Thursday, January 31, 2008

speacially dedicated to...

and XIN YI
and the other point three DJ's..
and also my fellow frens...

On the month of February,
I have miss you guys already,
since the last day,
I have wondering what you do everyday..
except weekend because it's holiday..
I woke up in the morning everyday,
thinking of how are you today,
as I wish I see you all everyday..

separation between us will happen any way,
because avoiding is really not the way,
as I tel how I feel today,
this is what I feel every single day.

I told myself that there is a way,
where miracle shall take place in certain ways,
but if it's miracle who heads the way,
it will be what I long for everyday.

I may have miss u everyday,
but can't see u everyday,
but in my heart i hear you every single day.

there is so much I wanted to share with you all in any way,
but things just don't happen in this way,
it is so difficult to happen in my way,
but sometimes, it seems impossible in every way.

therefore, i shall miss u all in this way,


and weekend will be off day.. if i am bored any way...

MYERA -saturday
MELINDA -sunday
well, this is not planned,
because it just happens everyday.

I can't say its perfect because i still can't see you everyday,
hope that i see you someday,
telling stories in our way,
where it is interesting, funny, somehow stupid but enjoying every conversation we had in every way.

best regards to all of u everyday,
and in every way,
because this is what i pray for u guys every night before i sleep everyday.

my mood has been down nowdays,
because i miss u too much everyday,
hoping we could meet someday,
forever and ever on that day,
i shall miss the memories we had for the past 337 days,
all the good times and bad times we gone through since 27 March 2007 that day,
we've enjoy and suffered and emo-ed,
will always be a part of me,
because I will cherish every moment we had,
like how I cherish all of you all EVERY SINGLE DAY.............



miss u guys already...


i've wake up...
and actually thinking of what to do...
i tel u.. this is the worst thing ever happen!!
and sumore worrying about the results...

and CNY is around the corner...
and i have no mood at all..
coz most of the will be not here this year...
oh god!!
and now... have to worry about which uni...
damn freaking fed up!
so... wat;s the point...

all i need is just freedom.....
and of course jus some financial help..
often dreaming about it...
when i woke up...
and it is just a dream...

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

today... ECS F03...
early in the morning have to like crack head to read super long passage and sumore have to write 2 essays!!! woh!!
but when i think of tomorrow having bst also early in the morning!!!!
shit lah!! bst lagi terrer!!!!! not only crack head ah!! have to break it and diggg it man!!!!!!
sumore i have to like score damn high in finals jus to "pass"!! shit fuck wei!!! damn regret!!
can i jus turn back time??? i will promise i will do better.... promise!!!
shit wei!

ok due to the ke-stress-ness of studying bst....
there is some shocking changes in the people of march intake 2007...
that is..
kimmy cut her hair... make her more matured...
queenie curl her hair... make her more "maggie"
william gel up his hair wanting to be like "punk" but it looks more like "junk"
hahahaha!!! actually "not bad" lah...
erm... 1 apu-ne-ne... from dunno point wat, go botak his hair...
like the "botak aggasi" but of course aggasi look more hensem lah!!!!

the most surprising is MELINDA CHONG was very early today!!! she reach school at 8.20am liddat!!! OMG!!! i think she really screw loose d lah!!! but.. anyway.. its a good thing...
and a very good thing to happen AT THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! damn smart!! zzZZzz

haha!!! i think next time i cannot go in pangsapuri d lah!!!
hahahahah!!!!! kena black listed d!!! bwahahah!!!!!

aiyooo.... damn headache lah... seriously...
i dun think today i will sleep edi lah..
i really wan to sleep lah... tired leh...
but thinking of bst paper is jus few hours to go... feel like dying!!!
but when think of after the paper!!! hahahah!!! i will go happy and crazy and alive!!!
and will be super sad after dat... coz... we have to separate d...*sobs*
I DON'T WANT!!!!!!

have no mood for study...
have no mood for exam...
have no mood to makan...
have no mood to drink...
have no mood to go mamak...
have no mood for CNY...
have no mood for valentine...
have no mood to spam...
have no mood for anything.. eveything...nothing...

Sunday, January 27, 2008

i shall misssssss...

our foundation is really coming to an end...
means separation has to happen....
means no more morning breakfast...
means no more 20 minutes break...
means no more friday movie outing...
means no more yum cha time after class....
means no more gossiping around...
means no more cam whoring everwhere we go like JAC-KOON!!!
means no more looking for hot guys and pretty girls...
means no more having 'picnic' in the lecture hall...
means no more sleeping in the lecture hall...
means no more bluetooth-ing songs...
means no more bluetooth-ing pics...
means no more last minute assignment...
means no more very very very last minute assignment...
means no more rushing for assignment until the next morning...
means no more tcher locking the door for the late-tees.... and "chili"...
means no more gathering on the "relief point"
means no more borrowing notes for test tommorow...
means no more us "study" until the library close...
means no more borrowing i.d for printing in e-access...
means no more sitting on the guard's plastic chair....
means no more talking as if we are the "BOSS"...
means no more chit chatting until our lips dry...
means no more silly things happen....
means no more stupid but funny things happen...
means no more very stupid but very very funny things to happen....
means no more JUDITH nge-ngok nge-ngok...
means no more KIMMY chasing after bus...
means no more MICH LEE cam whoring with everyone...
means no more MICH KUAK suddenly fell down...
means no more JAYE extreme mood swing....
means no more ME teasing around...
means no more MYERA mango-ing around...
means no more MELINDA coming late for class...
means no more MUN MUN quote-WTF!!!...
means no more ALICIA missing in action...
means no more JOEY funny presentations...
means no more NICK emo-ing about his bma...
means no more RON came to class as the only guy...
means no more ENG SIM mushroom hair...
means no more RON.E weird presentation...
means no more KAYVIN forgot to bring his eng textbook...
means no more LEON and his recent "cap"...
means no more YUKIKO with her laptop and her magic...
means no more QUEENIE suddenly "spray"
means no more CARMEN quiet and cool sty-lo look...
means no more VIJI cool looking t-shirt....
means no more BENAZIR cun cun handphone.....
means no more....
means no more....

Saturday, January 26, 2008

.::how i wish i can turn back time::.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

24-01-2008..... alone....

hmmm.... today, i woke up... take my own sweet time....
bath, eat, drive, and nearly bang a harrier!!!! omg!!!! i am seriously damn lucky...
and then... i alone found a perfect parking just in front of the main door of adp... very sui sui!!!!
but the weather was super hottt!!!!
sweating while driving alone....
went to library alone... thought i was alone.. but later meet nick, sim, ron and gurl and friends there... butt we were in separate table lah!! of course!!!!i was at the other table alone
adp library was so noisy!!!!!
and another thing was that!!!! the DISTRACTION!!!!!
the guy behind my table was sleeping... so i sit another that i wont see him....
manatau!!! another gurl come sit in front of me... she SLEEP also!!!! walau eh!!!! mana boleh!!!!!

when i started revising the pathetic bst alone.... only i realise that my test was like... i mean i will know how to answer if i just borrow someone's complete answer and just do some exercise!!! my god!!!
i swear i will know how to do!!! i feel damn freaking regret and damn guilty for not even touch my incomplete tutorials and jus borrow one and fotostat!!!!! god!!!! i am seriously gonna GG!! if i continue like this....


i would like to take this opportunity to thank miccccccccccccccc!!!!! i mean kuakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!(p/s dun say wrongly.. is kuak not kuek... and when u say it pls dun sound like quacking)
because jikalau bukan she teman me makan lunch... i will sure be like sohai like that eat alone for this few days.....
this is my deepest appreciation to her.... and to her only..... *sobs*
better than some of my other friends prefer to stay at home online and keep complaining about the boredness lah... hoh!!!! JMKJ... and X... and M... and another M!!!!!!
k lah... i was just joking... jus that i miss the times we hang out and talk crap already lah....
i miss the point three's DJs edi lah.. hahaha!!!!!

sometimes... i feel just like a loner...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

"amat" day

okay... today is a public holiday...
i have promise myself to start on my bst from today onwards...
but things just don't go as far as i plan...
it is so uncontrollable that.... i cannot control....
i have been out as a driver today... my goddd!!
straight after i woke up..
i fetch him to tuition...
come back... bath... eat brunch...
then fetch my mum to the dentist.... make an appointment... also on today later...
then go buy cookies for CNY...
went home after that....
half an hour later... went to the dentist again....
waited for my mum for like dunoo how long.... playing my gameboy while waiting....
then... dunoo y my mum ask me to go in...
and then... kena!!! trap!!! lah!!!!
then its my turn to sit that scarry green chair with lots of "sterile tools"
then.. there goes the procedure of
"knocking... hammering..."
then done... then pay... then go home...
then have absolutely no mood to study at alllll!!!!!!!!!!!
despite that... i have no mood to do anything..
oh my goddd.... i promise tomorrow i will start doing something.... and it's a must...
tomorrow i will do nothing but anything bout studyyyyyyy!!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

ni men hao ma??? wo hen hao because wo bu hao...

hey guys... hey meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......
finals is just around the corner..
are u prepared for it???
me... no... no... nop...
kinda tired of all these already...
i will try to do my best lah.. of course..
i don't know...
gotta do some serious decision on which uni to go with my damn sucky result....
i hope some one will just do and plan everything for me according to my wish...
and then it will be more not really that complicated...
so... just hope things will turn around for me in the year 2008...

i remember the poem we did in secondary... "the road not taken"
and now i m just wondering..
have i do the right choice on what i m doing now..
or should i take the road that less people has taken...
when i have the choice before i started this course...
no regrets coming here because i have meet very very good frens... that worth to remember for life....
nice but expensive college life..
have i chosen the right road......
whispering to myself everytime when i am alone..
think-ing.... thank-ing.... thunk-ing.....
but i still have no idea...
what a looooser!!!!!!!
omg!!! stats... the second suckiest subject i've taken ever after bma!!!! i hate u!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008


You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.
You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.
Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.

You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something.
You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense.
You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.

You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.

You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily.
You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind.
A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable.

You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.

You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.

You are the total package - suave, sexy, smart, and strong.
You have the whole world under your spell, and you can influence almost everyone you know.
You don't always resist your urges to crush the weak. Just remember, they don't have as much going for them as you do.

You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.

You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning?

is it true??
u decide..

18-1-2008.... still in shockness not "syok"ness

this is the last day of my foundation programme in taylors....
well.. class was as usual...
well... the feeling was also quite the same....
haizzz... same as the previous blog....
separation again...
who likes it... and who don't hate...

well... i was quite surprise..... ok!!! i was very very very very very the surprise!!!!!!
its not a bad thing... but its a very very very very very very good thing!!!!!
i was like wow!!! and huh??? and ok... and O M G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now... haiz... i have spot the difference... but jus dunno who is that... u noe la... curiosity jus makes people wonder rittt....
and then now i noe.... yayaya... although i m the last to know bout it but... still worth the knowing mah rit... better than dunno mah... hahah!!! opimistic!!!
can't really say much.. coz.. haiz... hahahahahah!!! too happy for u lah...
like what mic say... its been too long since we have this type of...feeling.. and news mah...
hahaha!!!! SERIOUSLY...i m still trying to believe... i m still in the shock of "woah"!!!!

ok.. u see ah...
mich always call her as JA
now she is J & A.....hahahahaha....
plz!!! listen patiently to my interpretation!!!!!

now J&A is like M&G, m&m, G&H and others.......
and so ngam J&A is JA JA....
woah!!!! again...
i think this is call jodoh!!!! takdir!!!!! fate!!!!!!
anyway... congrats ya....
"zao sheng gui zi"
"bai tou dao lao"
"zi shun man tang"

okokok..... nowadays i like reach home like 3 o clock in the after noon!!! unbelievable!!!!!!
but nevermind lah.... march point three school days are over d also....
and plz... no more surprise anymore... can't take it.. later heart attack!!

and one more.......
now only i realise..
everyday in college we AT LEAST need to camwhore 1 time....
i tel u!! at least!!!! 1!!!!
gosh!!!! we are superb!!!!!

farewell.... ying fei and ying loo =(

people say separation is one part of life...
as what they is true but is very hard for a people to face it and take it...
but sooner of later we gotta face it alsooo...
well.. they are going Adelaide, Australia to further their studies in pharmacy..
fei is going there for 3 years and loo is going there for 2 years..
is very saddening for me because both of them are like sisters to me..
i always consult them more than i consult my own sister....
we played and grow up togehter since we're born!! hahaha
we are as if living together because my hse and her hse is like front and back....
we always go mamak and sometimes watch movie together......
go shopping... well... they are straight A's student and i m the totally opposite... hahahaha!!!!!!!
they like to stay at home but i m of course the otherwise!!!!

IN THE AIRPORT = 7-1-2007

this is when the tears come down... after tahan soooo longgggg....

we chase them until we cannot see them..

wellllll... i just hate this feelinggg...

but who loves it.. unless u hate the person...

Friday, January 18, 2008

new year 2008 + open house

on 31-12-2007..
my aunt has her open hse in her new home in setia alam....
n so happen is the open hse and the celebration of new year...
all my relatives from singapore and malaysia have already came here to celebrate also..
and also so happen i wanted to celebrate with my family and my friends in the curve....
so... i went to my aunt's hse 1st and then only join my classmates in the curve...
actuallllly... i quite regret lah, because in the curve dat time is so super duper damn jam pack..
until like is hard to move and also seems impossible to contact each other....
after seeing this pics i also like... ok lah.. i have fun also lah dat day in the curve..


jia hui and karen

big kids in playground

the arrival of mr and mrs. VIP

xing ling's favourite kick-a-poo!!

nice pose!! steph!!

yan ni and "tai qiu"
arrival of guest

fei's friend... macam model catwalk je!!

thns to heng yi and hong zai for taking care of the fliessss!!!

aunt jolin with her new babe, magic!!!

before the party...

fei's friend

ok... the belated christmas present ceremony
have to sacrifice kiss one leh!!! so rugi!!!
nvrmind.. after 18 sudah tak da lah!!!
hahaha!! its a good thing also..

best pic of the year 2007!!

mahjong before dark

mahjong after dark

well... apparently... i din have the pics on the curve wan.. so...
erm.. u can visit mich's blog for the rest of the curve's pics..