is that i got no class on tuesday and friday.... hmm..
ok.. i'll stop my complaints for now...

oh god!! 2morow 9 o clock class.. pray hard i can wake up =)

there no reason for me to laugh like i used to =|

Friday, August 1, 2008


dont really got much of funny pics of jaye..
of course unlike ju and mel la..

all i can say about this LADY
she is actually 20 already..
if u see she is older than 20.. go wash ur eyes..
if u see she is less than 20.. go laser ur eyes..

~she is not as innocent as she seem~

sometimes.. she cool... which scares stranger away..(thats my aviator sunglass) *aherm*

FUYOH!! bikini babe!!!

wish her all the best in her studies and relationship..
hope that this sem will be a less stress sem for her... although every sem.. she also stress.. since foundation...
which also..
this is the side effect of too much stress..
either relevant or irrelevant..

besides crazy,
besides likes to eat "lap lap chap chap"
she just cant live without her handphone..
even 24 hour...
is not enough for her to reply all her sms-es!!!!
this is THE prooooooooof!!!

even on the top of the cliff!!!!!

STILL LOVE HER... only on 1st august on any year..
ok.. joking joking

happy burfday again!!!