Sunday, August 26, 2007


well... yesterday...means saturday.... i really wan 2 spend my whole day 2 buck up my studies and homework one... but i was out da whole day... geesh!!
i fetch my bro 2 tuition... fetch my mum 2 visit my great grand mother...
den go 2 da curve wif my cousin.... den at nite went mamak 2 meet up wif eyo,jun hong, vivian and sim yee.... had quite a funny nite.... den go home sleeeeeeeep....

walau eh!! i havent do anything leh!!!! even 2day i oso din do anything...i have tons tons tons of work 2 do n revise... seriously i m really slacking.... shit!! can sumbody plz control me!!!!
and my table is full of paper,notes, and rubbish!!!! geezzz.... sumbody can clean n tidy up 4 me???!!
okokok... i wil clean up later...
eng proposal due next week! i havent prepare yet!!! on my goodness!!!!
can sumbody brain wash me 2 bcum rajin a bit ah??? haiz...

Friday, August 24, 2007

yesterday... damn!!! after bcp lecture moral was cancel... damn damn!!! bcoz it was da last minute cancel... i knew it when i was coming back from my hse!!! coz i borow ron's car 2 take my moral... coz i m damn blur wif al da assignment.... i want 2 ask tcher also rain damn heavily dat day....
even da sky cry 4 me... haiz//
jan was back in subang n we meet up n have lunch at noodle station...
he was as usual tall,strong n tallll... when i stand bside him... i m so dammmnnnnn short...
den after dat took cab 2 one u....
we go 4 movie.."perfect stranger"... i was damn lucky coz i m stil under 18 but i can go in... he he he....
b4 da show start.. we went 2 shop 4 a while.. melinda join us later... but den she din join us 2 movie... she had her brunch.. michie go every shop dat has da possiblity has da bra strap she wants...
she is damn desparate 4 dat... kimmy was complaining bout da transport....n i was really annoyed coz i did promise her 2 fetch her back....haiz... is liddat 1 lah... "dai siu je" mah... alicia is da worst...
she got lost when b4 da movie n also we canot spend more time in 1u bcoz of her... she ajak her frens d 4 dinner at 5 but she stil folow us go... after we finsh da monvie... we have 2 rush back bcoz of HER!! walau!! i was a bit piss... but anyway... she did kena a bit of scolding n lecture by me,michie n jaye.... so.. guess is fair edi.... n also bcoz of her... i miss my dinner instead of having a nice dinner in 1u... haiz...
after dat went back wif kim woon by ktm...

*wil post pic later :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

no happy but happy..

well.. today i m a bit piss off but happy coz moral cancel.... ha ha...
i m piss coz yesterday i do my da stupid moral until like 2 am in da morning!!!!
walau eh!!!!
but i m happy coz wat i did 4 da moral is al cra
p crap crap!!!! haha!

n now i damn dun like english class now coz it is so damn boring!!!! canot tahan!!!
ms. sarah really tot dat she is teaching da secondary students.... damn irritating....
2day i went 2 da stupid library workshop dat is so wu-liao!!! damn!!! so dat i can borow books from the library....damn!!!
but but but butttttt i did saw those adp hunky guys!!! wow!!! they al r hottttt!!!!! wowww!!!
den i borow 3 books n i dun think i wil read al of them.... obviously..

came back bout 5... bring my uncle's dog, u-jin go peeeeee..... n i was damn tired.......
n dis cycle continue 4 da next 3 days... pity me... but i think i can lose sum weight...
my tummy damn big man... hav 2 do sumthing wif it edi..
i was damn scares when i take u-jin go peeeeee coz he really has a lot of enemy... i oso duno y...
espeacially my neighbours dog... once they c.. they must fight!!! SURE!!!
i think u-jin often steals other dogs gurl gua...

ok ok ok ... esok ada bcp test n i did not touch anything since i eat my dinner.... n i was watching tv sumore.... haiz... i m damn tired but canot sleep coz havent study my bcp... haiz...
i wan 2 go c movie... but dis sem everybody is damn rajin... duno y... mayb coz i m lazy... hmmmmm..may b gua.... okok... wan sleep d....
okokokok.... i admit!!! i haven't do my moral asignment!!!!!
walau eh!!!!
okok... bout 9 sumthing i go yum cha wif lantong,long yeh n ah fa...
da mamak is damn smelly n ergh!!! dats da last time i go there...
okkok...i wil start doing now...

Monday, August 20, 2007

hari AHAD...

wake up n do ntg.... online...suddenly think of homework...
my fren cal me up 2 ask me bout da moral assignment..went 2 lan tong's hse 2 do homework.... moral...
we chat n tok n online.... n play wif her younger sis,kelly..... she is funny,cute n a bit ganas...ha ha
i think her brothers influence her a lot....haiz...

den after dat bout 9pm... we went 2 asia 2gather...
i did ajak mich kuak n jaye but they oso dowan 2 cum out..den nvrmind lah..
me,lan tong, long yeh n hang loong.... we did play sum round of pool...
plus 2day is da liverpool vs chelsea match... asia is damn a lot of ppl...
but in asia club is oni a few ppl...... after pool.. hang out 4 awhile...den went back...

later den i realise they i really have a dark n black eyebag.... o m g..
so have 2 sleep early edi... but last saturday i did sleep 4 more den12 hour.... weird...
2morow i have 2 rush 4 moral thingi edi...
so wish me luck....
aiyoh!! i haven't do econs tutorial!!
okok...i go do now.... chiaoz!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

friday and saturday

erm.. ntg really happen.. i mean dat tak da special thing happen lah....

fri-i admit i was a bit emo coz i woke up late n kena sum lecture by my uncle... dat really spoil my morning... plus.. i havent finish my econs lec2 which means dat i most probably get low marks on my test....haiz....
but after dat class i oso came back 2 normal oso.... N
after we celebrate in da classsss..... n suppose 2 go makan lunch..... but when i reach ground floor... damn pathetic... oni me,kimmy, mich lee n juju... but juju left 5 minutes later...damn!!
okokok..i understand... den we go adp makan....
den go pool wif william... o m g!!! he is damn damn damn keng!!!! he sapu me every round...
anyway..he did teach me how 2 play... n i practise... wow!! *thnx**

sat- oso ntg really happen... jus dat at nite go yum cha wif vyn gene,jia wei n hang loong...
i ajak them go laundry but they say very far... n den we jus go 2 eng ann mamak lah.. same old place... we tok from 8.45 to 11.30 pm.... time flies man....
den after dat den go back loh....
liddat loh haiz...
2 days jus pass liddat...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

damn last minute!! biasa lah!!

2day as usual.. damn sian coz da whole day is lecture...sianz!!!
but wat is really nice is moral studies we oni do 2 hours... minus da 5 minute break is
1 hour 55 minutes!! hahaha!!!! althogh it is jus 1h55m i think most of us oso din really listen except 4 da damn damn rajin leon.... he is so gila.. until i tot he has a "sickness" dat i so cal study-addict....
ppl is drug-addict... food-addict...chocolate-addict.. but he is tak sama 1...
da 1st ever case in malaysia... study-addict..... S I A O!!!
n da FOUNDER of dis "sickness" IS.... ME!!!!! hahahaha.... (p/s= no co-founder is allowed!)
most of them is studying 4 2morow's econs test....shit!!! i havent study yet!!! tiu!!
anyway...i play da "conquer" game wif jaye during da moral lecture.. damn damn wat wei!! da war is so che-kik!!! so sengit!!! but damn!!! bcoz of i miss 1 step...jus 1 step...jus 1 bladdy step...n BOOM!! i kena n lose da game!! walau eh!! ~!@#$%^&* n she is damn SS!!!
haha!!! she play until her hands is shaking!!! haha!!!
n wat 2day is so amazing is dat nick actually is doing his math h/w!!! dis is really walau eh!!!!
n he ask me... walau eh!!! me sama situation wif him lar!!! well.. mayb jus a little bit better..hahah.... wat doctor say is sumtimes true..dat is miracle can happen!!!! hahaaha!!!
saya disini ingin mahu meng-apologize 2 kimmy NG dat i m soreeeeeee.... i really dunno how da hell ur paper is wif me... dunno lah...

after clas suppose 2 hav eng discussion n mel is not here oso...SO ngam ngam nick ajak go makan rojak den... hehehe... den cancel d.... haha!!change 2 online discussion....
haha...we pergi rack 1st coz hav 2 wait 4 jaye 2 cum here coz she go bank mah...
oso as usual... nick wil go fooos-ing wif his fren...
me n joey play pool!!!! nice... joey did teach me sumthing bout playing pool...*thnx*
now ooni i noe nick care bout his car dat much!!! coz i seldom hear ppl go n polish da car seat n he is 1 of da cases... dat really shows dat he cares 4 his car very much n he is damn freeeee.... car seat oso wan 2 polish... sumore he say he polish da car seat himself!!! another 1.. s I a o!!! L a N g!!!

n my leg is damn pain... n almost fell about like 3 times in da way to ktm... f***
coz eat dat time standing..den walk from pangsapuri den after dat walk 2 ktm... sumore wif my heels!!! duno how many km i walk d...
my leg got blisters d!!! stupid!!

hahaha!! finally we have our research question!!!
thank goddd~~~ we have our online discussion..hahaha... damn funny...
joey cant hear me n melinda coz he is at cc n he has no speaker....coz me n mel is using da mike...heeeeheee... poor joey!!

after much cursing n crapping... we finally cum out wif a question dat we al canot giv point spontan-ly n dats our research question....ergh... sumore hav2 do da mind map=stupid!!
aiyah c hw 1st lah!!

aiyoyo!!!! i havent revise 4 my econs!!!! n is jus like less den 12 hours 4 me 2 study ni!! n i feel very sleepy d!!!! shit!! how ah!! i dowan 2 screw my econs test like wat i did last sem d!! WTH!!
okokk... i go study now!! dun kacau me!!!! bye!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


as time goes by... people grow and people go.....
2morow we have 2 face da stooopid BCP common test....
n i dunno wat da hell is it about....
so fast.... its da 4th week d... damn fast lar.....

2day when i jus sat down n day-dreaming..... i actually was afraid...sad... n very sad...
coz when i think of most of us is separating next year...i mean after da foundation year....
i damn hate n dislike separation.... mayb my face wil b stil laughing al da way...n doing stupid things.... but when it comes 2 separation... feels damn suck man...
i noe when i was f5... i was laughing al da way...but i was crying inside my heart....
i'm a human with humane u noe!! *buhuhuhuhu*

yes yes yes...i noe... it may b still early 2 say dis... but believe me...
poooop!!! without us realise it....gone!! boom!! no more!!!
although we still sumtimes hang out n go mamak.... but it is not da same anymore...
its true man... no bluff bluff...

dunno lah... i suddenly feel so emo.... jus feel liddat lah.. mana da explanation 1....
k k k ... i wil stop emo-ing.... 4 now....
hungry lah... wan 2 go makan d.... tata..

Monday, August 13, 2007

a lot!!! banyak!!! many!!!! so much!!!! so many!!!!

aiyoh!!! banyak benda mau buat la!!!!
but i jus dunno wat n where 2 start.... luckily 2day stil ada mood 2 do sum revision....
do a little acc n econs..... BCP is like a total stranger 2 me....
i dunno "it" n "it" dunno me.....

i did promise myself dat 2 day i will not go online but finally i stil cant resist it...ooohhhh....
canot tahan lah!!!!
walau eh!!! thinking of wednesday i wil b damn damn damn sssssaaaaadddd!!!!!!
coz i have 2 attend da stupid bladdy idiot BMA comprehensive......
haiz... i hate wednesday now.... benci betul!!!!!
will sum 1 teach me bma??? okok.. i wil belanja u banana java chip....okokok????

haiz...S I E N Z....
monday jus gone...poooops!!! liddat...
time flies man!!! n it is flying fast.......

hahahaa....erm... 2day i dunno y i keep on TERstep michie kuak slipper n kuak kuak!! sry ya 4 DESTROYING ur slippper..hahaha....
i buy u GAJAH gum okokok!!!!

dats it 4 now.... aku mau pegi oik oik d... mayb do sum econs 1st..duno lah!!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

suNdaY moRniNg..

2day i actually wake up at 7.30 TO attend my school's marathon..... DAMN RAJIN!! siao man!!
i take my own sweet time taking my bath...n dress up coz i drive there mah...
haha..when i reach there is da event is already finishing...but i stil go 4 da sake of fun.....

i did saw eliza,nicholas and boon kai.... al in form6...
n now oni i noe dat beng shern is actually is in a relationship wif eliza!!! hahahah!!!!!
walau eh!!! n we tease her al da way until she go back.... hehehehhe!!!!
she is damn blush!!!! wakakaka!!!! anyway.....
vivian... if u c dis plz plz plz dun b sad ya.....
eliza told me bout their life in form6... walau!! damn fun wei!!!!!
anyway... i noe i cant go form 6 bcoz i noe i wil sure drown there!!!hehehe!!
i oso saw ying shi n zee yee n their classmate there 2... but they jus came 2 collect sum recycling barang 4 their club....cheh!!! i shuld have noe u al where got so good 1!!! udang sebalik batu lah!!!

well... i did help out there.. da most do there is lepak-ing around.... n i've round n lepak da whole skol 4 about jus a few thousand times... seriously... i m damn boring....i did chit chat wif sum of da tchers....n they did giv sum compliments (thnx!! love ya!! tchers!!!!)
coz i have 2 wait 4 kai ying 2 fetch her back...*alone+sienz*

i went home n eat WANTAN MEE!!!! YUMMY!!! i damn long time din eat d... in asia 1 damn sucky man!!! no wantan mee standard at all!!!!!
later dat time i wan 2 do my work... but but but.. same kes lar.. tak da mood....
so i did ntg 4 da whole weekend.... KAO MENG AH!!!!!!!

o M g!!! i havent revise 4 econs n da i dunno anything bcp!!!!! TIU!!!
n i oso havent do my econs tutorial n eng proposal!!!!!
MATI!!! DIE DIE!!!!!

jus now i jus fetch my mum n bro go makan dinner... hehehe... da gud thing is dat my driving skill is getting better!!!! i have confidence now!!!!hahaha!!!!
u noe y!! coz my mum din shout in da car!!!! WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
really hope dat i can drive 2 skol soon.... but have 2 let my dad 2 regain confidence 1st!!!!
dat means i MESTI pass my bma!!!! n pass everything 4 dis sem!!!!
I CAN DO IT!!!!!! YES I CAN!!!!
i canot afford 2 let him down again!!! no more man!!!! tak boleh!!!!coz no outing wif frens damn make me damn depreseed!!!!!
alah!! cakap je!!! buat lah!!! w t h!!

ohh!! i wan 2 go do my work d!! sumore 2morow hav 2 wake up at 7 but clas start at 10..damn!!
*i think i wil do lah.. mayb*

Saturday, August 11, 2007

heY!!! it'S mE!!!

secara RASMInya dis blog dirasmikan!!! *band playing*
sry ya... pak lah is busy... so can"t cum...

HEYAZ!!!! dis is my 1st blog!!! hulala!!
anyway.. i create dis blog i bcoz i m soooooooo bored!!!!
although i have tons of work 2 do!!!!

acc--bladdy stupid homework!!!!
econs- do da presentation,and da assignment!!
frankly speaking--i m damn suck in research...

wat da hell!!! saya tak tau buat lah~~~~!!!!!

2day i wanted 2 do my homework... really wan 2 work..but, i duuno y i jus cant work!!!
S H I T!!
i have a lot of thing 2 do lar!!!!
but but but.... haiz.....

same old thing i do at home....
wake up,eat,sleep,online,do work(say oni mar), eat, sleep...

at nite i suppose 2 go 2 da SALLEY YEH concert in setia alam... but oso tak jadi...
sumore i got free ticket....haiz...

I WANT TO GO!!!!!!!

although she is quite old... but her song is nice...
da older she is... da hotter she gets!
O M G!!

BUT... go there very sesak 1 leh....
banyak ppl n cars...
anyway.... i m still at home when my cousin n her family went....

i suppose 2 go my grandma hse every saturday... but 2 day i din go..... coz damn sian lar..
n i curi curi go 2 jaye's place... hahahaha!!!!!
i have 2 buy sumthing 4 her 2 eat..bcoz if not she wont let me in....*ish*

anyhow..i jus bought 3 packet of chips.....
da funniest thing happen is dat she got shock when i knock on her door 2 loud.... she got shock
n she tot is da those mangkali who knock on her door....damn gila lar her!!! haiz....
she oso got her roommate kan chiong!!!! hahaha!!!
both of them got shocked!!! 4 nothing.....
jaye laugh al da way.... haiz....gila 1....

n den she keep complaining about da show...SUMMER LIVE CONCERT....
wat oso she can complain.....
den suddenly she wan 2 eat pizza...den we oso cal lah.....
when da pizza guy knock on da door oso she likeeeee.... u noe lah.... again....

well... later bout 10.35 liddat i went home....
haahah!!! luckily i came home in time...
heheheh...after bout 10 minutes my dad came back....
if not den kena kao kao!!! haha!!
n now i remember dat i havent take my dinner.... walau eh!!

okok..later i wil b awake until like 3 or 4 a.m 2 continue my japanese drama "1 litre of tears"
wow!! dis show is damn emo emo emo!!!!!!
cant blief it!!!! i did cried in da previous few episod....
da show actually melted my heart.....ohhhhhhhhhhhh.......
i think i shall have my supper.....
erm.... maggi mee or campbell mushroom soup????

oops...2morow i'm going 2 my ex-school's marathon... kwang hua run!!!
but i dunno i go 4 wat leh....
may b do sum visiting... but my fren al not going leh.... should i go???
if i go den mayb i wil go duty gua....
stupid eyo ffk me!!! i put ur head in da toilet bowl!!!
haiz... go oni lah..anyway at home ntg 2 do oso...

wan 2 go watch my japanese drama d!!!!
i tel u al wat wil happen 2 AYA!!okokok... i go c now...
chiaoz!!!!! nitez.....