Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tahun Baru Cina 2009!!!

wooh finally... i actually managed to sort out damn lot of pics of CNY...
now i can post.. =)
this year was a good one because most singaporeans stayed up till 1 week only they went back..

24th and 25th(1st day of CNY)
fruit fight!

then they have dinner at centro..

of course,
after makan... GAMBLE!!!

OMG!! see the stacks of money she has in her hands!!


joanne and steph

26th(2nd day of CNY)
ISNT wei bhin adorable!!

the real story was..
supposing that bottle of biscuit is mine!!

wei yang and ying fei


then at night..
we went to fei's house to make the famous HAKKA dish
which needs a lot of "man POWER!!"
this hakka must eat dish IS...

27th(3rd day of CNY)
the super DEALER!!

that was when she was damn energetic..
this was when she exhausted!!


THEN at night...
all those very very very verrrry delicious food for DINNER!!!




damn satisfying!!


discussion among sistas!!
loaning was actually happening!

aunty julinda damn syok with the money she won

the future generation of beauty queens
miranda, laresa, reniece, yan ni

28th january(4th day of CNY)

aunt shep pheng and aunt janice started dancing..

fei, steph and me

steph, loo, my sister

aunt tricia, my mom, aunt shep pheng

then of course..
the last day before singaporeans went back..
the must thing they eat

CHINESE NEW YEAR is always a good time to be togather..
the whole family.. everybody came back..
just feels good.. hahaha...

today had lunch with melinda and nick..
then dinner with susianne... hahha.. still damn funny..
then went up to pangsapuri which i havent went up for ages!! hahaha!!
chit chat a lot of things.. damn super funny!!!
went back around 10....

i wonder why today i just feels tired... hahaha!!

this semester's timetable is like... ADUI!!
monday and tuesday only 1 hour class... manatau friday class ends damn late!! arrgh!!!

my flu is killllllllllling me!!! arrrgghhh~!!!!

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