Tuesday, September 30, 2008

C h a p t e r 120

some random post..
sigh.. damn sien.. this week will not be working.. coz.. getting real tired of that..
yea.. the pic.. is my new LOVe.. Woody!!

not in a very mood for the past few day..
for anyone i lepaskan geram to.. or i spoke louder and fed up easily..
i am so sorry for that.. hope u all forgive me..

Sunday, September 28, 2008

C h a p t e r 119

my teacher used to tell me..
in this world..
when u do something..
good.. don't expect something in return
bad.. do expect something worse
i always keep that in mind..
and i think today what i have become has prove it..
i am proud of what i have in me..
she influence me.. and thank god she influenced me

one more thing she said to me..
is that..
what u give, not everyone can "apply" it
hmm.. maybe its hard to catch the meaning..

but i sure do know what is she trying tell to me..
in life,
you might think for other people,
you might act what people want u to do,
you might go according to one's wishes not thinking of what ur ownself want,
you might making decision on based on ur feeling not the face,
you might help others without thinking what trouble u will cause to yourself,
you might just go with the 'flow' without knowing the 'current' might sank ur ship,
you might try to do things that pleased other people not urself,
you might telling all those white lies to calm people down, but afraid the lies 'leaks' and get into hot water..
you might take all the blame, in the end people would call u stupid,
you might choose to ignore, but in the end truth hurts more than anyone expected,
you might tell the truth, but hurting others might cost more than everything you had,
you might be cool at times, still u still need a company,
you might think one is all u can trust and one can just betray u,
you might always be the first to show up, but does the other might do that also?
you might think it is ok, but actually it is not ok,
you might need to hear the truth sometimes, but not everyone will tell,
you might telling yourself 'nvrmind'.. but actually u cared a lot
you might say 'its ok'.. but u got hurt so much,
you might laugh but inside it is the totally different situation,
you might be emo at times, but actually u don't know what are u emo-ing about,
you might want someone to be at urside, because u just want someone at urside,
you might want to show you cared in a indirect way, but one can be too stupid to realize..
you might want to prove u are not like that, but second chance was taken away,
you might want to change the past, hope to do better in the future, but when people keep taking about the pass, it 'haunts' and it feel just terrible,
you might want to make someone happy but one just don't appreciate it,
you might just want to be good and show who you really are, show you really care, but cold shoulder give by one might just stab you in the heart.

sometimes, things happen... and it happens..
and it just happens without u knowing why, how, what, when..
at last, u will end up saying 'wtf'

haha.. sorry,
when i wrote this, it JUST happens..

Thursday, September 25, 2008

C h a p t e r 118

yup yup yup..
mid semester break has just started!!!!
i am so HAPPPPPY!!! but also the otherwise..
coz need to STUDY!! time to catch up my studies!!!!!
besides.. i am gonna WORK WORK WORK!!

hahaha!!! but of course.. my legs will be paying the "price"
but also..
i need to finish my assignments also la.. 2 more to go..
sigh... sienzzzzzzz!!!

my routine for the next 3 days

1st day: summit usj working for panasonic roadshow
2nd day and 3rd day : work in ESH (also panasonic)

but but but...
i want to work for estee lauder... but in MV.. petrol exp la!! parking also!! sigh =(

as long as money coming in.. i am FINE =)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

C h a p t e r 117

today is the "guilty day" for me
i think... i killed a puppy today *sobs*
when i am on my way to fetch my bro to tuition
when my car ter-run over the puppy that time..
it was like having a severe heart attack!!
well, i really felt very very sorry and guilty..
but it was the puppy who came up suddenly and its too late to break..
after i break so hard, i saw the puppy still running to the other side with an injured leg..
i think i was so worried bout the puppy that time, i quickly went back to see it..
it was too late..
it just lay down there, motionless, and i don't even dare to touch it..
Oh My God... this really makes me a sinner
i feel so so so so so bad...
the guilty-ness just surround me..
i really felt the uneasiness... uncomfortable
and when i think of the the puppy's face.. i feel TERRIBLE
my goodness.. what have i done =(

Friday, September 19, 2008

C h a p t e r 116

its 3.13am now..
i am still very awake..
my sleeping disorder problem is getting way serious..
my whole body is aching because of exercising..
last time i actually sweat from exercising was after form 5?? hahaha...
oh god.. let me sleep...
i am becoming an OWL!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

C h a p t e r 115

*my blog is becoming more and more wordy!!!*
its my blog!!!
read if u care.. just click other X if u hates reading

Yup!! today is a Happy day for me =)
today me and Sue went " Jalan-jalan Cari Makan" expedition!!
just the 2 of us single and mingle because the others VERY BUSY with their other half.. zzzzz..
its a facinating trip for 2 of us coz its been a long time since we both "pak toh"... heehee
aiyooo.. ppl BUSY mah!!i very understanding wan..

we started off driving no where... until we decide to go makan SEREMBAN SIEW PAU...
we stop by the Australian International School of Malaysia because we've already "plan" for our future "kids" LOL!!
its inside mines.. call south mines.. the environment is OK la.. not as good as we expected.. so AISM... OUT!!

then go makan at the TAI PAI TONG where ...we ate it on the way back from the malacca trip( ja's birthday).. then suddenly feel like eating SIEW LONG PAO.. so we go to Sue's favourite at The Garden's, DIN TAI FUNG.. meet Nicholas.. still looking good..
the chicken soup was nice..
which already cost us about 107.60.. damn giler

then we had our XXL Chicken Chop from Shih Lin.. but still she say Uncle Bob better.. after she finish the whole chicken!! the Oyster Mee was BOO!! dont like it..
then we go shop for a while.. makan in NOODLE HOUSE.. food still OK la.. but don't ever call their desset!! suCK!

off we go SHOPPING!! yea.. that girl is just so sampat!! she just like to take clothes for me... so sweet.. and force me to wear it! NOT too sweet babe!!
but at least i get to grab some clothes for myself.. and a JACKET!! hahhaha!!! finally i found THE ONE!! sigh.. its hard for me to buy one.. either no money or no nice.. haha... typical me..
that hard core roxy fan.. sigh.. 2 hours inside... oMg...

see, choose, wear, BUY!! BUY!!! BUY!!!!!!
how i wish i was that rich to do that..
shop. shop. shop. shop. shop.. i got 2 bangs... she got 2 bags too.. but inside each bag, another 2 bag..or more than that.. adui!
THEn, we went PASAR MALAM!! damn jam, damn pack.. but we had FUN in the car, haahaahaahaahaahaahaahaahaahaahaa!!!!!!
THen, reach klang... makan TAI CHOW with the BUSY PEOPLE...

how full i am..
how poor i am now,
how big is our tummy, maybe just mine la,
how ridiculous large is our perut can store!
how much we spend on this just particular day,
how much Petronas earn today,
how much we regretted not having camera with us today.. haiz

but anyway, we had fun... but no pics because.. she forgot to bring her camera and fone camera rosak.. and mine.. needless to say..

actually, now i realise how much we miss each other since both of us are at the different end of the world since the day we said "byrrr byrrrr" at the airport as tears run through our eyes and heart... sigh.. same case scenario next week.. BUHUHUHUHU!! same watak utama... but this time.. definitely will be a good one..

there's always separation is this world right..
still i wish there's 48 hours per day when i am happy,
24 minutes per day when i am not happy..

tomorrow 4 FREaKING hours of LAW class! *erGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
what to do.. ....
skip class lore...!!! hahaha!!!
no no no!!! NO!!! u've skip 2 hours every week!! NO!! MORE!!
this has to STOP!!
must go..
ok ok ok...
TooDLES!! nite nite =)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

C h a p t e r 114

assignments... assignments... ASSignments..

this week and next would be ASSIGNMENTS and TEST week!!
MKT and MGT test falls on the same day.. which is next tuesday.. which i havent even flip a page on mgt because i am spending 25 hours a day doing my mkt assignment...
i had to skip work eventually this week to finish and brush up everything...
my eyes are real soaring looking at the computer..
management test is first 5 chapters.. and i only know 1 chapter.. GG loo..

well, mooncake festival suppose to be very "light" and "dark"
nowaday, instead of playing and enjoying candles and lanterns..
the kids are actually playing play station, computer, psp, gameboys and ETC...
so.. tak da festival mood betul.. geez

tonight having family gathering at the DING's..
don't really feel like going because i will be really really bored...
either kids or adults.. me=Alone..
hmm.. prefer to go pool or yum cha or some place i can 'communicate'

should I go or not go?

go half half lore... go lore.. tired of facing the computer also..

okok.. i quit quit...
no more come come go go...
fine... *random*


Monday, September 8, 2008

C h a p t e r 113

omg!! now only i realise that my contacts is also in my bag.. geezz. ITS OVER!! STOP GRINNING!!! okay okay..

GOOOOODNESSSSSSS GRACCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! PLEASE START!!! NO MORE FOOLING AROUND!! u've been doing it for the past 6 weeks already!!! *phew*

i need to start on ALLLLLL my assignments already.. because it is all due on THIS MONTH!!!
in less than 20 days!!!!
but i really dunno where to start... especially Management... luckily law doesnt have assignement..
now i know.. which i finally know...
mid term test coming soooooooooooooooon!!! EERGHHH!!!

study mood : where the freaking hell is the ON button!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i cant wait till sem break... DONT THINK DONT THINK!!! finish all the work 1stttt!!!!
nung piang!!

sometimes.. money REALLY can make a r/ship worst huh...
chinese say 'jiang qian sang gan qing' right??
no matter how close.. even blood related.. money matter do hurt the most..
i understand, i also don't understand..

people hate people... u make me hate u
that is why i will never want to be like u..
i am sure i am a better person coz i have such bad example like U.. not to be followed
definitely i will be loved.. not to be hated.. like u

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

C h a p t e r 112

hmm.. what can i say about today...
jus 1 word
damn suuuei!!!!!!!!!!

there goes the story..
yup.. i was so semangat to go to attend management class...
and then i found one beautiful parking spot outside college...
and i park it..
just when i wanted to put my car key in my bag...
out of no where.. also without realising there's someone trying to SNATCH my bag..
and there goes my handbag that is only 2 and a half weeks old!!!!!
and i just look at my *infant* bag got in the hands of the snatch theft... =(
oh my babyyyyyyy!!!

well, i almost fell.. but i think my legs are quite stretchy...
lucky enough because there's no injuries..
my ASSET!!! all GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it just happen within seconds.. yea.. seconds..

but i think i am consider as lucky..
1) i was suppose to take $$ from the bank.. but luckily i did not
2) no injuries inccured
3) i didn't lost my car key , house key and handphone
4) i only have RM5 in cash in my purse!!!! yes.. all in RM1 note!!!!

hahaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hhahahahaha!!!!!

the snatch theft DAMN STUUUUPID!!! i'm unlucky, but so do them!!!! hahahah!!!!
sure they damn za dou when they open my purse!! H A H A H A!!

if tomorrow u see on the newspaper, there's 2 snatch theft being hit by a car and die on the spot..
most probably it would be a metallic colour wira..

have to re-do all my i.c, license, student card, atm card, and all those member card...
DAMNNNN mafan..
after i make the police report.. which take few freaking hours!! damn babi!!!

of course if i can claim my LOST from my dad.. its not really a bad thing coz i get to everything NEWWWWWW!! but if canot claim then really hailat looooooo...

i think friday i need to go shopping already!! hahaha.. if i can get $$$ from my papa..
pray hard!!!! gimme... gimme gimme MORE!!!!

geez, mid term test and ASS-ingnmentSSSS are dueing soOOoon!!! omg!! i need to study already!!
can someone just tell me to stoppp playing poker and start studying!!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

C h a p t e r 111

Happy MERDEKA day... hahaha!!
or should i say,
happy BELATED MERDEKA day!! lame
hmm... this year's merdeka eve was... not planned..
just don't have the mood to celebrate it...
i AM STILL working from 12-8...*sobs*
then went steamboat-ing in setia alam with jason, ivan, david, soon, ann, banana and ME..
hahaha... was a steamboat buffet, dinner was great because i've been carving to makan steamboat for a long time already...
very fulling and satisfying meal.. quite cheap thou.. only 16 per person...
cheap rit.. buffet u noe!! hahaha... ok.. i'll stop promoting..

in summary... 3 place a night

steamboat -->

attend other ppl's class gathering*muka tembok* coz was tempted by the free liquor drinks there --->



so many bola... haha!!

david and ivan (ex-gay) but still love each other *erk*

whose hand?

this was the very tired me drive so far just to makan steamboat..
very tiring and STARVING face.. hehe

the very emo batangs
ivan and banana

cheryl joined in!!
had rounds of bEERs!

me and cheryl

the very beautiful cheryl
too bad we're in a pub not club!! =)

this idiot ivan keeeep showing off his brand new camera!!

2 meals and a beer drinking session really make us have a really BIG tummy!!
hahaha... omg!!! gotta go gym!!!!
have to lose some weight d la!!!
no more MCd!!!
no more piZZa!!!
no more Donuts!!!!
no more bEER!!!
no more mAmAk!!!
no more maGGI goreng!!!!
no more Nandos!!!

no more POKER!!! oops!!!!!! hahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

haha... just talk about it already makes me hungry.. adui!!
watever la!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

C h a p t e r 110

jus have something to share with all of u guys..
from all those e-mails i receive..
quite funny... and nasty... and dirty...

see the extra flavourings??? hahaha!!

